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GE JiaWang, ZHU XiaoMin, PAN Rong, LEI YongChang, ZHANG Xin, CHEN ShuHui. A Quantitative Porosity Evolution Model of Sandstone for Wenchang Formation in Huizhou Depression,Pearl River Mouth Basin: A case study for braided fluvial delta reservoir of HZ-A area[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2015, 33(1): 183-193. doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.019
Citation: GE JiaWang, ZHU XiaoMin, PAN Rong, LEI YongChang, ZHANG Xin, CHEN ShuHui. A Quantitative Porosity Evolution Model of Sandstone for Wenchang Formation in Huizhou Depression,Pearl River Mouth Basin: A case study for braided fluvial delta reservoir of HZ-A area[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2015, 33(1): 183-193. doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.019

A Quantitative Porosity Evolution Model of Sandstone for Wenchang Formation in Huizhou Depression,Pearl River Mouth Basin: A case study for braided fluvial delta reservoir of HZ-A area

doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.019
  • Received Date: 2014-01-27
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-04-09
  • Publish Date: 2015-02-10
  • A significant sandstone reservoir at the present burial depths greater than 3 500 m, located in the Wenchang Formation of HZ-A area in Huizhou depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, was deposited in the braided fluvial delta environment. Based on comprehensive analysis of thin sections, cathodeluminescence microscope, X-ray diffractometor, scanning electronic microscope, physical property analysis and so on, the characteristic of reservoir, diagenesis and pore evolution in Wenchang Formation of HZ-A area were studied in detail. Authors have established a quantitative model for their pore evolution during the geodynamic history by using quantitative analysis method. The results show that the sandstones are mostly lithic sandstone characterized by low compositional and textural maturity. The reservoir has mainly experienced the compaction, early cementation, dissolution and late cementation in sequence and has been at the middle diagenetic A2 stage. Dissolution was the only diagenetic factor resulting in the improvement of reservoir physical property. Both mechanical compaction and late cementation mainly resulted in pore destruction. The original porosity of the reservoir was 35.1% and had the loss of 15.4% by mechanical compaction and the loss of 3.4% due to early cementation. Acid dissolution increased the porosity of 7.2%. The pores were occluded by late clay minerals and carbonate cements, resulting in the reduction of 11.5%. Consequently, the low-porosity and low-permeability reservoir is formed.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2014-01-27
  • Revised:  2014-04-09
  • Published:  2015-02-10

A Quantitative Porosity Evolution Model of Sandstone for Wenchang Formation in Huizhou Depression,Pearl River Mouth Basin: A case study for braided fluvial delta reservoir of HZ-A area

doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.019

Abstract: A significant sandstone reservoir at the present burial depths greater than 3 500 m, located in the Wenchang Formation of HZ-A area in Huizhou depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, was deposited in the braided fluvial delta environment. Based on comprehensive analysis of thin sections, cathodeluminescence microscope, X-ray diffractometor, scanning electronic microscope, physical property analysis and so on, the characteristic of reservoir, diagenesis and pore evolution in Wenchang Formation of HZ-A area were studied in detail. Authors have established a quantitative model for their pore evolution during the geodynamic history by using quantitative analysis method. The results show that the sandstones are mostly lithic sandstone characterized by low compositional and textural maturity. The reservoir has mainly experienced the compaction, early cementation, dissolution and late cementation in sequence and has been at the middle diagenetic A2 stage. Dissolution was the only diagenetic factor resulting in the improvement of reservoir physical property. Both mechanical compaction and late cementation mainly resulted in pore destruction. The original porosity of the reservoir was 35.1% and had the loss of 15.4% by mechanical compaction and the loss of 3.4% due to early cementation. Acid dissolution increased the porosity of 7.2%. The pores were occluded by late clay minerals and carbonate cements, resulting in the reduction of 11.5%. Consequently, the low-porosity and low-permeability reservoir is formed.

GE JiaWang, ZHU XiaoMin, PAN Rong, LEI YongChang, ZHANG Xin, CHEN ShuHui. A Quantitative Porosity Evolution Model of Sandstone for Wenchang Formation in Huizhou Depression,Pearl River Mouth Basin: A case study for braided fluvial delta reservoir of HZ-A area[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2015, 33(1): 183-193. doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.019
Citation: GE JiaWang, ZHU XiaoMin, PAN Rong, LEI YongChang, ZHANG Xin, CHEN ShuHui. A Quantitative Porosity Evolution Model of Sandstone for Wenchang Formation in Huizhou Depression,Pearl River Mouth Basin: A case study for braided fluvial delta reservoir of HZ-A area[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2015, 33(1): 183-193. doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.019
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