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Volume 39 Issue 4
Aug.  2021
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JIN Xin, SONG JinMin, LIU ShuGen, SUN Wei, DING Yi, DENG ShuangLin, XU ZhiXiong, XU HongYuan, LI LiJi, LI ZhangChang, LANG YueZhu, FENG MengYuan, XIE GuoLiang. Characteristics and Geological Significance of Tempestites in the Daqing Formation, Xinjigu Area, Xichang Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2021, 39(4): 908-918. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.034
Citation: JIN Xin, SONG JinMin, LIU ShuGen, SUN Wei, DING Yi, DENG ShuangLin, XU ZhiXiong, XU HongYuan, LI LiJi, LI ZhangChang, LANG YueZhu, FENG MengYuan, XIE GuoLiang. Characteristics and Geological Significance of Tempestites in the Daqing Formation, Xinjigu Area, Xichang Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2021, 39(4): 908-918. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.034

Characteristics and Geological Significance of Tempestites in the Daqing Formation, Xinjigu Area, Xichang Basin

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.034

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41872150

Key Project of Sichuan Science & Technology Bureau 2018JZ0078

  • Received Date: 2020-02-21
  • Publish Date: 2021-08-10
  • Tempestite deposits are found in the Ordovician Daqing Formation, Xinjigu area, Xichang Basin. Major storm⁃sediment indicators include scouring⁃fill structures, storm⁃generated gravelstones and hummocky cross⁃stratifications (HCS), etc. Three types of storm depositional sequences were developed: Type I is mostly composed of thin⁃layered muddy dolomite with yellow⁃grey and extremely thin layers of mudstone; this is a distal storm deposit below the storm wave base, located in the E1 section of the tempestite sequence in the deep ramp. Type II sequence consists of a storm gravelstone member (A), a parallel lamination member (C) and an HCS (D), which is deposited at the highest part of the slope near the fine⁃weather wave base in the deep ramp. Type III sequence comprises a storm gravelstone member (A) and a graded member (B) in the middle ramp. The sequences transition from Type I to Type III (bottom to top of the storm segment), and the sedimentary environment of the storm sequence from bottom to top has evolved from the lower part to the upper part of the deep ramp, and from the deep ramp to the middle ramp, in a process of shallowing upwards. The discovery of the tempestites provides a basis for the paleogeography and palaeoplate evolution of the study area, indicating that the Upper Yangtze Block was located at low latitudes in the Ordovician. Integrated with the regional geological background, it is speculated that the Ordovician Daqing Formation is dominated on the western margin of the Yangtze Platform by mid⁃to⁃outer ramp facies east of Xinjigu, and by inner⁃ramp facies to the west. This implies many geological possibilities for high⁃quality shoal reservoirs in the Ordovician Daqing Formation in the Xichang Basin to the west of Xinjigu.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2020-02-21
  • Published:  2021-08-10

Characteristics and Geological Significance of Tempestites in the Daqing Formation, Xinjigu Area, Xichang Basin

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.034

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41872150

Key Project of Sichuan Science & Technology Bureau 2018JZ0078

Abstract: Tempestite deposits are found in the Ordovician Daqing Formation, Xinjigu area, Xichang Basin. Major storm⁃sediment indicators include scouring⁃fill structures, storm⁃generated gravelstones and hummocky cross⁃stratifications (HCS), etc. Three types of storm depositional sequences were developed: Type I is mostly composed of thin⁃layered muddy dolomite with yellow⁃grey and extremely thin layers of mudstone; this is a distal storm deposit below the storm wave base, located in the E1 section of the tempestite sequence in the deep ramp. Type II sequence consists of a storm gravelstone member (A), a parallel lamination member (C) and an HCS (D), which is deposited at the highest part of the slope near the fine⁃weather wave base in the deep ramp. Type III sequence comprises a storm gravelstone member (A) and a graded member (B) in the middle ramp. The sequences transition from Type I to Type III (bottom to top of the storm segment), and the sedimentary environment of the storm sequence from bottom to top has evolved from the lower part to the upper part of the deep ramp, and from the deep ramp to the middle ramp, in a process of shallowing upwards. The discovery of the tempestites provides a basis for the paleogeography and palaeoplate evolution of the study area, indicating that the Upper Yangtze Block was located at low latitudes in the Ordovician. Integrated with the regional geological background, it is speculated that the Ordovician Daqing Formation is dominated on the western margin of the Yangtze Platform by mid⁃to⁃outer ramp facies east of Xinjigu, and by inner⁃ramp facies to the west. This implies many geological possibilities for high⁃quality shoal reservoirs in the Ordovician Daqing Formation in the Xichang Basin to the west of Xinjigu.

JIN Xin, SONG JinMin, LIU ShuGen, SUN Wei, DING Yi, DENG ShuangLin, XU ZhiXiong, XU HongYuan, LI LiJi, LI ZhangChang, LANG YueZhu, FENG MengYuan, XIE GuoLiang. Characteristics and Geological Significance of Tempestites in the Daqing Formation, Xinjigu Area, Xichang Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2021, 39(4): 908-918. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.034
Citation: JIN Xin, SONG JinMin, LIU ShuGen, SUN Wei, DING Yi, DENG ShuangLin, XU ZhiXiong, XU HongYuan, LI LiJi, LI ZhangChang, LANG YueZhu, FENG MengYuan, XIE GuoLiang. Characteristics and Geological Significance of Tempestites in the Daqing Formation, Xinjigu Area, Xichang Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2021, 39(4): 908-918. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.034
  • 风暴岩相关研究在上世纪50年代末期和60年代初期才开始兴起,其主要理论在随后的10年中逐渐完善。Ager [1]和Kelling et al.[2]最早将风暴岩定义为由风暴扰动后再沉积而形成的一套沉积组合。随着对风暴岩研究进一步的深入,Kumar et al.[3]和Aigner [45]认为风暴岩是由于风暴作用对沉积物的进行扰动从而产生的一系列沉积物,并将其称为“风暴沉积”。20世纪80年代,孟祥化等[6]和刘宝珺等[7]开始引进国外对碳酸盐风暴岩的研究成果,并分别建立了华北地台寒武系和四川盆地二叠系的风暴沉积模式。从此,碳酸盐风暴岩的研究在国内兴起,在20世纪90年代国内对风暴岩和风暴沉积的研究进入了高潮,并取得了诸多进展[8]



  • 西昌盆地位于四川盆地西南,西昌盆地西界为安宁河断裂,东界为峨边断裂,南界为则木河断裂,北至大渡河,大地构造位置属扬子板块的西缘[30],面积约为1.4×104 km2。区内奥陶系为红石崖组、巧家组、大箐组。西昌盆地在晚奥陶世时,由于康滇古陆的隆升和东侧台地的下降造成了西昌盆地在东部形成南北向阶梯状断裂[31]。受此影响,在盆地中部的海水较浅,发育了碳酸盐缓坡沉积。西昌盆地大箐组与四川盆地宝塔组为同期异相关系(表1),大箐组以白云岩为主,宝塔组则以发育龟裂纹灰岩为特征。

    Table 1.  Subdivision and correlation of the Middle⁃Upper Ordovician in Sichuan Basin and peripheral regions (modified from reference[32])

    大箐组总体沉积背景西高东低,自西向东依次发育潮坪—砂屑滩—外陆棚—盆地等沉积相类型[29]图1)。新基姑剖面位于四川省凉山州甘洛县西南约32 km,剖面奥陶系发育较齐全,大箐组出露清楚。通过对该剖面的实测发现剖面厚449 m,为整体向上变浅的碳酸盐岩缓坡沉积;顶底分别与下志留统龙马溪组、中奥陶统巧家组呈不整合接触,下部主要岩性为砂屑粉—细晶白云岩,发育有明显的风暴沉积,含有珊瑚、介壳、腹足和层孔虫等生物化石;中上部主要岩性为薄层状粉—细砂屑泥晶白云岩,含有少量笔石和三叶虫等生物化石;顶部主要岩性为砂质白云岩夹薄层状含砾砂岩。在剖面上发育3套典型的风暴岩沉积(图2),其厚度分别为7.0 m、4.7 m和8.6 m。

    Figure 1.  Tectonic⁃depositional environment of Upper Ordovician Daqing Formation in Xichang Basin (modified from references[33⁃34])

    Figure 2.  Composite column of Daqing Formation, Xinjigu section in the Xichang Basin

  • 风暴流通常发生在浅海陆棚区,是以风暴为驱动力的密度流。风暴流的运动方式为震荡运动和水平运动,具有波浪和流动的双重性质,运动方向向海。它能够搬运、掏蚀、簸选和悬浮颗粒,并冲击和改造异地和原地沉积物[35]。西昌盆地新基姑剖面发育典型的风暴沉积,如底冲刷、风暴砾屑段及丘状交错层理等沉积构造。

  • 底冲刷构造主要是由于风暴在高峰期时能量较大,对风暴浪基面以上已有的未固结成岩的沉积物进行强烈的冲刷和淘洗,由此在风暴序列底部形成一个与下伏地层突变接触的凹凸不平面[35]。研究区风暴岩底冲刷构造较为明显,冲刷面构造呈不规则平缓波状起伏(图3a,b),起伏幅度2~6 cm,宽度20~30 cm,冲刷、侵蚀能力较弱,形成于风暴衰减期。

    Figure 3.  Storm sedimentary structures in the Daqing Formation, Xichang Basin

  • 风暴砾屑层是识别风暴岩的主要标志之一。新基姑剖面奥陶系大箐组每一期风暴作用产生的风暴砾屑层的厚度为30~50 cm。砾屑成分主要为竹叶状或扁平状白云岩(图3c),分选中等,磨圆度较差,泥晶支撑为主。砾屑层下部主要为扁平状和竹叶状砾屑,长度在3~5 cm,以叠瓦状排列为主;砾屑层中部较下部更为扁平,大小在1~2 cm,以杂乱状或放射状排列为主,呈现出典型的放射状组构(图3d),放射状组构顺层分布在粒序层中,杂乱排列。


  • 风暴流在运动过程中触及海底时会对海底已有沉积物进行扰动、再沉积,从而形成丘状交错层理、平行层理和水平层理等各种层理构造[35]。新基姑剖面主要发育丘状交错层理(图3e)和平行层理(图3f)。丘状交错层理的形态表现为上凸的圆丘状,纹层倾角呈四周收敛,丘状交错层理丘高约10~15 cm,波长20~35 cm。平行层理,主要为粉屑白云岩沉积,主要表现为纹层呈平直状。平行层理的形成是由于在风暴进入衰减期后,风暴流能量随风暴减弱,逐渐演变为低密度浊流而形成的沉积构造。

  • 风暴沉积主要划分为3个阶段:高峰期、衰减期、停息期[36]。Aigner[5]建立了一个从下到上依次由侵蚀面、粒序段、平行层理段、交错层理段、泥岩段组成的比较完整的风暴沉积序列。一个理想风暴岩序列由五个沉积单元组成的,由下至上分别为:A侵蚀底面及砾屑段、B粒序段、C平行层理段、D丘状交错层理段、E1远源风暴浊流和E2水平层理泥岩和泥晶灰岩段[8]


  • 该序列主要由远源风暴浊流沉积E1构成,厚度较薄,单层厚1~2 cm,总厚度约6~7 m。主要岩性为深灰色薄层瘤状泥晶白云岩夹黄灰色极薄层状泥岩(图4),其特征主要为厘米级递变层理(图3g),其下部地层岩性主要为中深灰色密细纹层状泥晶白云岩。

  • 该序列为典型的风暴远源沉积,由底冲刷面A、平行层理段C、丘状交错层理段D组成(图4), 底冲刷不发育,仅局部可见,发育小型沟模(图3b),底冲刷面起伏幅度约5~10 cm,主要岩性为中灰色薄到极薄层状粉屑泥晶白云岩,发育纹层,纹层内整体为一个下粗上细的正粒序旋回(图3h)。上部由平行层理段(图3i)和丘状交错层理(图3e)组成,主要岩性为薄层状泥晶白云岩,总厚10~15 cm。

  • 序列Ⅲ主要由底冲刷和砾屑段(A段)、粒序段(B段)组成(图4)。该段的背景沉积物主要为中深灰色薄层状粉屑泥晶白云岩,发育有三套风暴砾屑,砾屑呈竹叶状或扁平状(图3j),砾屑层厚30~50 cm,砾屑层之上发育正粒序层,由若干个厘米级次级小旋回组成,见同生变形构造和放射状组构(图3d)。

    Figure 4.  Types of tempestite sequences in the Daqing Formation, Xichang Basin

    Ⅰ、Ⅱ型层序结构发育在研究区剖面下部,以Ⅱ型层序结构为主,往上过渡为Ⅲ型层序结构,其中Ⅰ型层序结构的发育规模较小、层序厚度较薄,约80~120 cm;Ⅱ型层序结构普遍规模较大、厚度较厚,约300~400 cm;Ⅲ型层序结构发育三期风暴、厚度中等,约200~300 cm。剖面沉积结构上,序列Ⅰ底部为深灰色薄层瘤状泥晶白云岩,向上逐渐转变为黄灰色极薄层状泥岩;序列Ⅰ与序列Ⅱ之间为含粉屑瘤状灰岩,向上粉屑含量增加;序列Ⅱ主要为中灰色粉屑泥晶白云岩;序列Ⅱ与序列Ⅲ之间岩性变化为粉屑泥晶白云岩—砂屑白云岩—泥晶白云岩—含粉屑瘤状泥晶白云岩,沉积水体环境为浅—深—浅变化;序列Ⅲ主要岩性为中深灰色薄层状粉屑泥晶白云岩,序列由下到上粒度变细。沉积环境由外缓坡向中缓坡变化,粒度向上变粗,粉屑含量增加,风暴序列厚度逐渐增加,构成向上变浅的沉积环境(图2),其中以外缓坡沉积为主体。从风暴岩的整体发育来看,该时期风暴强度逐渐增强,而海平面处于逐渐下降的过程。

  • 综合西昌盆地奥陶系主要为碳酸盐岩缓坡沉积模式、风暴岩序列段的类型差异以及背景沉积物特征,归纳出西昌盆地新基姑地区大箐组风暴沉积模式(图5)。

    Figure 5.  Depositional model of carbonate tempestites in the Daqing Formation, Xichang Basin





  • 在新元古代时期,扬子板块和华夏板块沿江绍断裂带拼合成华南板块[37]。通过对现代飓风的研究,飓风多发生在中低纬度地区,一般为5°~45°范围之内[38],地质历史时期内发生的风暴都应该在此范围之内。西昌盆地新基姑地区大箐组剖面内风暴岩在剖面上多次出现,虽然规模较小,但出现次数和期次较为频繁,反映出研究区晚奥陶世处于风暴发生较频繁的热带或亚热带低纬度地区。通过与此前已经在贵阳乌当下奥陶统湄潭组和湖北松滋刘家场下奥陶统红花园组发现的风暴岩综合分析,进一步证实了西昌盆地(扬子板块)在奥陶纪一直处于赤道以南1°~3°附近[39]图6)。

    Figure 6.  Global Upper Ordovician paleogeographic reconstruction map (modified from reference [40])

  • 西昌盆地在晚奥陶世时由于断裂的影响造成差异沉降,在盆地中部为水体较浅的大箐组白云岩沉积,东部则为沉积水体较深的临湘组灰岩。前人将西昌盆地大箐组沉积环境自西向东依次划分为潮坪、砂屑滩、外陆棚[40]。风暴岩、滑塌沉积的出现说明当时的新基姑地区大箐组剖面处于向海一侧的碳酸盐岩缓坡环境。


    Figure 7.  Paleogeological conditions of Upper Ordovician tempestites in the Daqing Formation, Xichang Basin (modified from reference[41])

  • 西昌盆地大箐组有效储集层优势相带在波浪、潮汐等水动力作用下发育大规模滩体,主要发育于西昌盆地西侧的缓坡高能相带[29]。而根据上述风暴沉积对岩相古地理的约束,新基姑以西的内缓坡相,处于正常浪基面之上,为颗粒滩发育的有利相带[42],具备发育优质储层的基本地质条件。从而认为,西昌盆地大箐组在新基姑以西的方向具备发育大规模优质颗粒滩型储层的古地理背景。

  • (1) 西昌盆地新基姑剖面大箐组发育了三个期次的风暴岩,可以具体划分出三种风暴沉积序列:序列Ⅰ为远源风暴浊流沉积(E1),发育于外缓坡相带下部;序列Ⅱ也为典型的远源风暴沉积,局部见底冲刷面(A段)、平行层理段(C段)、丘状交错层理段(D段),主要发育于外缓坡相带上部,序列Ⅱ相较于序列Ⅰ更加靠近风暴浪基面;序列Ⅲ主要由底冲刷和砾屑段(A段)、粒序段(B段)组成,主要沉积于中缓坡相带。

    (2) 风暴层序自下而上的沉积环境演化为外缓坡下部→外缓坡上部→中缓坡,形成一个在纵向上变浅的沉积特征。

    (3) 新基姑地区大箐组剖面风暴岩的发现说明了西昌盆地在晚奥陶世处于低纬度风暴发育地区。风暴岩、滑塌沉积的出现说明当时研究区处于向海一侧的碳酸盐岩缓坡环境。

    (4) 西昌盆地大箐组在新基姑以东地区处于中—外缓坡地带,而在新基姑以西地区为内缓坡地带。因此,推测大箐组在新基姑以西的方向具备发育大规模优质颗粒滩型储层的古地理背景。

Reference (42)



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