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Volume 39 Issue 3
Jun.  2021
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GUO MoZhen, LÜ FuLiang, SHAO DaLi, HOU FuDou, YANG TaoTao, LI Dong. Ichnofossils in Globigerinid Limestone and Their Sedimentary Environments, East Java Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2021, 39(3): 713-722. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.028
Citation: GUO MoZhen, LÜ FuLiang, SHAO DaLi, HOU FuDou, YANG TaoTao, LI Dong. Ichnofossils in Globigerinid Limestone and Their Sedimentary Environments, East Java Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2021, 39(3): 713-722. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.028

Ichnofossils in Globigerinid Limestone and Their Sedimentary Environments, East Java Basin

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.028

Scientific Research and Technological Development Program of China National Petroleum Corporation 2019D⁃4309

  • Received Date: 2020-03-05
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-04-28
  • Publish Date: 2021-06-10
  • Globigerinid limestone is one of the main reservoirs in oil⁃gas reservoirs discovered in the East Java Basin, and also one of the main exploration targets. Developed in the Pliocene, Globigerinid limestone reservoirs are characterized by high porosity and medium⁃high permeability. However, the formation conditions and sedimentary environment of this kind of limestone reservoir are not well understood due to the lack of reliable facies markers, which affects the exploration for this kind of reservoir. Based on trace fossils preserved in the formation, a total of eight ichnogenera were identified: Ophiomorpha, Asterosoma, Palaeophycus, Thalassinoides, Phycosiphon, Zoophycos, Teichichnus and Terebellina. According to their ethological and morphological features together with the lithological characteristics of the host rock, three ichnoassemblages were established: (1) OphiomorphaAsterosoma ichnoassemblage, which developed in Globigerinid grainstone and packstone, represents grain beach deposition in the lower shoreface environment with medium⁃low hydrodynamic energy; (2) OphiomorphaPalaeophycus ichnoassemblage, which developed in Globigerinid packstone and wackestone, occurs in inner shelf lowland or offshore environments with normal marine and storm⁃induced depositions; (3) ZoophycosPhycosiphon ichnoassemblage, which developed in wackestone and mudstone, represents an outer⁃shelf environment. Combining the paleosedimentary environment with the ichnogenera and ichnoassemblages, it is proposed that Globigerinid limestone was deposited in lower shoreface to outer⁃shelf environments, and its sedimentary model was also established. For the Globigerinid limestone in the study area, these conclusions have great significance, not only regarding its depositional genesis, controlling factors and distribution, but also for oil and gas exploration in this type of reservoir.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2020-03-05
  • Revised:  2020-04-28
  • Published:  2021-06-10

Ichnofossils in Globigerinid Limestone and Their Sedimentary Environments, East Java Basin

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.028

Scientific Research and Technological Development Program of China National Petroleum Corporation 2019D⁃4309

Abstract: Globigerinid limestone is one of the main reservoirs in oil⁃gas reservoirs discovered in the East Java Basin, and also one of the main exploration targets. Developed in the Pliocene, Globigerinid limestone reservoirs are characterized by high porosity and medium⁃high permeability. However, the formation conditions and sedimentary environment of this kind of limestone reservoir are not well understood due to the lack of reliable facies markers, which affects the exploration for this kind of reservoir. Based on trace fossils preserved in the formation, a total of eight ichnogenera were identified: Ophiomorpha, Asterosoma, Palaeophycus, Thalassinoides, Phycosiphon, Zoophycos, Teichichnus and Terebellina. According to their ethological and morphological features together with the lithological characteristics of the host rock, three ichnoassemblages were established: (1) OphiomorphaAsterosoma ichnoassemblage, which developed in Globigerinid grainstone and packstone, represents grain beach deposition in the lower shoreface environment with medium⁃low hydrodynamic energy; (2) OphiomorphaPalaeophycus ichnoassemblage, which developed in Globigerinid packstone and wackestone, occurs in inner shelf lowland or offshore environments with normal marine and storm⁃induced depositions; (3) ZoophycosPhycosiphon ichnoassemblage, which developed in wackestone and mudstone, represents an outer⁃shelf environment. Combining the paleosedimentary environment with the ichnogenera and ichnoassemblages, it is proposed that Globigerinid limestone was deposited in lower shoreface to outer⁃shelf environments, and its sedimentary model was also established. For the Globigerinid limestone in the study area, these conclusions have great significance, not only regarding its depositional genesis, controlling factors and distribution, but also for oil and gas exploration in this type of reservoir.

GUO MoZhen, LÜ FuLiang, SHAO DaLi, HOU FuDou, YANG TaoTao, LI Dong. Ichnofossils in Globigerinid Limestone and Their Sedimentary Environments, East Java Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2021, 39(3): 713-722. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.028
Citation: GUO MoZhen, LÜ FuLiang, SHAO DaLi, HOU FuDou, YANG TaoTao, LI Dong. Ichnofossils in Globigerinid Limestone and Their Sedimentary Environments, East Java Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2021, 39(3): 713-722. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.028
  • 抱球虫灰岩在印度尼西亚东爪哇盆地广泛发育,目前已发现了多个以该套灰岩为储层的油气藏[14]。在该盆地该套灰岩主要发育于新近系下上新统Mundu组,埋藏深度以小于1 500 m为主,主要由抱球虫颗粒岩、泥质抱球虫颗粒岩及抱球虫泥灰岩组成。其中抱球虫颗粒岩、泥质抱球虫颗粒岩是其主要的储层岩性,其主要特征是岩石的生物颗粒组成以抱球虫颗粒为主,其含量分布在30%~50%[4]。该类储层抱球虫颗粒体腔孔发育,储层物性好,孔隙度为30%~52%,渗透率(1~600)×10-3 μm2[2,4]。因其高品质的储集性,使该套灰岩储层成为该盆地的重要勘探目的层。由于该套灰岩有别于常规的半深海、深海沉积环境形成的软泥型抱球虫灰岩[5],同时由于缺乏可靠的沉积相标志,故不同学者对该套灰岩形成的沉积环境,储层的控制因素和规模,而有不同的观点[610],其中主要有等深流、底流、远洋软泥沉积等观点。

    近期在对该套灰岩的沉积环境进行研究时,在岩芯上发现有丰富的各类遗迹化石。遗迹化石也称为痕迹化石,是指各类生物生命活动时在岩层中留下的痕迹和遗物[11]。遗迹化石是特定生物在特定的环境下其生命活动、行为习性和觅食活动的细节反映,多为未经搬运的原地埋藏,而其造迹生物又是沉积作用的参与者,它们所保存的这些信息,远比实体化石丰富 [12]。因而众多学者普遍认为遗迹化石在古沉积环境分析等方面有独特的价值[1316],认为遗迹化石特征或其组合特征是古环境分析的可靠标志[1721]。一些学者也利用遗迹化石及其组合特征,对不同地区不同层位的古环境和沉积相进行了深入的探讨,促进了各区域的油气勘探工作[2226]。因而分析研究区遗迹化石的种类及组合特征,对该套抱球虫灰岩的成因有重要意义。本文主要利用东爪哇盆地南部海上X油气田X⁃1井上新统Mundu组岩芯、铸体薄片、测井及录井等资料,对该套灰岩发育的遗迹化石及其组合特征进行识别和分析研究,对其古生态和沉积环境进行了分析,指出了该套抱球虫灰岩的形成条件及沉积环境,这对该套灰岩下一步的沉积相分析及其储层控制因素研究有重要意义。

  • 东爪哇盆地是印度尼西亚主要含油气盆地之一,油气资源丰富,2009年盆地的油气资源量达到了3 549百万桶油当量[27]。该盆地位于印度尼西亚东部,盆地面积约16.5×104 km2,盆地大部分为东爪哇海域,占盆地面积的87%,陆上部分主要分布在爪哇岛东北部和Madura岛(图1)。盆地在构造上位于巽他大陆的东南边界,沉积厚度可达6 000 m,主要由一套古近系至第四系碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩地层组成。

    Figure 1.  Geographical location and tectonic setting of the East Java Basin[2728]


  • X⁃1井位于东爪哇盆地东南部,该井发育的该套抱球虫灰岩厚度为148 m,灰岩顶部埋藏深度为910 m。铸体薄片表明岩石生物碎屑颗粒的主要组成为抱球虫、小型底栖有孔虫、海胆、红藻及软体动物碎片[2,4]图2),其中以抱球虫颗粒为主,含量分布在30%~52%[2,4],其壳体直径主要分布在50~150 μm,壳体形态完整,大小相当。岩石其它类型的生物颗粒含量均小于10%,海绿石和石英颗粒含量均小于2%,胶结物主要为黄铁矿、方解石及白云石,含量均小于3%,其次为灰泥,但其含量以小于25%为主[2,4]

    Figure 2.  Lithological compositions and pore types of Globigerinid limestone in well X⁃1

  • 岩芯分析的孔隙度和渗透率表明(图3),该套抱球虫灰岩储层为高孔中高渗型储层,孔隙度分布在30%~52%,渗透率分布在(1~600)×10-3 μm2。铸体薄片表明该套储层各类孔隙发育,镜下面孔率可达20%,主要有抱球虫颗粒体腔孔、粒间孔、晶间孔、有孔虫壳壁孔及基质微孔(图2)。这种优质储层主要是由于基质含量少,有孔虫体腔孔隙和粒间孔隙发育,且后期压实作用不强造成的。

    Figure 3.  Porosity and permeability distribution chart of Globigerinid limestone in well X⁃1[28]

  • 通过对X⁃1井上新统Mundu组岩芯发育的各类遗迹化石进行详细观察,对比化石形态、发育的沉积环境及种属间的相互关系[1112,21,29],识别出8类遗迹属,各类遗迹化石特征分述如下:

  • 该遗迹具有形状不同的潜穴及潜穴系统,直、弯曲或偶有分枝,潜穴内部光滑,外表具粪粒黏结的瘤粒,或呈疙瘩状,潜穴剥蚀后外表光滑[12,21]。研究区此种遗迹化石在岩芯上以其潜穴系统横切面形式呈现(图4a,c,f),横断面呈圆形和椭圆形,直径1~3 cm,其管壁内侧光滑,外部可见明显的瘤状凸起,壁厚1~5 mm,潜穴为被动充填,充填物与围岩成分基本相同。潜穴与地层层面平行或呈低角度斜交,发育的岩性多为含泥质较少的抱球虫颗粒岩或泥质抱球虫颗粒岩。

    Figure 4.  Ichnofossils in Globigerinid limestone in well X⁃1, East Java Basin

  • 该遗迹呈大型星状体,有一高的中心,有多个放射脊,约3~9个,放射脊长度不同,末端呈尖圆状,表面分布有长短不一的纵向皱纹[12,21]。研究区此种遗迹化石在岩芯上以其放射脊的纵切面(图4b)和横切面(图4e)形式呈现,呈水平至倾斜的玫瑰花状,宽度小于3 cm,其断面上可见明显的纵向皱纹,发育的岩性多为含泥质较少的抱球虫颗粒岩或泥质抱球虫颗粒岩。

  • 该遗迹潜穴呈圆柱或亚圆柱状,形态大小有较大差异,潜穴的直径粗细不一,潜穴多为直立或一定程度弯曲,表面光滑,具有相互交错的细纵纹与横纹,一般不分枝,少数呈现不规则分枝,潜穴具衬里结构[12,21]。研究区此种遗迹化石在岩芯上多以其潜穴系统横切面形式呈现(图4b,h),横断面呈圆形和椭圆形,直径多小于5 mm,具明显深灰色衬里,厚度较薄,小于1 mm,潜穴为被动充填,充填物与围岩成分基本相同。发育的岩性从抱球虫颗粒岩至抱球虫颗粒质泥岩,但泥灰岩发育较少。

    该属的Palaeophycus heberti 在研究区也较发育(图4g)。Palaeophycus heberti潜穴为圆柱状,不具纹饰,潜穴直到微弯曲,少数有分枝,同一个体中潜穴直径变化不大,潜穴壁光滑,该遗迹化石以具有较厚的衬壁为特征[12,21]。研究区此种遗迹化石在岩芯上以潜穴系统横切面形式呈现(图4g),横断面呈圆形和椭圆形,潜穴直径约0.5~1 cm,潜穴具较厚衬壁并呈深灰色,衬壁厚约2 mm,衬壁可见横纹,潜穴内被动充填,充填物与围岩相同。发育的岩性主要为抱球虫颗粒质泥岩,泥灰质含量较高。

  • 该遗迹为具蹼状构造的一系列直形管潜穴,外形具排成墙状的隔板构造。在纵剖面上,可见向上紧密叠合的凹形[26],发育新月形纹层,一般不分枝,遗迹长5~9 cm,高可达数厘米,宽1~2 cm[12,21]。此遗迹属与根珊瑚属Rhizocorallium区别在于后者的U型潜穴,其延伸方向经常与地层层面近平行或略斜交,其U型潜穴的两翼管基本近于互相平行,为向下凹陷的横向上舌状叠复的蹼状构造,U型弧顶端呈半圆形[21]。研究区此种遗迹化石在岩芯上多以斜切面形式呈现(图4e),切面上可形成一系列垂向上叠复、向下凸的弯曲细纹,具明显的型蹼状构造,岩芯上其高度3~5 cm,宽2~3 cm。发育的岩性为含泥质较少的抱球虫颗粒岩和泥质抱球虫颗粒岩。

  • 该遗迹在地层中以网状在三维空间内延伸,具有明显分枝这一特点,分枝处略膨胀变粗,常见Y形分枝和近垂向分支,并且相互之间经常穿插连接,构成一套在水平方向上延伸较广的网状分布潜穴系统。潜穴的表面光滑,或偶具小瘤,或具脊状抓痕[12,21]。研究区此种遗迹化石在岩芯上以斜切面和纵切面形式呈现(图4h),切面呈椭圆形,潜穴管直径1.5~3 cm,主动充填,充填物颜色较围岩浅。发育的岩性为抱球虫颗粒岩或泥质抱球虫颗粒岩。

  • 该遗迹在岩层内为复杂的具蹼状构造的觅食潜穴,外部形态变化较大,有螺旋形、板状、圆形、椭圆形、瓣状和鹿角形等。该遗迹潜穴常具有中央和边缘细通道,以及弧度较大的薄板构造,且叠锥随着潜穴的向下延伸逐渐扩大。纵切面表现为一系列新月形弯曲紧压在一起,组成多行系列,各系列宽度在2~5 mm间。这些内凹的新月型系列被认为是掘穴动物由排泄物形成的回填构造[12,21]。研究区此种遗迹化石在岩芯上多以纵切面形式出现(图4d,g),呈弯弧状,长约5~10 cm,潜穴宽度小于1 cm,主动充填,潜穴充填物颜色较深,为深灰色、黑色,具明显的新月形蹼状构造。发育的岩性主要为抱球虫颗粒质泥岩或泥质抱球虫颗粒岩,泥灰质含量较高。

  • 该遗迹在岩层内为小型遗迹,管状潜穴弯曲呈一系列相连的水平或倾斜的J形或U形弧状迹,多为弯曲的分枝,或似鹿角状。中间潜穴管由一系列U型叶片组成,叶片大约几个毫米到1 cm,叶片的两翼之间有蹼状构造伸展[12,21,3031]。管内充填物较围岩颜色较深,具有蹼状构造,由粪粒和沉积物构成。研究区此种遗迹化石较发育(图4a,f),在岩芯上多呈弯弧状,穴管表面光滑,长约2~5 cm,潜穴宽度小于5 mm,主动充填,潜穴充填物颜色较浅,为灰白色,具小型的蹼状构造。发育的岩性主要为抱球虫颗粒质泥岩,泥灰质含量较高。

    除上述发育的遗迹属之外,还发现有Terebellina,该遗迹潜穴呈半椭圆弯曲,为无纹饰,具清晰的壁衬,潜穴直径 2~10 mm,长5~20 cm,壁厚 0.5~3 mm, 潜穴管向下斜和水平方向弯曲,偶成束状[12,21]。研究区此种遗迹在岩芯上形态不是很清楚,以横断面形式出现,呈扁椭圆形,潜穴具较厚的灰白色壁衬,由方解石组成。发育的岩性主要为抱球虫颗粒质泥岩或泥质抱球虫颗粒岩,泥灰质含量较高。此遗迹化石与palaeophycus的区别在于,后者横断面为圆柱形或亚圆柱形,潜穴直或略弯曲,一般不分枝,而前者横断面较扁,潜穴管向下斜和水平方向弯曲[12]

  • 研究区岩性虽然为抱球虫灰岩,属碳酸盐岩。但根据区域构造、古地理环境分析[67,2728,32],其沉积背景在北部为宽缓的浅海陆棚,其靠陆侧发育碎屑岩的三角洲及滨岸相,向海一侧陆棚发育抱球虫灰岩,中间靠陆一侧为碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩的混相,南部为陆坡及半深海含抱球虫泥灰岩及泥岩沉积[28]。对抱球虫颗粒属种分析表明,上升流属种大量发育,认为这些颗粒不是原地堆积,是经过上升流等洋流搬运而来,并经过波浪等水动力改造[28]。岩石生物颗粒缺少造礁生物,发育低角度斜层理(丘状交错层理)(图4a),同时抱球虫壳体形态完整,表明该套灰岩受能量较弱且持续的水动力作用明显。另一方面,没有发现代表浅海碳酸盐岩礁滩沉积的Trypanites遗迹相组成的遗迹属种[29]。综合判断该套灰岩沉积环境为水动力以波浪为主,夹有风暴浪作用的浅海临滨至滨外陆棚沉积环境。

  • 在遗迹化石研究方面,不同学者通过对不同海相亚环境发育的遗迹化石生态及类型的研究,已建立了可靠的滨浅海环境遗迹化石标志系统[19,29,3334]。根据水动力类型、沉积构造、遗迹化石形态及捕食方式等将陆棚浅海划分为滨外陆棚、远滨过渡带、下—中临滨、上临滨—前滨—后滨4类系统7类子系统,每类子系统发育的沉积构造和遗迹化石的古生态特征都有明显差异[29]


    Figure 5.  Comprehensive column of ichnofossils and facies in well X⁃1, East Java Basin


    Figure 6.  Sedimentary environments of Globigerinid limestone, East Java Basin



    Zoophycos⁃Phycisophon遗迹组合,该组合遗迹化石迹属主要有ZoophycosPhycosiphon图5)。一般认为Phycosiphon是由造迹生物在沉积物中摄食潜穴而形成的,属深水型遗迹化石[45],形成于风暴浪基面以下远洋静水环境[46]。该类遗迹组合主要发育于颗粒质泥岩,为食泥型迹属,自然伽马响应相对而言也为中值(图5),反映岩石的泥质含量较高。综合分析, Zoophycos⁃Phycisophon遗迹组合反映了风暴浪底之下的滨外陆棚及半深海沉积环境(图6),为正常的海洋抱球虫灰泥及泥岩沉积。该类岩性孔隙不发育,为研究区的非油气产层。


  • 通过对东爪哇盆地X⁃1井抱球虫灰岩发育的遗迹化石迹属组成分析,发现研究区共发育8种遗迹化石迹属,即OphiomorphaAsterosomaPalaeophycusTeichichnusThalassinoidesZoophycosPhycosiphonTerebellina。通过对其古生态、遗迹化石特征、沉积学特征及区域古地理环境分析研究,将其划分为三类遗迹组合,对应三种浅海沉积亚环境,分别为代表下临滨沉积环境的Ophiomorpha⁃Asterosoma遗迹组合、代表远滨过渡带和棚内洼地沉积环境的Zoophycos⁃Palaeophcus遗迹组合和代表滨外陆棚环境的Zoophycos⁃Phycisophon遗迹组合。提出了研究区优质抱球虫颗粒岩、泥质抱球虫颗粒岩主要形成于Ophiomorpha⁃Asterosoma遗迹组合发育的下临滨沉积环境,抱球虫颗粒质泥岩主要形成于滨外陆棚、远滨过渡带及棚内洼地或滩后的沉积环境。这对研究区该类储集层的沉积和成因研究有重要意义,为此类储层控制因素及展布的研究奠定了基础,并对该类海域油气勘探有重要指导意义。

Reference (46)



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