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MA BenBen, CAO YingChang, WANG YanZhong, JIA YanCong, ZHANG ShaoMin. Diagenetic Evolution and Its Influence on Physical Properties of Es4s Reservoir in the Northern Steep Zone of the Bonan Sag[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2015, 33(1): 170-182. doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.018
Citation: MA BenBen, CAO YingChang, WANG YanZhong, JIA YanCong, ZHANG ShaoMin. Diagenetic Evolution and Its Influence on Physical Properties of Es4s Reservoir in the Northern Steep Zone of the Bonan Sag[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2015, 33(1): 170-182. doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.018

Diagenetic Evolution and Its Influence on Physical Properties of Es4s Reservoir in the Northern Steep Zone of the Bonan Sag

doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.018
  • Received Date: 2013-08-05
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-06-04
  • Publish Date: 2015-02-10
  • Through the analysis of core observations, thin sections, measured physical properties and combined with the homogenization temperature analysis of fluid-inclusion and burial history in the nearshore subaqueous fan of the Es4s in the northern steep zone of the Bonan sag, the evolution characteristics of diagenesis and reservoir properties was studied. The results showed that, the reservoir diagenesis mainly included strong compaction, lime-mud matrix recrystallization, multi-phase of dissolution and cementation, and complicated metasomatism. The reservoirs have experienced multi-phase acidic and alkaline fluid evolution based on the characteristics of diagenetic environment. In the same diagenetic environment, the difference of sedimentary characteristics in different sub/micro-facies of nearshore subaqueous fan controls the difference of diagenetic evolution characteristics, which also determines the difference of the evolution of reservoir physical property. Based on a method of porosity's inversion and back stripping, physical properties of the reservoirs in geological history were restored, it is shown that compaction, carbonate cementation, lime-mud matrix recrystallization, acid dissolution and former hydrocarbon filling exert the most important effect on the evolution of physical properties. The evolution mode of reservoir physical properties in different sub/micro-facies of nearshore subaqueous fan have been established. The conglomerate in inner fan mainly experiences compaction and lime-mud matrix recrystallization, with weak dissolution, so the physical properties of the conglomerate in inner fan keep reducing and the lime-mud matrix recrystallization results in a rapid reduction of physical properties of the conglomerate in inner fan in middle-deep layers. The present physical property of inner fan becomes extremely poor and mainly develops dry layers. Because two stages of acid dissolution reconstruct the reservoirs and the hydrocarbon filling inhibits cementation, the reservoirs far away from mudstone layers in the braided channels of the middle fan develop a great number of primary and secondary pores, have a higher porosity and permeability, and can be effective reservoirs of hydrocarbon. The reservoirs adjacent to mudstone layers in braided channels of the middle fan, the reservoirs in interdistributaries of the middle fan and outer fan develop intensive cementation and metasomatism, therefore they have poor physical property and mainly develop dry layers.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2013-08-05
  • Revised:  2014-06-04
  • Published:  2015-02-10

Diagenetic Evolution and Its Influence on Physical Properties of Es4s Reservoir in the Northern Steep Zone of the Bonan Sag

doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.018

Abstract: Through the analysis of core observations, thin sections, measured physical properties and combined with the homogenization temperature analysis of fluid-inclusion and burial history in the nearshore subaqueous fan of the Es4s in the northern steep zone of the Bonan sag, the evolution characteristics of diagenesis and reservoir properties was studied. The results showed that, the reservoir diagenesis mainly included strong compaction, lime-mud matrix recrystallization, multi-phase of dissolution and cementation, and complicated metasomatism. The reservoirs have experienced multi-phase acidic and alkaline fluid evolution based on the characteristics of diagenetic environment. In the same diagenetic environment, the difference of sedimentary characteristics in different sub/micro-facies of nearshore subaqueous fan controls the difference of diagenetic evolution characteristics, which also determines the difference of the evolution of reservoir physical property. Based on a method of porosity's inversion and back stripping, physical properties of the reservoirs in geological history were restored, it is shown that compaction, carbonate cementation, lime-mud matrix recrystallization, acid dissolution and former hydrocarbon filling exert the most important effect on the evolution of physical properties. The evolution mode of reservoir physical properties in different sub/micro-facies of nearshore subaqueous fan have been established. The conglomerate in inner fan mainly experiences compaction and lime-mud matrix recrystallization, with weak dissolution, so the physical properties of the conglomerate in inner fan keep reducing and the lime-mud matrix recrystallization results in a rapid reduction of physical properties of the conglomerate in inner fan in middle-deep layers. The present physical property of inner fan becomes extremely poor and mainly develops dry layers. Because two stages of acid dissolution reconstruct the reservoirs and the hydrocarbon filling inhibits cementation, the reservoirs far away from mudstone layers in the braided channels of the middle fan develop a great number of primary and secondary pores, have a higher porosity and permeability, and can be effective reservoirs of hydrocarbon. The reservoirs adjacent to mudstone layers in braided channels of the middle fan, the reservoirs in interdistributaries of the middle fan and outer fan develop intensive cementation and metasomatism, therefore they have poor physical property and mainly develop dry layers.

MA BenBen, CAO YingChang, WANG YanZhong, JIA YanCong, ZHANG ShaoMin. Diagenetic Evolution and Its Influence on Physical Properties of Es4s Reservoir in the Northern Steep Zone of the Bonan Sag[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2015, 33(1): 170-182. doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.018
Citation: MA BenBen, CAO YingChang, WANG YanZhong, JIA YanCong, ZHANG ShaoMin. Diagenetic Evolution and Its Influence on Physical Properties of Es4s Reservoir in the Northern Steep Zone of the Bonan Sag[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2015, 33(1): 170-182. doi: 10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.01.018
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