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Volume 38 Issue 6
Dec.  2020
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WEI ZhenYu, XIE YuanYun, KANG ChunGuo, CHI YunPing, WU Peng, WANG JiaXin, ZHANG Man, ZHANG YueXin, LIU Lu. The Inversion of the Songhua River System in the Early Pleistocene: Implications from Sr⁃Nd isotopic composition in the Harbin Huangshan cores[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2020, 38(6): 1192-1203. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.112
Citation: WEI ZhenYu, XIE YuanYun, KANG ChunGuo, CHI YunPing, WU Peng, WANG JiaXin, ZHANG Man, ZHANG YueXin, LIU Lu. The Inversion of the Songhua River System in the Early Pleistocene: Implications from Sr⁃Nd isotopic composition in the Harbin Huangshan cores[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2020, 38(6): 1192-1203. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.112

The Inversion of the Songhua River System in the Early Pleistocene: Implications from Sr⁃Nd isotopic composition in the Harbin Huangshan cores

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.112

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41871013, 41601200

  • Received Date: 2019-07-25
  • Publish Date: 2020-12-25
  • Drainage evolution reconstruction is crucial for understanding global change and the regional response. As the most important river in northeast China, the study of the evolution of the Songhua River system is extremely weak. Whether the water system of the Songhua River reversed in the early Pleistocene has been especially controversial and without clear evidence. As a direct product of river geological processes, sediment is the most direct evidence of the water system evolution. Located in the east Songnen Plain and the middle reaches of the Songhua River, Harbin has an arid⁃semiarid temperate continental climate. Located in the eastern suburb of Tuanjie town, Daowai district, Harbin city, the Huangshan (HS) belongs to the second⁃order terrace on the right bank of the Songhua River geomorphology The evolution information of its sediment provenance can provide direct evidence for the study of the formation and evolution of the Songhua River, especially for the inversion of the Songhua River system. Therefore, magnetic susceptibility, paleomagnetic, and Sr⁃Nd isotope composition analysis of sediments from boreholes core in the HS are performed. The results showed that the magnetic susceptibility and Sr⁃Nd isotope characteristics of the upper and lower strata at a core depth of 62.3 m were significantly different. The magnetic susceptibility of the strata below 62.3 m is extremely low, and 0 value appears many times with only a small variation in range. The Sr⁃Nd isotope composition differ sharply above and below the mean value of the core. However, the magnetic susceptibility of the strata above 62.3 m increased sharply, and showed periodic high and low changes. And the isotopic composition of Sr⁃Nd varied slightly. Through the comparison with the Nd isotope composition of the upper and lower strata of 62.3 m in the rock core of Huangshan Mountain, we observe that the Nd isotope characteristics of the strata below 62.3 m are similar to those of the modern river system in the direction of Yilan⁃Tonghe. The Nd isotope characteristics of the Nenjiang River, second Songhua River, Lalin River, and Kule River systems are similar to those of the 62.3 m above. It indicates that the river direction in the middle and upper reaches of the Songhua River (Zhaoyuan⁃Yilan reach) was reversed in the late early Pleistocene.To summarize, the following evolution model of the Songhua River system is proposed: In the early and middle early Pleistocene, the upper and lower reaches of Songhua River were not connected. Bounded by the Jiayi (Jiamusi⁃Yilan) watershed, the lower reaches of the Songhua River flow eastward through the Sanjiang Plain, while the upper reaches of the Songhua River flow westward into the Songnen Lake basin. In the late early Pleistocene, due to the combined effect of tectonic⁃climate change, the Sanjiang and Songnen Plains continued to decline, while the Jiayi watershed continued to rise, leading to the erosion of rivers on both sides of the watershed to the source. At the same time, affected by 0.9 Ma in the Pleistocene climate transformation, headward erosion at 0.94 Ma B.P., the watershed is cut to wear. The Songhua River shelter⁃forest system was captured by the downstream drainage and began to reverse the Songhua River shelter⁃forest and downstream, the Songhua River shelter⁃forest river from west to east through better in canyon in Sanjiang plain, and the Songhua River shelter⁃forest and downstream river, thus linking modern Songhua River water system gradually established.
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  • Received:  2019-07-25
  • Published:  2020-12-25

The Inversion of the Songhua River System in the Early Pleistocene: Implications from Sr⁃Nd isotopic composition in the Harbin Huangshan cores

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.112

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41871013, 41601200

Abstract: Drainage evolution reconstruction is crucial for understanding global change and the regional response. As the most important river in northeast China, the study of the evolution of the Songhua River system is extremely weak. Whether the water system of the Songhua River reversed in the early Pleistocene has been especially controversial and without clear evidence. As a direct product of river geological processes, sediment is the most direct evidence of the water system evolution. Located in the east Songnen Plain and the middle reaches of the Songhua River, Harbin has an arid⁃semiarid temperate continental climate. Located in the eastern suburb of Tuanjie town, Daowai district, Harbin city, the Huangshan (HS) belongs to the second⁃order terrace on the right bank of the Songhua River geomorphology The evolution information of its sediment provenance can provide direct evidence for the study of the formation and evolution of the Songhua River, especially for the inversion of the Songhua River system. Therefore, magnetic susceptibility, paleomagnetic, and Sr⁃Nd isotope composition analysis of sediments from boreholes core in the HS are performed. The results showed that the magnetic susceptibility and Sr⁃Nd isotope characteristics of the upper and lower strata at a core depth of 62.3 m were significantly different. The magnetic susceptibility of the strata below 62.3 m is extremely low, and 0 value appears many times with only a small variation in range. The Sr⁃Nd isotope composition differ sharply above and below the mean value of the core. However, the magnetic susceptibility of the strata above 62.3 m increased sharply, and showed periodic high and low changes. And the isotopic composition of Sr⁃Nd varied slightly. Through the comparison with the Nd isotope composition of the upper and lower strata of 62.3 m in the rock core of Huangshan Mountain, we observe that the Nd isotope characteristics of the strata below 62.3 m are similar to those of the modern river system in the direction of Yilan⁃Tonghe. The Nd isotope characteristics of the Nenjiang River, second Songhua River, Lalin River, and Kule River systems are similar to those of the 62.3 m above. It indicates that the river direction in the middle and upper reaches of the Songhua River (Zhaoyuan⁃Yilan reach) was reversed in the late early Pleistocene.To summarize, the following evolution model of the Songhua River system is proposed: In the early and middle early Pleistocene, the upper and lower reaches of Songhua River were not connected. Bounded by the Jiayi (Jiamusi⁃Yilan) watershed, the lower reaches of the Songhua River flow eastward through the Sanjiang Plain, while the upper reaches of the Songhua River flow westward into the Songnen Lake basin. In the late early Pleistocene, due to the combined effect of tectonic⁃climate change, the Sanjiang and Songnen Plains continued to decline, while the Jiayi watershed continued to rise, leading to the erosion of rivers on both sides of the watershed to the source. At the same time, affected by 0.9 Ma in the Pleistocene climate transformation, headward erosion at 0.94 Ma B.P., the watershed is cut to wear. The Songhua River shelter⁃forest system was captured by the downstream drainage and began to reverse the Songhua River shelter⁃forest and downstream, the Songhua River shelter⁃forest river from west to east through better in canyon in Sanjiang plain, and the Songhua River shelter⁃forest and downstream river, thus linking modern Songhua River water system gradually established.

WEI ZhenYu, XIE YuanYun, KANG ChunGuo, CHI YunPing, WU Peng, WANG JiaXin, ZHANG Man, ZHANG YueXin, LIU Lu. The Inversion of the Songhua River System in the Early Pleistocene: Implications from Sr⁃Nd isotopic composition in the Harbin Huangshan cores[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2020, 38(6): 1192-1203. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.112
Citation: WEI ZhenYu, XIE YuanYun, KANG ChunGuo, CHI YunPing, WU Peng, WANG JiaXin, ZHANG Man, ZHANG YueXin, LIU Lu. The Inversion of the Songhua River System in the Early Pleistocene: Implications from Sr⁃Nd isotopic composition in the Harbin Huangshan cores[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2020, 38(6): 1192-1203. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.112
  • 水系演化是地球动力系统的重要组成部分,在地球表层系统中扮演着非常重要的角色[1]。水系重建对于理解全球变化和区域响应至关重要[23]。发源于青藏高原东北缘的东亚大水系,长江和黄河的水系演化得到广泛的关注,尽管仍存在争议,但已取得许多进展[49]



  • 哈尔滨地区位于松嫩平原东部,松花江中游地区,属于干旱—半干旱温带大陆性气候,处于松辽拗陷的中部东南端、东南隆起区边缘地带,由松花江及其支流的河漫滩、河流阶地以及东部山地洪积—冲积台地构成[25],多为沉积地层,较少发育侵入岩。其一级阶地[25]分布在市区火车站、康庄桥以及郊区的顾乡屯、王家店、四方台等地,平均海拔高度为140~150 m;二级阶地[25]分布于市区香坊、南岗以及郊区的顾乡屯砖瓦厂、东长岭子和西长岭子等地,海拔达155~175 m。

    荒山(又称天恒山)位于哈尔滨市道外区团结镇东郊(图1),北望松花江,西临阿什河,属于松花江二级河流堆积阶地,最高海拔约180 m,主要由黄土和河湖相沉积物组成。荒山剖面第四纪沉积物出露厚度约53.41 m,约46.3 m被埋藏,沉积厚度较深,沉积序列较完整、连续,基底为中生代白垩纪泥岩、砂岩风化壳[26]。在荒山第四纪地层中发现有古冰缘现象以及新构造运动形成的特殊现代地貌[25],自下而上依次划分为白土山组、荒山组、哈尔滨组,是东北地区第四纪研究的典型剖面。

    Figure 1.  DEM (Digital Elevation Model) map of the Songnen Plain, showing the distribution of the Songhua River drainage system and the borehole sampling point location in this study (the red arrows indicate the current flow direction)

  • 荒山钻孔岩芯(45°47′32.73″ N;126°47′43.75″ E)位于天恒山公园,采用双管单动内衬塑料套管取芯技术钻取,该岩芯已打穿整个第四纪直至白垩系基岩,钻井深度101.11 m,最终获得岩芯长度93.3 m,取芯率在92%以上。对钻取的岩芯使用链锯锯开岩芯外的塑料外壳,并去除最外层被钻井泥浆污染的部分。对处理完的岩芯先记录岩性并完成对古地磁样品的定向取样。岩芯柱在实验室按照2.5 cm间距进行分割,共得到3 673个样品。

    磁化率样品的测试间距为10 cm,共得到912个样品。样品在室温下风干后用手轻轻地粉碎,放入2 cm×2 cm×2 cm立方的弱磁盒。磁化率试验样品送至中国科学院地球环境研究所黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室,利用Bartington MS2仪器在470 Hz的低频下测得低频磁化率。

    对整个岩芯以40~100 cm(岩芯0~52 m)或10~50 cm(岩芯52~101 m)为取样间隔进行古地磁定向取样两套(共406块)。剩磁测量采用安装在零磁空间(<300 nT)的2G760三轴超导磁力仪上完成。对荒山钻孔的191件样品进行系统的交变退磁,采用不包括天然剩磁(NRM)的16 步退磁,最大退磁场为80 mT。

    以40~60 cm间距共获取Sr⁃Nd同位素组成样品138件。我们没有采用分粒级处理,主要是考虑分粒级样品可能会产生有偏差的结果,并可能丢失某些源区信息[27]。样品在室内自然风干后经玛瑙研钵研磨成粉末,然后过200目标准分样筛,获取<73 μm组分以供测试。尽管沉积物的Sr同位素组成易受化学风化的影响,并明显影响其的物源解释[27],但我们并没有对样品进行酸处理,主要基于以下考虑[27]:酸处理会溶解来自母岩的碎屑方解石,从而丢失一些物源信息,影响物源解释;样品的长时间酸浸泡也会对黏土矿物造成破坏。

    Sr和Nd的分离采用标准离子交换方法。测定的样品Sr和Nd同位素比值分别用86Sr/88Sr=0.119 4 和146Nd/144Nd=0.721 9进行了标准化以进行质量分馏效应的校正。仪器的准确度分别采用国际标样NBS 987和JNdi⁃1进行检测,测定值分别为87Sr/86Sr= 0.710 275±10(2σ)和143Nd/144Nd=0.512 119±8(2σ)。化学分析空白:对Sr为<1 ng,对Nd为<50 pg。Nd同位素组成用εNd(0)值表示,采用143Nd/144Nd=0.512 638的球粒陨石均一源(CHUR)现代值。Sr⁃Nd同位素的测定在中国地质大学(武汉)地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室完成。


  • 以30.4 m为界,岩芯岩性整体可分为两个部分,以上为现代土壤和黄土—古土壤序列,以下为河湖相沉积物。基于岩芯沉积物的颜色、粒度、结构和构造特征,荒山岩芯的岩性描述如下(图2):

    Figure 2.  Magnetostratigraphy results of the HS core and the correlation with the geomagnetic polarity timescale (Geomagnetic chart polarity time scale from cited references[28⁃30])

    0~0.98 m:暗褐色的现代土壤,具备现代植物根茎,受现代人类活动影响较大。

    0.98~30.4 m:黄土—古土壤层序列,包括5个黄土层(L1~L5)和5个古土壤层(S0~S4)。古土壤层为深灰褐色—灰黑色,结构致密,发育白色菌丝体。在S0古土壤层中发现炭屑、铁锈色斑和铁锈色的颗粒。黄土层为浅黄褐色,结构疏松,无黏性,含有白色菌丝体。其中26.5~30.4 m为受流水改造的L5次生黄土。

    30.4~57.08 m:以浅黄褐色—灰褐色泥和粉砂质泥为主的沉积,结构致密,有黏性,微细层理发育充分,具有铁锈颗粒和黑色铁锰颗粒。顶部为粉砂质泥,中间夹杂有褐色泥沉积,在36.07~36.89 m深处发育泥球、泥粒。52 m处发现碳化明显的动物骨骼。是曲流河河漫滩相堆积。

    57.08~62.3 m:以棕黄色细—极细砂为主的沉积,顶部发育泥质砂夹层,结构疏松,杂砂结构,铁染明显。是曲流河河床边滩亚相沉积。

    62.3~66.13 m:以青灰色的泥—粉砂质泥为主的沉积,具有明显铁染,顶部为砂质泥过渡层,底部为泥质砂,而65.08 m以下粒度呈现逐渐变粗的变化趋势。为河漫湖泊沉积[31]

    66.13~73.39 m:以青灰色、灰绿色中—粗砂为主的沉积,夹杂有铁染严重的泥质砂,含有少量的砾石(a=8 mm,次棱角状,成分为脉石英);70.38 m以下为粒度逐渐变粗的黄白色粗砂。为曲流河主流线附近向河漫滩过渡的边滩堆积[3132]

    73.39~95.18 m:以灰黄、灰绿色、青灰色含砾粗砂为主的沉积,夹杂有两层灰绿色、青灰色粉砂质泥—泥质砂。砾石粒径多集中在10~20 mm,最大可达40 mm。是曲流河主流线附近的心滩堆积[3132]

    95.18~101.11 m:以青灰、灰绿色细砂—极细砂为主的沉积,局部夹杂粉砂质泥、细砂—极细砂、灰黑色泥发育。为水动力较弱的浅湖相沉积。

    综上所述,荒山岩芯沉积相反映了其由湖泊相(95.18~101.11 m)至河流相(30.4~95.18 m)再到风尘黄土堆积(0.98~30.4 m)的变化,而30.4~95.18 m河流相沉积进一步可以划分为两个完整的沉积旋回:第一沉积旋回(62.3~95.18 m)为河床滞留堆积(73.39~95.18 m)向边滩(66.13~73.39 m)再向河漫湖泊(62.3~66.13 m)转变的沉积环境;第二个旋回(30.4~62.3 m)依次为边滩(57.08~62.25 m)和河漫滩(30.4~57.08 m)的沉积环境。

  • 根据荒山岩芯磁化率随深度的变化特征和岩芯岩性,我们将岩芯地层进一步划分为4段:

    (1) 0~30.4 m(Ⅰ段):该段地层为现代土壤和黄土—古土壤序列,其中黄土—古土壤序列磁化率呈现周期性髙低值变化;而现代土壤层磁化率呈现为高值,最高达94.70×10-8 m3kg-1。该段地层磁化率平均值为32.22×10-8 m3kg-1

    (2) 30.4~57.1 m(Ⅱ段):该段地层磁化率变化特征表现为自下至上小幅度波动并逐渐升高;至50 m以上表现为周期性的髙低值变化。该段地层磁化率平均值为14.64×10-8 m3kg-1

    (3) 57.1~62.3 m(Ⅲ段):该段地层磁化率急剧增大,波动剧烈,最高甚至达到99.67×10-8 m3kg-1。平均值为35.69×10-8 m3kg-1

    (4) 62.3~101 m(Ⅳ段):该段地层磁化率值较低,多次出现0值;波动幅度较小。平均值为3.60×10-8 m3kg-1

    由于钻孔的岩芯已经发生转动,磁偏角并无实际指导意义,故使用磁倾角建立磁极性柱。结果表明(图2),荒山岩芯钻孔具有较为规律的极性顺序,和标准地磁极性柱[2830]有良好的对比性。钻孔的Brunhes正极性带和Matuyama负极性带界限比较清晰,位于钻孔51.4 m处,时间界限为0.78 Ma。根据磁极性序列该钻孔自上至下依次划分为8个极性带,包括4个正极性和4个负极性。51.4 m以上为Brunhes正极性带;65.71~69.82 m为Jaramillo正极性带;77.46~77.88 m为Cobb Mountain正极性带;95.24~95.44 m为Gilsa正极性带。通过对岩芯极性柱的线性内插推得,荒山岩芯62.3 m处的地质年龄为0.94 Ma B.P.。

  • 荒山岩芯的87Sr/86Sr在0.709 043~0.714 077变化,平均值为0.711 557;εNd(0)在-8.7~-4.03变化,平均值为-6.09。根据岩芯Sr⁃Nd同位素组成随深度变化曲线和岩芯的岩性(图3),可以将岩芯Sr⁃Nd同位素组成进一步划分为四段:

    Figure 3.  Down⁃core variations of Sr⁃Nd isotope composition for the HS core;

    (1) 0~30.4 m(Ⅰ段):黄土—古土壤序列的87Sr/86Sr值为0.710 465~0.712 213,平均值为0.711 399;εNd(0)为-6.9~-3.7,平均值为-5.9。该地层15.1 m以上地层Sr⁃Nd同位素组成均表现为在岩芯均值上下小幅度的变化特征;15.1 m以下地层的Sr同位素表现为小于岩芯均值的周期性变化特征;Nd同位素表现为大于岩芯均值的周期性变化特征。

    (2) 30.4~57.1 m(Ⅱ段):该段地层87Sr/86Sr值介于0.711 963~0.713 528,平均值为0.712 738。εNd(0)值介于-7.2~-5.9,平均值为-6.6。Sr⁃Nd同位素组成变化幅度较小,其中Sr同位素表现为大于岩芯均值;Nd同位素表现为小于岩芯均值。

    (3) 57.1~62.3 m(Ⅲ段):该段地层Ⅲ段地层87Sr/86Sr值介于0.709 043~0.712 852,平均值为0.710 048;εNd(0)值介于-8.7~-4.4,平均值为-6.0。其Sr⁃Nd同位素组成变化特征表现为在岩芯均值上下剧烈波动,且具有Ⅱ段和Ⅳ段的Sr⁃Nd同位素组成特征。

    (4) 62.3~101 m(Ⅳ段):该段地层87Sr/86Sr值组成介于0.709 049~0.714 077,平均值为0.711 056;εNd(0)值变化范围为-8.5~-4.0,平均值为-6.0。其Sr⁃Nd同位素组成变化特征表现为在岩芯均值上下大幅度变化,且Sr同位素整体低于岩芯均值;Nd同位素整体高于岩芯均值。

  • 松花江水系河流冲积物Sr⁃Nd同位素组成测试结果(表1)显示,松花江松原方向支流的样品87Sr/86Sr值变化范围为0.707 394~0.711 336,平均值为0.709 784;Nd同位素组成εNd(0)值变化范围为-11.0~-5.1,平均值为-8.1。

    流域 87Sr/86Sr 143Nd/144Nd εNd(0)
    荒山 岩芯 荒山Ⅱ段 0.711 963~0.713 528 0.512 27~0.512 334 -7.2~-5.9
    荒山Ⅲ段 0.709 043~0.712 852 0.512 194~0.512 410 -8.7~-4.4
    荒山Ⅳ段 0.709 049~0.714 077 0.512 204~0.512 431 -8.5~-4.0
    上游 嫩江肇源 0.708 014~0.709 607 0.512 239~0.512 359 -7.8~-5.4
    第二松花江 0.710 479~0.711 243 0.512 113~0.512 222 -10.2~-8.1
    雅鲁河 0.708 322 0.512 300 -6.6
    拉林河 0.710 158~0.711 336 0.512 076~0.512 278 -11.0~-7.0
    松花江哈尔滨段 0.709 521~0.709 665 0.512 084~0.512 204 -10.8~-8.5
    库勒河 0.707 394~0.710 277 0.512 274~0.512 379 -7.1~-5.1
    中游 牡丹江 0.712 026 0.512 14 -9.7
    岔林河 0.709 731 0.512 448 -3.7
    蚂蜒河 0.709 018 0.512 569 -1.3
    通河T3阶地 0.715 166 0.512 408 -4.5

    Table 1.  Comparison of Sr⁃Nd isotope composition between the HS core and sediments from the Songhua River drainage

    松花江依兰方向支流样品87Sr/86Sr值变化范围为0.709 018~0.712 026,平均值为0.711 485;Nd同位素组成εNd(0)值变化范围为-9.7~-1.3,平均值为-4.8。

  • 沉积物磁化率值的大小主要决定于铁磁性矿物的浓度、颗粒的大小和磁性矿物的成分,反映了沉积物物源、沉积动力大小及次生条件等沉积环境的变化[33]。荒山岩芯62.3 m以下地层磁化率与62.3 m以上地层存在较大差异,Ⅳ段(62.3~101 m)地层与Ⅲ地层(57.1~62.3 m)的磁化率均值差异达到10倍;和Ⅱ段(30.4~57.1 m)地层磁化率平均值差异也达到5倍之多。沉积动力以及次生条件的变化难以解释如此急剧的磁化率波动。沉积物的磁学特征与物源区出露的岩石类型有着密切的联系,荒山岩芯过渡段磁化率的剧烈波动应是由物源的变化引起的,而非次生条件的变化所导致。


    由于岩芯30.4 m以上为现代土壤和风成黄土—古土壤系列,其Sr⁃Nd同位素组成变化不在我们水系演化的讨论之中。岩芯Ⅱ段(30.4~57.1 m)段和Ⅳ段(62.3~101 m)沉积物具有明显不同的Sr⁃Nd同位素组成。岩芯62.3 m以下地层Sr⁃Nd同位素组成在岩芯均值上下剧烈变化,Sr同位素整体表现为低于岩芯均值,Nd同位素整体则表现为高于岩芯均值。57.08 m以上地层Sr⁃Nd同位素组成变幅较小,Sr同位素高于岩芯均值,呈现为递减的变化趋势,Nd同位素低于岩芯均值,呈现递增的变化趋势。岩芯62.3 m上、下地层Sr⁃Nd同位素组成的这种差异反映了荒山地区0.94 Ma前后沉积物源并不一致,其物源区存在较大变化。

  • 第四纪松花江水系演化模式一直存在争议。杨秉赓、初本君等人认为早更新世松花江水流模式为西流模式[1113,38],反转时间笼统的指向早更新世末或中更新世初[11,13],但是反转的原因存在争议。杨秉赓等人认为是向源侵蚀引起的河流袭夺和水系倒转[11,39],初本君等[12]认为是由三江平原的沉降改使松嫩古湖东外泄至三江盆地[12]。然而,裘善文等认为第四纪以来松花江一直是东流模式[10,4041],由松嫩湖盆的东北出口东流至三江平原。更早的古近纪和新近纪时期,上松花江和牡丹江流向达连河和祥顺地区的一古大湖[42],即松花江从未西流向松嫩平原。尽管各家观点不同,但是均认为松花江水系在早更新世晚期和中更新世之前在依兰和佳木斯区域存在佳依(佳木斯—依兰)分水岭[1113,4344]

    从荒山岩芯的岩性来看,73.39~95.18 m地层岩性为含砾粗砂,66.13~73.39 m为中—粗砂,62.25~66.13 m为亚黏土和黏土,表现出自下而上沉积物粒度由粗变细的沉积过程,这反映了受构造和地貌控制的水动力条件逐渐减弱的变化过程。已有研究表明,晚第三纪末松辽平原受新构造运动的影响,山区抬升较平原上升显著[11]。佳依分水岭也随之抬升,导致河流向源侵蚀加剧,产生大量新鲜碎屑物质。砾石多为造山作用的产物[4546],砾石的出现说明该时期荒山岩芯沉积物来自构造抬升的山地。哈尔滨以西的松原一带地处松嫩平原腹地,地势平坦,且发源于大兴安岭的嫩江也无法将砾石远距离搬运至哈尔滨地区进行堆积,松花江哈尔滨段以及松原至哈尔滨段的现代河床及河流阶地沉积物皆为中—细砂,并无砾石堆积。所以荒山岩芯底部的砾石不可能由松原方向搬运过来,只能来自哈尔滨以东的小兴安岭和张广才岭。同时,由于佳依分水岭的构造抬升使得松花江依兰—哈尔滨河段河流纵比降加大,水流搬运能力强,河流将大量砾石搬运至哈尔滨地区,所以岩芯底部出现砾石沉积。随着河流沉积物在下游的堆积,下游河床被抬高,而上游河床由于河流的下切侵蚀则不断被蚀低,导致依兰—哈尔滨河段河床的相对高差逐渐减小,河流纵比降减小,水流搬运能力下降,河流所搬运的沉积物粒度逐渐变细,造成岩芯下部沉积物的粒度由下至上逐渐变细。因此荒山岩芯下部沉积物的粒度变化规律在一定程度上证明了松花江的西流模式。

    荒山岩芯沉积物Sr⁃Nd地球化学组成随深度的变化显示(图3),岩芯Ⅳ段(62.3 m以下)Sr⁃Nd同位素组成呈现高频高幅的变化特征。造成这种现象的原因是,河流的持续下蚀,使河谷两侧及底部的基岩不断暴露并受到流水侵蚀,导致大量新鲜碎屑物质加入河流载荷,这些新生碎屑物质具有低的再循环特征和较高的Nd同位素组成。“新”与“老”碎屑物质的混合导致Sr⁃Nd同位素组成在岩芯中的剧烈波动变化。河流的下切侵蚀往往发育在纵比降较大的河流上游的构造隆升地区。现今松花江上游地区流经松嫩平原,地势较为平坦,并不具备下切侵蚀的条件,而依兰—佳木斯一带在早更新世为构造抬升地区,被小兴安岭和张广才岭所围限,地势较高,地层广泛出露,可以为河流下蚀作用提供条件并提供大量碎屑物质进入河流沉积物。

    荒山岩芯Ⅳ段的Nd同位素组成εNd(0)的最大值为-4.0(表1),达到岩芯剖面的最大值。松花江水系松原方向冲积物的Nd同位素组成εNd(0)偏负,最大值仅为-5.1,远小于岩芯Ⅳ段的Nd同位素组成的最大值,而依兰方向河流冲积物的Nd同位素组成εNd(0)明显偏正,除了牡丹江外,其他河流冲积物在-1.3~-4.5之间。由此可见,松原方向水系冲积物不可能为岩芯Ⅳ段提供如此高εNd(0)值的碎屑物质,而依兰方向水系冲积物可以为岩芯Ⅳ段提供高εNd(0)值的碎屑物质。因此我们认为,岩芯62.3 m以下地层沉积物来源于依兰方向,而62.3 m以上地层沉积物来源于松原方向。

    松嫩平原属于周边向中心倾斜的半封闭不对称盆地,四周被大兴安岭、小兴安岭和长白山包围。早更新世佳依分水岭被切穿前,水流顺应地貌梯度从盆地边缘向心状地流向盆地中心。所以从地貌角度看,在佳依分水岭被切穿前,依兰方向应该是松花江的上游。另外,在通河县野外考察中发现的松花江T3堆积阶地具有明显的二元结构,上部为厚度约2.6 m棕红色河漫滩相含砾粉砂质泥,下部为厚度约5.6 m的灰白色河床相砂砾石层(图4a)。砾石层粒径多集中在20~50 mm,最大粒径达260 mm(图4b),磨圆度较好,有较好的定向排列。这些砾石是佳依分水岭被切穿之前河流上游的产物。首先,在松嫩平原只有山区由于受新构造抬升影响而存在T3阶地,且多数为堆积阶地而少数为基座阶地;而哈尔滨地区地势平坦,受松嫩平原沉降作用的影响,只能形成T1(全新世)和T2(形成于晚更新世,大约在40 ka B.P.,未出版数据)河流堆积阶地。其次,砾石的大规模堆积往往反映了造山运动的山体隆升,河流持续下蚀将砾石向下游输送堆积形成[4546]。若这套砾石层来源于哈尔滨方向,那么位于通河上游的哈尔滨地区应该存在粒径更大的砾石堆积,然而松原至哈尔滨一带的地表不见砾石堆积,且荒山岩芯底部仅存在细颗粒的砾石。最重要的是,通河T3阶地砾石的排列方向显示(图4c),该砾石层的砾石ab面倾向东南,倾向基本在120°~150°之间(图4c),表明了自东向西的古水流流向。所以该套砾石层的存在也直接证明了当时松花江是从依兰方向向西流至哈尔滨方向。

    Figure 4.  Gravel deposit accumulation on the Songhua River T3 terraces in Tonghe county.


    综上所述,我们提出如下的松花江水系演化模式(图5)。在早更新世早—中期,松花江中上游与下游尚未贯通。以佳依分水岭为界,松花江下游从佳木斯向东流经三江平原,松花江中上游(即,肇源—依兰河段)自依兰向西流入松嫩湖盆。同时,嫩江、松花江吉林段、东辽河和西辽河分别注入松嫩古湖,古湖南侧有一个缺口,通过辽河,水流流经下辽河裂谷外泄至渤海。早更新世晚期,佳依分水岭构造抬升,分水岭两侧的松嫩平原和三江平原明显沉降,河流纵比降不断增大,分水岭两侧河流不断向源侵蚀;同时受0.9 Ma中更新世气候转型的影响[4749],冬季风加强,气温降低,全球冰量增加,侵蚀基准面下降,河流的向源侵蚀加剧。最终导致佳依分水岭在0.94 Ma B.P.被切穿,松花江中上游水系被下游水系所袭夺,流向发生反转,松花江中上游河段自西向东流经佳依峡谷进入三江平原,松花江中上游与下游河段得以贯通。与此同时,受松花江反向以及松辽分水岭抬升的影响,嫩江和松花江吉林段河道被迫改道最终并入松花江。而由于下辽河的持续向源侵蚀以及松辽分水岭的抬升,下辽河袭夺东、西辽河,松嫩古湖不再有河流水流注入,逐渐消失。

    Figure 5.  Reconstruction of the Songhua River system evolution

  • 通过对荒山岩芯的沉积相、磁化率、古地磁和Sr⁃Nd同位素的测定对第四纪以来松花江水系的演化,得到以下结论:

    (1) 荒山岩芯沉积相反映了其由湖泊相(95.18~101.11 m)至河流相(30.4~95.18 m)再到风尘黄土堆积(0.98~30.4 m)的变化,而河流相沉积进一步可以划分为由河床滞留堆积向边滩再向河漫湖转变的第一个沉积旋回和由边滩向河漫滩沉积环境转变的第二个沉积旋回。

    (2) 荒山岩芯磁化率以62.3 m为界限,上下两段地层磁化率存在明显差异。62.3 m以下地层磁化率值较低,多处出现0值,波动较小;62.3 m以上地层磁化率在急剧升高,并呈现周期性的髙低变化。

    (3) 荒山岩芯钻孔的B/M界限位于钻孔51.4 m处,时间界限为0.78 Ma。自51.4 m以下包含有Jaramillo、Cobb Mountain和Gilsa正极性带,通过对岩芯极性柱的线性内插推得,荒山岩芯62.3 m处的地质年龄为0.94 Ma B.P.。

    (4) 荒山岩芯62.3 m以下地层的Sr⁃Nd同位素组成剧烈变化,其中Sr同位素组成整体表现为低于岩芯均值,Nd同位素整体表现为高于岩芯均值;岩芯30.4~57.1 m段地层的Sr⁃Nd同位素组成变幅较小,其中Sr同位素高于岩芯均值,Nd同位素低于岩芯均值。表明了岩芯上下两段沉积物源发生了明显变化。

    (5) 荒山岩芯62.3 m以下地层的Sr⁃Nd同位素组成与依兰方向水系沉积物相近,而62.3 m以上地层的Sr⁃Nd同位素组成与松原方向水系沉积物相近。表明62.3 m(0.94 Ma B.P.)前后沉积物物源和河流流向发生了显著变化。

    (6) 早更新世晚期之前,以佳依分水岭为界,松花江下游向东流经三江平原,而松花江中上游河段向西流入松嫩湖盆。早更新世晚期,佳依分水岭构造抬升,松嫩平原与三江平原不断下沉,同时受中更新世气候转型的影响,全球气温降低,侵蚀基准面下降,河流向源侵蚀加剧。在构造—气候耦合作用的影响下,最终导致佳依分水岭在0.94 Ma B.P.左右被切穿,松花江中上游水系被下游水系所袭夺,河流发生反转,松花江水系得以贯通,逐渐形成现代松花江水系格局。

Reference (49)



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