- 赵薇1,
- 孟杰1, ,
- 谢远云2,
- 李本仙3,
- 迟云平1,
- 孙磊1,
- 魏振宇1,
- 刘海金1,
- 汪烨辉4,
- 吴鹏4
- 收稿日期:
- 网络出版日期:
摘要: 【目的】罗家窝棚组是松嫩平原东南缘下更新统的一套紫红色砂砾石堆积地层,针对该地层开展黏土矿物分析有利于深入理解该区域古气候特征,明确其地层时代。【方法】对罗家窝棚组地层开展全岩地球化学、黏土矿物XRD、SEM和HRTEM等分析,揭示该地层黏土矿物组成及转化特征,与黄土高原红黏土层的黏土矿物组成进行对比。【结果】罗家窝棚组黏土矿物组成以高岭石为主(含量57%~73%),伊利石(含量25%~41%)次之,黑云母/蛭石混层矿物含量最少(平均含量为1%)。高岭石呈假六方片状,自形程度和结晶度高指示其自生成因,较高的伊利石结晶度(均值为0.55)及化学指数(均值为0.50)、黏土/石英比值较高均指示强烈的风化程度。黏土矿物转化过程为伊利石→高岭石,黑云母→黑云母/蛭石混层矿物→高岭石,与常量元素4Si-M+-R2三元图解具有高岭石化趋势一致,结合该组地层较高的CIA值和赤铁矿/针铁矿比值,共同指示该地层处于强风化的湿热气候环境。【结论】推测罗家窝棚组地层形成于湿热的气候背景,并非前人认为的冰碛物堆积,该地层年代可能为早更新世之前东亚夏季风盛行的湿热时期。
Characteristics of Clay Minerals and thier Climatic Significance in Luojiawopeng Formation, Songnen Plain
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Abstract: Abstract: [Objective] The Luojiawopeng Formation is a set of purplish red sand and gravel accumulation strata in the Lower Pleistocene Series in the southeastern margin of Songnen Plain. The clay mineral analysis of this formation is conducive to understanding the paleoclimate characteristics in this region and defining its stratigraphic age. [Methods] Whole rock geochemistry, XRD, SEM and HRTEM analysis of clay minerals in Luojiawopeng Formation were carried out to reveal the composition and transformation characteristics of clay minerals in this formation. Comparation were taken on the aspect of clay mineral composition, between the red clay in the Chinese Loess Plateau and Luojiawopeng Formation. [Results] The clay mineral composition of Luojiawopeng Formation is dominated by kaolinite (content of 57%~73%), followed by illite (ranging from 25% ~ 41%) and the content of biotite /vermiculite mixed layer minerals is the least (average 1%). Kaolinite shows pseudo hexagonal morphology, and high degree of euhedral and crystallinity indicate its authigenic origin, together with high illite crystallinity (average 0.55) and illite chemical index (average 0.50), together with high clay/quartz ratio all indicate intense weathering characteristic. The transformation process of clay minerals is illite → kaolinite and biotite → biotite /vermiculite mixed layer minerals → kaolinite, which is consistent with the significant kaolinization trend of constant element 4Si-M+-R2+ ternary diagram, combined with the high CIA value and hematite/goethite ratio of the formation, all indicates that this formation formed in a humid and hot climate environment with increasingly strong weathering. [Conclusions] It is speculated that the Luojiawopeng formation was formed in the humid and hot climate background, rahter than the moraine accumulation as previously reported, and the stratigraphic chronology of the formation may be in the humid and hot period when the East Asian summer monsoon prevailed before the early Pleistocene.
赵薇, 孟杰, 谢远云, 李本仙, 迟云平, 孙磊, 魏振宇, 刘海金, 汪烨辉, 吴鹏. 松嫩平原罗家窝棚组地层黏土矿物特征及其气候意义[J]. 沉积学报. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2025.001
Characteristics of Clay Minerals and thier Climatic Significance in Luojiawopeng Formation, Songnen Plain[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2025.001
Citation: |
Characteristics of Clay Minerals and thier Climatic Significance in Luojiawopeng Formation, Songnen Plain[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2025.001