表 1 中上扬子地区灯影组典型剖面(井)地层及沉积相概况(据文献[6]修改)
Table 1. Stratigraphy and depositional facies of typical sections (wells) of the Dengying Formationin the Middle⁃Upper Yangtze area (modified from reference [6])
剖面(井) 位置(坐标) 地层及沉积环境 杨坝 四川南江(32°28′35″ N,106°46′59″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 关山 陕西勉县(33°11′8″ N,106°36′40″ E) 灯影组零星出露,发育潮坪—潟湖相 胡家坝 陕西宁强(32°56′58″ N,106°28′20″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 福成 四川南江(32°30′21″ N,107°15′24″ E) 灯二、灯四段主要发育潮坪—潟湖相 白家坝 四川南江(32°24′52″ N,107°58′32″ E) 灯二、灯四段主要发育潮坪—潟湖相 马深1井 四川通江(32°10′11″ N,107°10′57″ E) 灯二、灯四段主要发育潮坪—潟湖相 康家坪 四川城口(31°43′26″ N,109°7′42″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 鱼鳞 重庆巫溪(31°40′19″ N,109°28′47″ E) 灯影组全段以斜坡—盆地相为主,仅在灯二段上部发育丘滩相 廖家槽 重庆彭水(29°44′14″ N,108°14′11″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,为潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 松林 贵州遵义(27°43′11″ N,106°42′13″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,发育潮坪—潟湖相为主,仅在灯一段下部发育斜坡相,中部和灯二段顶部发育丘滩相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 岩孔 贵州金沙(27°34′14″ N,106°14′58″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯二段,发育潮坪—潟湖相为主,仅在中上部发育丘滩相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 北斗山 贵州瓮安(27°0′47″ N,107°23′10″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,灯一段下部为斜坡相,上部发育丘滩相, 灯二段发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 梅子湾 贵州金沙(27°27′22″ N,107°26′29″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段相应层位,以斜坡相为主,仅在剖面上部发育丘滩相 谷腊 贵州清镇(26°42′26″ N,106°28′55″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,为潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 方深1井 贵州大方(27°15′35″ N,105°38′51″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段主要发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 银厂坡 云南会泽(26°30′55″ N,103°12′45″ E) 灯影组零星出露,发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 棉沙湾 四川巧家(27°7′39″ N,102°55′59″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 先锋 四川峨边(29°18′28″ N,103°27′48″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 孔玉 四川康定(30°30′58″ N,102°5′5″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,为潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 清平 四川绵竹(31°36′3″ N,104°5′12″ E) 灯一段下部为斜坡相,上部发育丘滩相,灯二、灯四段均潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 资阳1井 四川资阳(30°2′11″ N,105°0′5″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一段,以潮坪—潟湖相为主,下部发育丘滩相 高石1井 四川安岳(30°2′39″ N,105°28′15″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 蓬探1井 四川大英(30°27′55″ N,105°16′23″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,以潮坪—潟湖相为主,灯一段下部发育丘滩相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 蓬探101井 四川遂宁(30°26′43″ N,105°19′26″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,为潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 三岔 湖南张家界(29°4′28″ N,110°33′53″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留蛤蟆井段,以丘滩相为主,上部发育潮坪—潟湖相 田坪 湖南张家界(28°58′21″ N,110°24′31″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留蛤蟆井段,以丘滩相和斜坡相交替发育为特征 ZK102 贵州松桃(28°7′48″ N,108°52′48″ E) 灯影组全段以斜坡—盆地相为主 白果坪 湖北鹤峰(29°53′40″ N,110°27′47″ E) 灯影组全段以潮坪—潟湖相为主,石板滩段中部见中—外缓坡相,上部见丘滩相 灯影峡 湖北宜昌(30°47′40″ N,111°9′22″ E) 蛤蟆井段发育丘滩相,石板滩段发育中—外缓坡相、丘滩相、潮坪—潟湖、中—外缓坡相序列, 白马沱段下部发育丘滩相,上部发育潮坪—潟湖相 庙河 湖北宜昌(30°53′54″ N,110°52′34″ E) 灯影组以中—外缓坡相为主,仅白马沱段发育丘滩相 晓峰河 湖北宜昌(30°56′16″ N,111°17′47″ E) 灯影组全段以潮坪—潟湖相为主,底部,中下部,中部发育三套丘滩相,灯影组中下部发育葡萄状白云岩 白鹭垭 湖北宜昌(31°18′37″ N,111°12′36″ E) 灯影组全段以潮坪—潟湖相为主,底部,中下部,中部发育三套丘滩相,灯影组中下部发育葡萄状白云岩 鄂参1 湖北神恩施(30°14′58″ N,109°20′20″ E) 灯影组发育中—外缓坡相 西蒿坪 湖北房县(31°52′8″ N,110°39′48″ E) 灯影组零星出露,发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯影组中下部发育葡萄状白云岩 表 2 中上扬子地区灯影组岩相类型及沉积相带划分
Table 2. Lithofacies types and depositional facies of the Dengying Formation in the Middle⁃Upper Yangtze area
相带 岩相类型 沉积特征 沉积环境 组合方式 丘滩相 鲕粒白云岩 冲刷面、交错层理 台地边缘/内缓坡浅水潮下 三种岩相类型交替叠置产出 砂屑白云岩 冲刷面、交错层理 台地边缘/内缓坡浅水潮下 丘状叠层石白云岩 呈块状—丘状 台地边缘/内缓坡浅水潮下 潮坪相 微生物纹层白云岩 鸟眼、帐篷、干缩角砾 局限台地/内缓坡潮间—潮上 凝块石白云岩→穹窿—缓波状叠层石白云岩→微生物纹层白云岩 穹窿—缓波状叠层石 白云岩 鸟眼、帐篷、干缩角砾 局限台地/内缓坡潮间—潮上 凝块石白云岩 斑块状结构, 中层状或透镜状 局限台地/内缓坡潮下 砂屑白云岩 冲刷面、滞留沉积 局限台地/内缓坡潮道 切入微生物白云岩及泥晶白云岩之中 潟湖相 泥晶(泥质)白云岩 水平层理 局限台地/内缓坡潮下 与潮坪相微生物白云岩在垂向上叠置出现, 向上过渡为潮坪相微生物白云岩形成米级旋回 含球粒/砂屑泥晶白云岩 水平层理 局限台地/内缓坡潮下 泥晶砂质白云岩 粒序层序、 丘状交错层理 局限台地/内缓坡潮下 -
丘滩相主要出现在内缓坡及台地边缘(图1),发育三种岩石类型:鲕粒白云岩、砂屑白云岩及叠层石白云岩。这三种岩相均是以块状产出为主,最大单层厚度可达十米(图3a,b)。相对于鲕粒白云岩和砂屑白云岩,叠层石白云岩的分布更为局限且更靠近斜坡方向,仅见于北斗山、田坪等少数剖面。纵向上,在北斗山剖面可见颗粒白云岩与叠层石白云岩呈交替式叠置产出。鲕粒白云岩及砂屑白云岩的颗粒直径通常集中在0.5~2 mm,局部可达细砾级(>2 mm),分选和圆度均较好,颗粒支撑为主,颗粒间发育栉壳状白云石、粒状白云石两世代胶结物(图3c~e)。栉壳状白云石呈等厚环边状沿缝壁生长(图3e),为典型的海底胶结物;粒状白云石在栉壳状白云石基础上进一步向孔洞中心充填,为埋藏期孔隙水沉淀产物[15]。底部和层间均常发育冲刷面,其上伴生滞留砾石(图3f)。层内可发育板状、槽状、楔状等多种交错层理(图3g)。块状叠层石白云岩总体呈现出块状—丘状建造,核心由破碎的,相互交织的柱状、穹窿状叠层石组成(图3h),其内部组构与潮坪相的微生物纹层白云岩、叠层石白云岩类似,镜下可见丝状纹层结构。
Paleogeographic Pattern of the Carbonate Platform in the Middle-Upper Yangtze Area During the Deposition of the Ediacaran Dengying Formation and Distribution Pattern of the Reservoir Facies
摘要: 目的 中上扬子地区灯影组沉积期碳酸盐岩台地古地理格局及有利储集相带发育分布规律尚存争议,阻碍了灯影组油气勘探领域由绵阳—长宁拉张槽两侧向其他广大地区拓展。 方法 通过中上扬子地区灯影组30余条剖面(钻井)开展岩石类型划分及沉积相分析, 结果 进一步明确丘滩相以块状砂屑/鲕粒白云岩及柱状、穹窿状叠层石白云岩为特征,呈环带状分布在中上扬子台地(或内缓坡)边缘,向外过渡为中—外缓坡风暴岩或斜坡—盆地相区的滑塌角砾白云岩、泥质白云岩、硅质岩等。由于丘滩的阻挡作用,其内侧以低能的潮坪及潟湖沉积环境为主:其中潮坪相主要发育微生物纹层白云岩、穹窿—缓波状叠层石白云岩、凝块石白云岩夹砂屑白云岩、泥晶白云岩,纵向上常常形成米级—厘米级旋回;潟湖相主要由泥晶白云岩、含球粒/砂屑泥晶白云岩组成。相带时空分布表明灯影组在中上扬子地区总体呈现出进积的沉积趋势,内部包含2.5个层序,即三次进积(变浅)和两次退积(变深)旋回。 结论 由于灯影组在台地边缘—斜坡区域普遍遭到剥蚀,以及灯影组沉积期上扬子台地范围远超目前的板块边界,灯影组上部灯四段很少发现高能丘滩相带。在此背景下,局部地区(如松林—岩孔地区、中扬子台地周缘)灯影组中下部灯一段—灯二段(或蛤蟆井段、石板滩段)发育的丘滩相,是重要的有利储集相带。此外,处于海退体系域的灯二段中下部和灯四段上部(或相当层位)在中上扬子台地(或内缓坡)内部广泛发育微生物白云岩,也为储层发育有利相带。在中上扬子台地微生物白云岩广泛分布的背景下,进一步分析优质储层发育机理与分布规律才是找到油气接替区的关键。Abstract: Objective The dispute in the paleogeographic pattern of the carbonate platform and distribution of reservoir facies during the deposition of the Dengying Formation in the middle-upper area, hinders the expansion of the exploration domain from the Mianyang-Changning intracratonic sag to other areas. Methods Detailed lithofacies and facies analysis was conducted on more than 30 sections (wells), Results further confirming that the mound-shoal is marked by massive peloidal/ooidal dolograinstone and columnar, domal dolostromatolite, which were deposited around the platform (or inner ramp) margin of the Middle-Upper Yangtze Platform gradually shifting outward into tempestite of the middle-outer ramp or slump dolobreccia, argillaceous dolomite and chert of slope-basin facies. Owing to the mound-shoal barrier, its back was dominated by tidal flat and lagoon. Of these, the tidal flat facies were marked by microbial dololaminite, domal dolostromatolite, dolothrombolite with minor peloidal dolograinstone, and dolomudstone, which are commonly arranged into meter-centimeter scale cycles. The lagoon facies were composed mainly of dolomudstone and peloidal dolowackestone. In general, the mound-shoal facies is present in the lower Dengying Formation along the platform to slope transition (or inner ramp to middle ramp transition). In the Upper Yangtze Platform, it occurs in the Deng 1 (e.g., wells Pengtan 1, Ziyang 1, and sections Qingping, Beidoushan) or Deng 2 members at the Baijiaba, Yulin, and Meiziwan sections, or in both the Deng 1 and Deng 2 members at the Songlin-Yankong areas. On Middle Yangtze Platform, it occurs in the Hamajing (e.g., sections Sancha, Bailuya, and Tianping) or Baimatuo members of the upper Dengying Formation at the Miaohe section. Specifically, the mound-shoal facies shows repeated transgressions and regressions and occurs in different stratigraphic position of the Dengying Formation at many sections (Baiguoping, Xiaofenghe, Dengyingxia, Wushan, Xuejiadian, and Dengjiaya). In contrast, the tidal flat and lagoon facies are widely present on the whole Middle-Upper Yangtze Platform, commonly associated with the grape-like dolomite at the lower-middle part of the Deng 2 member (or correlated stratigraphy). The spatiotemporal distributions of these facies show a progradational trend of the Dengying Formation on the Middle-Upper Yangtze Platform, which consists of 2.5 depositional sequences with three progradations (shallowing) and two retrogradations (deepening). The regressive system tract of Sequence 1 is formed by the lower Dengying Formation (the Deng 1 to middle Deng 2 or Hamajing members), characterized by the upward evolution of lagoon or mound-shoal facies into tidal flat facies. On the Upper Yangtze Platform, Sequence 2 occurs in the upper Deng 2 member, marked by the regression of mound-shoal facies and the presence of more lagoonal dolomudstone, followed by the reoccurrence of tidal flat facies. On the Middle Yangtze Platform, Sequence 2 is present in the Shibantan member, represented by the deepening into middle ramp limestone or lagoonal dolomudstone and then shallowing into mound-shoal or tidal flat facies. Sequence 3 on the Middle Yangtze Platform shows a similar deepening (transgression) and shallowing (regression) cycle. On the Upper Yangtze Platform, the transgressive systems tract of Sequence 3 is located in the siliciclastic rock of the Deng 3 member and the following transgressive systems tract is marked by the transition of lagoonal dolomudstone to tidal flat dolomicrobialite. Conclusions Owing to the denudation of the Dengying Formation at the platform margin-slope area and Upper Yangtze Platform beyond the current plate boundary, the platform marginal mound-shoal facies are locally present in the Deng 4 member. In this case, certain areas (e.g., the Songlin-Yankong area and periphery of the Middle Yangtze Platform) with platform marginal mound-shoal facies in the lower-middle Dengying Formation (Deng 1 to 2 or Hamajing to Shibantan members) are important exploration targets. Moreover, the lower Deng 2 and upper Deng 4 members (or coeval strata) formed during progradations composed of microbial dolomite throughout the Middle-Upper Yangtze Platform (or inner ramp) interior are also important exploration targets. Because the microbial dolomite was widely developed throughout the Middle-Upper Yangtze Platform interior, decoding the formation mechanism and distribution pattern of high-quality reservoir is the key to finding new hydrocarbon provinces.
表 1 中上扬子地区灯影组典型剖面(井)地层及沉积相概况(据文献[6]修改)
Table 1. Stratigraphy and depositional facies of typical sections (wells) of the Dengying Formationin the Middle⁃Upper Yangtze area (modified from reference [6])
剖面(井) 位置(坐标) 地层及沉积环境 杨坝 四川南江(32°28′35″ N,106°46′59″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 关山 陕西勉县(33°11′8″ N,106°36′40″ E) 灯影组零星出露,发育潮坪—潟湖相 胡家坝 陕西宁强(32°56′58″ N,106°28′20″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 福成 四川南江(32°30′21″ N,107°15′24″ E) 灯二、灯四段主要发育潮坪—潟湖相 白家坝 四川南江(32°24′52″ N,107°58′32″ E) 灯二、灯四段主要发育潮坪—潟湖相 马深1井 四川通江(32°10′11″ N,107°10′57″ E) 灯二、灯四段主要发育潮坪—潟湖相 康家坪 四川城口(31°43′26″ N,109°7′42″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 鱼鳞 重庆巫溪(31°40′19″ N,109°28′47″ E) 灯影组全段以斜坡—盆地相为主,仅在灯二段上部发育丘滩相 廖家槽 重庆彭水(29°44′14″ N,108°14′11″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,为潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 松林 贵州遵义(27°43′11″ N,106°42′13″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,发育潮坪—潟湖相为主,仅在灯一段下部发育斜坡相,中部和灯二段顶部发育丘滩相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 岩孔 贵州金沙(27°34′14″ N,106°14′58″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯二段,发育潮坪—潟湖相为主,仅在中上部发育丘滩相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 北斗山 贵州瓮安(27°0′47″ N,107°23′10″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,灯一段下部为斜坡相,上部发育丘滩相, 灯二段发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 梅子湾 贵州金沙(27°27′22″ N,107°26′29″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段相应层位,以斜坡相为主,仅在剖面上部发育丘滩相 谷腊 贵州清镇(26°42′26″ N,106°28′55″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,为潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 方深1井 贵州大方(27°15′35″ N,105°38′51″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段主要发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 银厂坡 云南会泽(26°30′55″ N,103°12′45″ E) 灯影组零星出露,发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 棉沙湾 四川巧家(27°7′39″ N,102°55′59″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 先锋 四川峨边(29°18′28″ N,103°27′48″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 孔玉 四川康定(30°30′58″ N,102°5′5″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,为潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 清平 四川绵竹(31°36′3″ N,104°5′12″ E) 灯一段下部为斜坡相,上部发育丘滩相,灯二、灯四段均潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 资阳1井 四川资阳(30°2′11″ N,105°0′5″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一段,以潮坪—潟湖相为主,下部发育丘滩相 高石1井 四川安岳(30°2′39″ N,105°28′15″ E) 灯一、灯二、灯四段均发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 蓬探1井 四川大英(30°27′55″ N,105°16′23″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,以潮坪—潟湖相为主,灯一段下部发育丘滩相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 蓬探101井 四川遂宁(30°26′43″ N,105°19′26″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留灯一—灯二段,为潮坪—潟湖相,灯二段发育葡萄状白云岩 三岔 湖南张家界(29°4′28″ N,110°33′53″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留蛤蟆井段,以丘滩相为主,上部发育潮坪—潟湖相 田坪 湖南张家界(28°58′21″ N,110°24′31″ E) 剥蚀后仅残留蛤蟆井段,以丘滩相和斜坡相交替发育为特征 ZK102 贵州松桃(28°7′48″ N,108°52′48″ E) 灯影组全段以斜坡—盆地相为主 白果坪 湖北鹤峰(29°53′40″ N,110°27′47″ E) 灯影组全段以潮坪—潟湖相为主,石板滩段中部见中—外缓坡相,上部见丘滩相 灯影峡 湖北宜昌(30°47′40″ N,111°9′22″ E) 蛤蟆井段发育丘滩相,石板滩段发育中—外缓坡相、丘滩相、潮坪—潟湖、中—外缓坡相序列, 白马沱段下部发育丘滩相,上部发育潮坪—潟湖相 庙河 湖北宜昌(30°53′54″ N,110°52′34″ E) 灯影组以中—外缓坡相为主,仅白马沱段发育丘滩相 晓峰河 湖北宜昌(30°56′16″ N,111°17′47″ E) 灯影组全段以潮坪—潟湖相为主,底部,中下部,中部发育三套丘滩相,灯影组中下部发育葡萄状白云岩 白鹭垭 湖北宜昌(31°18′37″ N,111°12′36″ E) 灯影组全段以潮坪—潟湖相为主,底部,中下部,中部发育三套丘滩相,灯影组中下部发育葡萄状白云岩 鄂参1 湖北神恩施(30°14′58″ N,109°20′20″ E) 灯影组发育中—外缓坡相 西蒿坪 湖北房县(31°52′8″ N,110°39′48″ E) 灯影组零星出露,发育潮坪—潟湖相,灯影组中下部发育葡萄状白云岩 表 2 中上扬子地区灯影组岩相类型及沉积相带划分
Table 2. Lithofacies types and depositional facies of the Dengying Formation in the Middle⁃Upper Yangtze area
相带 岩相类型 沉积特征 沉积环境 组合方式 丘滩相 鲕粒白云岩 冲刷面、交错层理 台地边缘/内缓坡浅水潮下 三种岩相类型交替叠置产出 砂屑白云岩 冲刷面、交错层理 台地边缘/内缓坡浅水潮下 丘状叠层石白云岩 呈块状—丘状 台地边缘/内缓坡浅水潮下 潮坪相 微生物纹层白云岩 鸟眼、帐篷、干缩角砾 局限台地/内缓坡潮间—潮上 凝块石白云岩→穹窿—缓波状叠层石白云岩→微生物纹层白云岩 穹窿—缓波状叠层石 白云岩 鸟眼、帐篷、干缩角砾 局限台地/内缓坡潮间—潮上 凝块石白云岩 斑块状结构, 中层状或透镜状 局限台地/内缓坡潮下 砂屑白云岩 冲刷面、滞留沉积 局限台地/内缓坡潮道 切入微生物白云岩及泥晶白云岩之中 潟湖相 泥晶(泥质)白云岩 水平层理 局限台地/内缓坡潮下 与潮坪相微生物白云岩在垂向上叠置出现, 向上过渡为潮坪相微生物白云岩形成米级旋回 含球粒/砂屑泥晶白云岩 水平层理 局限台地/内缓坡潮下 泥晶砂质白云岩 粒序层序、 丘状交错层理 局限台地/内缓坡潮下 -
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