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Volume 38 Issue 5
Oct.  2020
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LUO NiNa, HOU ShouTan, JI YouLiang, LÜ WenRui, ZHANG YiLou, CHEN PeiLei, LI ShengMing, ZHANG Lan. Sedimentary Model of Mixed Rocks in the Upper Es3 of Paleogone in the Dawangzhuang Area, Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2020, 38(5): 1037-1048. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.096
Citation: LUO NiNa, HOU ShouTan, JI YouLiang, LÜ WenRui, ZHANG YiLou, CHEN PeiLei, LI ShengMing, ZHANG Lan. Sedimentary Model of Mixed Rocks in the Upper Es 3 of Paleogone in the Dawangzhuang Area, Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2020, 38(5): 1037-1048. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.096

Sedimentary Model of Mixed Rocks in the Upper Es 3 of Paleogone in the Dawangzhuang Area, Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.096

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41672098

  • Received Date: 2019-06-03
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-11-17
  • Publish Date: 2020-10-28
  • Based on core data, microphotographs, well⁃logging and test analysis, etc., combined with regional geological data, the characteristics of mixed rocks in oil group I of the upper third member of the Paleogone Shahejie Formation in the Dawangzhuang area, Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, were studied. The sedimentary environment was analyzed, and the sedimentary model was explored. The study shows that the mixed rocks may be divided into two categories: siliciclastic carbonate rocks and carbonate siliciclastic rocks. Mainly sandy dolomite and calcareous sandstone occur in the Dawangzhuang area, with mainly siliciclastic carbonate rocks in the central and northern areas, and carbonate siliciclastic rocks in the west and south. The genetic types of mixed sedimentation are dominated by facies mixing in the early and middle stage of oil group I of the upper third member of the Paleogone Shahejie Formation oil group, and by in situ mixing in the early stage of oil group I of the upper third member of the Paleogone Shahejie Formation oil group. A few cases of source mixing were found in the late stage of oil group I of the upper third member of the Paleogone Shahejie Formation oil group in the study area.The sedimentary environment of the mixed sedimentation of carbonates is mainly shore⁃shallow lake in the Dawangzhuang area, classified into three kinds of mixed deposits: sandstone bar microfacies, carbonate bar microfacies, and muddy shore⁃shallow lake microfacies. A comprehensive analysis of the effect of lake level variation on mixed deposition, together with tectonic evolution and paleogeomorphology, revealed a sedimentary model of mixed rocks during steadily rising, then falling, lake levels. When the lake level was slowly rising, the mixed deposits characterized by both facies mixing and in situ mixing gradually increased. When the lake level was suitable, the content of pure carbonate rocks increased and facies mixing decreased. Later, when the lake level was falling, source mixing was evident.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2019-06-03
  • Revised:  2019-11-17
  • Published:  2020-10-28

Sedimentary Model of Mixed Rocks in the Upper Es 3 of Paleogone in the Dawangzhuang Area, Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.096

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41672098

Abstract: Based on core data, microphotographs, well⁃logging and test analysis, etc., combined with regional geological data, the characteristics of mixed rocks in oil group I of the upper third member of the Paleogone Shahejie Formation in the Dawangzhuang area, Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, were studied. The sedimentary environment was analyzed, and the sedimentary model was explored. The study shows that the mixed rocks may be divided into two categories: siliciclastic carbonate rocks and carbonate siliciclastic rocks. Mainly sandy dolomite and calcareous sandstone occur in the Dawangzhuang area, with mainly siliciclastic carbonate rocks in the central and northern areas, and carbonate siliciclastic rocks in the west and south. The genetic types of mixed sedimentation are dominated by facies mixing in the early and middle stage of oil group I of the upper third member of the Paleogone Shahejie Formation oil group, and by in situ mixing in the early stage of oil group I of the upper third member of the Paleogone Shahejie Formation oil group. A few cases of source mixing were found in the late stage of oil group I of the upper third member of the Paleogone Shahejie Formation oil group in the study area.The sedimentary environment of the mixed sedimentation of carbonates is mainly shore⁃shallow lake in the Dawangzhuang area, classified into three kinds of mixed deposits: sandstone bar microfacies, carbonate bar microfacies, and muddy shore⁃shallow lake microfacies. A comprehensive analysis of the effect of lake level variation on mixed deposition, together with tectonic evolution and paleogeomorphology, revealed a sedimentary model of mixed rocks during steadily rising, then falling, lake levels. When the lake level was slowly rising, the mixed deposits characterized by both facies mixing and in situ mixing gradually increased. When the lake level was suitable, the content of pure carbonate rocks increased and facies mixing decreased. Later, when the lake level was falling, source mixing was evident.

LUO NiNa, HOU ShouTan, JI YouLiang, LÜ WenRui, ZHANG YiLou, CHEN PeiLei, LI ShengMing, ZHANG Lan. Sedimentary Model of Mixed Rocks in the Upper Es3 of Paleogone in the Dawangzhuang Area, Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2020, 38(5): 1037-1048. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.096
Citation: LUO NiNa, HOU ShouTan, JI YouLiang, LÜ WenRui, ZHANG YiLou, CHEN PeiLei, LI ShengMing, ZHANG Lan. Sedimentary Model of Mixed Rocks in the Upper Es 3 of Paleogone in the Dawangzhuang Area, Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2020, 38(5): 1037-1048. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.096
  • 混合沉积是指碳酸盐与陆源碎屑相互混杂或交替沉积[14],可形成混积岩[57],混积岩不仅发育于古代沉积环境中,在现代沉积也有发育[810]。混合沉积的概念提出以后,不同学者利用组分建立了多种混积岩分类标准,Mount[11]以砂、异化粒、灰泥和泥质黏土为四端元,画出了三角四面体分类图,由于该方法不够直观,后来的学者多以三端元进行分类[4,1213],而对于组分简单的混积岩,董桂玉等[14]以碳酸盐与陆源碎屑的含量进行划分;与此同时,众多学者对混合沉积的成因类型进行了讨论[11,1317],提出了多种混合沉积成因类型及划分方案。也有学者研究了混积岩的层序地层学特征[1721],探讨了混合沉积的构造背景、湖平面变化及古气候背景等[5,7,2224],亦或探讨了混合沉积的油气地质意义[2527]。总体来看,混合沉积的地质意义较为明显,但前人更倾向于陆源碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩各自单独研究,混积岩研究偏少,混积岩的类型及混合沉积的成因类型的分类均缺乏普遍性。


  • 饶阳凹陷位于渤海湾盆地冀中坳陷中南部,大王庄地区位于饶阳凹陷中央隆起带的中南部,整体上东南部高,呈现向西北倾的鼻状构造。研究区位于大王庄东断层的上升盘,南部边界为大王庄东断层,东部为低洼地区。区内断裂走向以北东向为主,如大王庄断层,较少为南西向(图1)。

    Figure 1.  Structural diagram of the upper Es 3I in the Dawangzhuang area


  • 大王庄地区古近系沙三上亚段I油组5小层以陆源碎屑岩为主,绝大数岩性为厚层细砂岩,局部发育含钙砂岩或钙质砂岩等;4小层主要为含钙砂岩或钙质砂岩等,混合沉积发育;2、3小层主要发育厚层碳酸盐岩,含少量碎屑岩或砂质云岩等;1小层以碎屑岩为主,主要为泥岩和薄层含钙砂岩等,混合沉积发育范围较广,发育厚度较小(图2)。

    Figure 2.  Composite columnar section of the upper Es 3I in the Dawangzhuang area


    Table 1.  Lithoelectric plates of the upper Es 3I in the Dawangzhuang area

  • 饶阳凹陷大王庄地区古近系沙三上亚段I油组发育的陆源碎屑岩主要包括泥岩、中细砂岩与粉砂岩,砾岩发育极少。

  • 大王庄地区古近系沙三上亚段I油组泥岩广泛发育,局部发育页岩,部分含粉砂,一般为灰色或者灰绿色,极少为紫红色,发育水平纹层和波状层理,可见生物扰动。泥岩发育较为稳定,测井曲线SP多呈现平直,GR值大。

  • 大王庄地区古近系沙三上亚段I油组砂岩以细砂岩为主,还包含粉砂岩,以及较少的中砂岩;颜色以灰色为主,石英含量50%~55%,长石含量40%~50%,岩屑含量8%,含少量碳酸盐岩(图3a~d,f~h);砂岩发育平行层理和斜层理,部分可见泥砾,粉砂岩中可见生物扰动和潜穴构造。纵向上,砂岩主要发育于沙三上亚段I油组下部;横向上,砂岩在研究区的北部和南部广泛发育,中部发育较少。

    Figure 3.  Types of carbonate rocks and mixed rocks of the upper Es 3I in the Dawangzhuang area

  • 大王庄地区古近系沙三上亚段I油组碳酸盐岩广泛发育,部分含陆源碎屑,成分不纯。以白云岩为主,包括鲕粒云岩、藻云岩、泥粉晶云岩等,可见灰质白云岩、含砂灰质白云岩和砂屑白云岩等;灰岩多为泥灰岩、白云质灰岩等。

  • 颗粒云岩包括鲕粒云岩、藻云岩和少量生物碎屑云岩(图3j~l)。鲕粒云岩多为灰色或浅灰色,鲕粒以内碎屑、生物介壳等为核心,同心层偏薄,鲕粒的圆度较好,部分呈长条状,分选中等,鲕粒的形成环境水体动荡。而藻云岩形成于藻类的粘结作用,多为树枝状或不规则状,内部粒内孔隙发育。研究区的生物碎屑云岩发育较少,生物碎屑以介形虫为主,多为破碎的生物介壳,水动力较强。颗粒云岩的测井曲线响应为低GR,SP呈负异常,低AC,低COND,曲线形态呈箱型,上下多为突变;纵向上发育厚度较大,横向上分布较为局限。

  • 泥晶白云岩基本呈灰色,多数成分较纯,部分含砂屑、泥质或者凝块、介形虫碎片等(图3m),白云石平均含量高于80%(表2),水动力偏弱,水体相对稳定。

    井号 深度/m 岩石定名 碳酸盐成分/% 基质/%
    白云石 方解石 泥质 泥晶 细晶
    L70⁃50 3 600 泥晶云岩 97 3 100
    L70⁃50 3 611 泥晶云岩 96 4 100
    L70⁃50 3 637 泥晶云岩 94 2 4 100
    L70⁃57 3 607 泥晶云岩 94 4 2 100
    L494 3 686 泥粉晶云岩 96 4 95 5

    Table 2.  Identification of micrite dolomite of the upper Es 3I in the Dawangzhuang area

  • 灰质白云岩多以浅灰色和灰褐色为主,厚层灰质白云岩多数具有含油性,呈油浸或油斑,为良好的储集体,水体能量偏强;薄层灰质云岩常与泥岩互层,水体能量弱。

  • 泥灰岩以灰褐色和浅灰色为主,部分可见荧光;常呈薄层,局部发育厚层泥灰岩,薄层泥灰岩测井曲线与泥岩类似,厚层泥灰岩测井曲线与颗粒灰岩相似,但齿化很严重,水体能量弱,不稳定。

  • 大王庄地区古近系沙三上亚段的混积岩分为(含)陆源碎屑质—碳酸盐岩、(含)碳酸盐—陆源碎屑岩两大类。混合沉积的成因类型包括原地混合、相源混合、间断混合和母源混合,其中以原地混合和相源混合最为常见。大王庄地区古近系沙三上亚段的主要沉积环境为滨浅湖,而混积岩的沉积相多为滩坝沉积,如砂质混积滩坝和碳酸盐混积滩坝,还包含少数滨浅湖泥混积。

  • 混积岩指在同一沉积环境中,陆源碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩混合沉积于同一岩层所形成的岩石类型[4]。对于混积岩的分类,Mount[11]采用砂、异化粒、灰泥和泥质黏土四端元进行分类,将混积岩分为亮晶灰质砂岩、泥灰质砂岩、亮晶灰质泥岩、泥灰质泥岩、砂质亮晶灰岩、泥质亮晶灰岩、砂质泥晶灰岩和泥质泥晶灰岩8类,杨朝青等[4]、叶茂松等[12]和张雄华[13]采用黏土、陆源碎屑和碳酸盐三端元进行分类,董桂玉等[14,33]考虑碳酸盐岩和陆源碎屑岩这两类主要的岩石成分。


    成分含量/% 命名 示例
    陆源碎屑 碳酸盐
    0~10 90~100 碳酸盐岩 亮晶灰岩、泥晶白云岩
    10~50 50~90 (含)陆源碎屑质—碳酸盐岩 砂质云岩、含泥灰岩
    50~90 10~50 (含)碳酸盐质—陆源碎屑岩 云质砂岩、含灰泥岩
    90~100 0~10 陆源碎屑岩 砂岩、泥岩

    Table 3.  Classification and names of the mixed rocks (modified from Mount, 1985[11])

  • (含)碳酸盐质—陆源碎屑岩以陆源碎屑为主,主要为含云(钙)砂岩、云(钙)质砂岩,以粉砂岩和细砂岩为主,少数为中砂岩(图3a~d,f~h)。该类混积岩的石英、长石和岩屑总量均大于50%,平均占70%,最高可超过80%。若白云石或方解石含量大于25%,则为云质或钙质砂岩,该类岩石一般碳酸盐含量介于25%~40%;若碳酸盐含量小于25%,则为含云或含钙砂岩,该类岩石碳酸盐含量一般介于10%~25%(表4)。部分以陆源碎屑为主的混积岩在沉积过程中可能混入鲕粒等盆内颗粒(图3f~h),如留70⁃145井的含钙鲕粒长石粗粉细砂岩,混入薄皮鲕等盆内颗粒(表4)。

    井名 井深/m 岩石定名 陆源碎屑成分总量/% 碳酸盐成分/% 胶结物/% 盆内颗粒/%
    白云石 方解石 泥质 硅质 铁白云石 薄皮鲕
    L63 3 490 含云岩屑长石细砂质中砂岩 69 2 5 4 10
    L494 3 689 含云质长石粗粉—细砂岩 79 12 7 2
    L488 3 623 含钙质粗粉砂岩 77.5 0.5 22
    L70⁃114 3 735 含泥钙质长石细粉砂岩 67 3 15 15
    L70⁃135 3 521 含钙质长石粗粉—细砂岩 84 12 4
    L70⁃145 3 391 含钙质鲕粒长石粗粉细砂岩 60 10 20 40
    L70⁃114 3 732 钙质长石细粉砂岩 58 42
    L70⁃135 3 512 钙质长石粗粉砂岩 73 25 2

    Table 4.  Identification of mixed rocks dominated by terrigenous detritus of the upper Es 3I in the Dawangzhuang area

  • (含)陆源碎屑质—碳酸盐岩以碳酸盐为主,其碳酸盐含量介于60%~90%,以细粉晶白云石为主,部分发育泥晶白云石和细晶方解石;其次发育粒屑和砂屑,含量与其沉积环境相关,同时部分发育少量的生物屑,如介形虫等(表5)。陆源碎屑组分多为粉细砂或者泥质等(图3e,i,m),含量通常在4%~40%之间,粒度偏细,如留494井的细粉砂质泥灰岩、留70⁃135井的含砂质砂屑泥晶云岩等(表5)。

    井名 井深/m 岩石定名 陆源碎屑成分总量/% 碳酸盐成分/% 基质/% 盆内颗粒/%
    白云石 方解石 泥质 泥晶 细粉晶 细晶 砂屑 生物屑 粒屑 砂屑 介形虫
    L63 3 496 含粒屑泥晶云岩 10 90 78 6 10 2
    L70⁃50 3 636 粒屑含灰质云岩 87 10 3 3 87
    L70⁃114 3 727 泥晶细砂屑云岩 92 8 12 8 80
    L70⁃135 3 514 含砂质砂屑泥晶云岩 10 73 15 2 65 15 10
    L70⁃145 3 452 含细砂屑含云质灰岩 15 15 70 50 35
    L494 3 698 细粉砂质泥灰岩 25 75

    Table 5.  Identification of carbonate⁃dominated mixed rocks of the upper Es 3I in the Dawangzhuang area

  • 不同学者都对混积岩的混合沉积成因类型进行了划分,根据Mount[1]对混合沉积的成因分类,可将混合沉积的成因分为间断混合、相源混合、原地混合和母源混合。间断混合受控于少见的高强度事件,包括风暴作用和重力流等;而相源混合的主要原因是相与相之间的过渡;原地混合则是指在陆源碎屑沉积物中,生成了碳酸盐,导致了混合沉积;至于母源混合是指受多物源的影响,包括陆源碎屑的物源和碳酸盐的物源,形成了陆源碎屑和碳酸盐的混合沉积(图4)。大王庄地区发育的混积岩主要形成于相源混合和原地混合,少数形成于母源混合,少见间断混合。

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of genetic types of mixed sedimentation


    Figure 5.  Well connection profiles of the upper Es 3I in the Dawangzhuang area




  • 纯砂质滩坝发育于近岸、水体较浅、水动力较强的滨浅湖地区,以中厚层的细砂岩为主,测井曲线一般呈箱型和漏斗型,具有向上变粗的反韵律。以砂质为主的混积滩坝发育于纯砂质滩坝靠湖一侧,区内较为发育,混积岩岩石类型以含钙或钙质砂岩为主,主要为原地混合沉积。纯砂质滩坝以L70⁃143X井附近为典型代表,砂质混积滩坝以L70⁃123井附近的Es 3 I⁃4、5小层为典型代表。

  • 碳酸盐岩混积滩坝一般发育于靠湖一侧,多数在古隆起的高点处发育,水动力较强,陆源碎屑供给偏少,主要为纯碳酸盐岩(藻云岩、鲕粒云岩、白云岩、灰岩等)与泥岩的夹互层,少数为砂屑白云岩与泥岩互层,混合沉积成因类型以相源混合沉积为主。该微相以大王庄地区古近系的Es 3 I⁃2、3小层为典型代表。

  • 滨浅湖泥一般由灰黑色泥岩、泥质灰(云)岩以及泥灰岩组成,位于滨浅湖发育的滩坝之间的低能区域。混合沉积以泥岩与泥质灰(云)岩、泥灰岩夹互层为主,部分为泥岩夹泥质灰(云)岩或灰质泥岩,以相源混合和原地混合为主。该微相以L70⁃25NX井附近的Es 3 I⁃4、5小层为典型代表,GR测井曲线呈弱齿化,整体呈箱型,部分呈指型。

  • 半深湖—深湖亚相一般发育灰黑色泥岩、灰褐色页岩,部分可见泥质灰(云)岩,一般发育于东部低洼区。

  • 从剖面和平面沉积微相来看(图56),沙三上亚段I油组沉积早期以砂岩为主,混合沉积程度偏低,发育纯砂质滩坝和砂质混积滩坝,之后混合沉积增多,到2、3小层沉积时期,水动力偏强,碳酸盐岩混积滩坝最为发育;晚期水体略微下降,广泛发育薄层混积岩。研究区中部主要发育颗粒碳酸盐岩,以碳酸盐岩混积滩坝为主,北部一般都发育以砂质为主的混积岩,以砂质混积滩坝为主,南部以混积岩和砂岩为主,物源同时来自西部和西南部,中部偏西以砂岩为主,东部为半深湖—深湖沉积。

    Figure 6.  Distribution of sedimentary microfacies map of the upper Es 3I in the Dawangzhuang area



    Figure 7.  Sedimentary model map of lacustrine carbonate rocks of oil group I of the upper third member,Shahejie Formation, Dawangzhuang area

  • (1) 饶阳凹陷大王庄地区发育陆源碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩,陆源碎屑岩以砂岩、灰(云)质砂岩和泥页岩为主,碳酸盐岩以鲕粒云岩、藻云岩、泥晶白云岩和泥灰岩等为主。研究区中部以碳酸盐岩为主,其中I油组2、3小层较为发育;西部以砂岩为主,其中I油组4、5小层较为发育。

    (2) 混积岩分为(含)陆源碎屑质—碳酸盐岩和(含)碳酸盐质—陆源碎屑岩两大类,以灰(云)质砂岩、砂屑泥晶云岩为主。混合沉积成因类型主要为相源混合沉积和原地混合沉积,少量母源混合沉积,而间断混合沉积极少见。研究区古近系沙三上亚段主要为滨浅湖沉积,局部为半深湖沉积,其中滨浅湖沉积包括砂质混积滩坝、碳酸盐岩混积滩坝和滨浅湖泥沉积。

    (3) 根据混积岩的纵向和平面分布特征,结合构造地质、物源、古地貌、古气候和湖平面变化等资料,建立湖平面先稳定上升后下降的混积岩沉积模式。当湖平面较低时,研究区主要沉积河口坝和砂质滩坝;随着水位的上升,碳酸盐与陆源碎屑发生原地混合沉积;当湖平面达到一定高度时,以碳酸盐岩及其混积滩坝为主,沉积的碳酸盐与陆源碎屑形成相源混合沉积;后期,湖平面下降,可能形成母源混合沉积。

Reference (34)



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