川北地区下侏罗统自流井组自下而上可划分出珍珠冲段、东岳庙段、马鞍山段和大安寨段共四段。其中,东岳庙段由盆地边缘向盆地中心依次发育冲积平原—三角洲平原、三角洲前缘、前三角洲—湖泊相环境(图1a),其沉积厚度大(平均厚度大于70 m),岩性分布稳定,可分为上、下两个亚段。东岳庙段下亚段主要发育深灰色砂岩、深灰色泥页岩夹砂岩;东岳庙段上亚段以暗色泥页岩为主,夹有多个薄层泥灰岩和介壳灰岩透镜体,富含淡水双壳类化石。区内除广元—南江—通江—元坝一带东岳庙段以砂泥岩碎屑沉积为主外,区内重点探井以浅湖—半深湖及介屑滩沉积为主,局部发育滨—浅湖沉积[25](图1b、图2);岩性以灰黑色页岩为主,由下往上具有逐渐增高的TOC值;黑色页岩中见介壳夹层或页岩与介壳灰岩互层分布,局部发育水平层状方解石脉体(图2)。
样品主要采自川北地区东岳庙段上亚段,岩性主要为灰黑色页岩,具有全井段中较高的岩心实测孔隙度及测井解释具最高的TOC值,同时发育薄层介壳灰岩夹层。首先,选取黑色页岩中介壳灰岩夹层磨制成普通薄片(图2),并利用铁氰化钾+茜素红-S的混合试剂对薄片进行染色(混合液配方见石油行业标准SY/T 5368—2000),根据染色后方解石呈现的不同颜色区分不同的方解石:无铁方解石(0~0.5% FeO)呈粉红—红色;铁Ⅰ方解石(0.5%~1.5% FeO)—红紫色;铁Ⅱ方解石(1.5%~2.5% FeO)—淡蓝色;铁Ⅲ方解石(2.5%~3.5%)—深蓝色[26]。随后利用电子探针精确测定方解石中的微量元素含量,电子探针成分分析主要在西南石油大学油气地质与勘探实验教学中心完成,实验仪器为JXA-8230电子探针分析仪,利用波谱测试碳酸盐矿物中9种常见元素的含量;波谱分析精度优于1wt.%(主元素含量大于5wt.%)和5wt.%(次要元素含量介于1wt.%~5wt.%),可自动识别0.1wt.%以上的元素,检测极限为0.01wt.%。荧光分析由BK-FL荧光显微镜完成。
图 3 川北东岳庙段介壳灰岩及不同类型方解石显微镜下特征
Figure 3. Microscope images of shell limestone and various types of calcite in the Dongyuemiao member of the northern Sichuan Basin
图 4 介壳灰岩夹层中方解石FeO⁃MnO关系图(a)及SrO⁃MnO关系图(b)
Figure 4. Relationship between the mass fraction of MnO⁃FeO (a) and MnO⁃SrO (b) of various calcites in the shell limestone interlayer
表 1 不同产状类型方解石电子探针分析主量元素质量分数(平均值wt.%)
Table 1. Average mass fraction of trace elements (wt.%) in calcite of difference types
产状 类型 MgO SrO CaO BaO SiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO CO2 分类 介壳方解石 C1 0.007 0.266 55.755 0.035 0 0.004 0.013 0.013 43.907 无铁 介壳边缘纤维状方解石 C2 0.017 0.259 55.706 0.055 0 0.012 0.046 0 43.905 无铁 介壳边缘交代溶蚀方解石 C3 0.002 0.259 55.710 0.072 0 0.008 0.042 0.012 43.895 无铁 含介壳泥岩中纤维状方解石 C4 0.223 0.048 55.112 0.052 0 0.003 0.561 0.077 43.924 铁Ⅰ 泥质介壳灰岩中粒状方解石 C5 0.162 0.024 54.783 0.077 0 0.006 0.924 0.154 43.870 铁Ⅰ 含泥介壳灰岩中粒状方解石 C6 0.555 0.067 49.969 0.029 1.330 0.799 2.584 0.151 44.516 铁Ⅱ 晚期胶结亮晶方解石 C7 0.740 0.061 52.018 0.037 0 0.017 3.214 0.157 43.756 铁Ⅲ 相关性分析表明,研究区方解石中MnO与FeO含量呈明显的正相关关系、MnO与SrO含量呈明显的负相关关系,相关系数分别高达+0.90、-0.83。方解石C1、C2、C3具较低的FeO含量及较高的SrO含量,指示其形成于较早成岩阶段[31]:鉴于纤维状方解石(C2)与前述流体超压成因的层间缝(F2)之间关系,应属第一期流体超压成因胶结物,与介壳方解石之间关系截然不同,指示CaCO3主要源于上下地层中碳酸钙的减少及转换[16,32⁃34];方解石C3主要源于C1、C2的溶解—再沉淀,属第二期胶结物(图5a,b)。方解石C4主要发育于含介壳泥岩的介壳边缘,其纤维状晶形不完整,边缘有明显溶蚀现象(图3d),应属于第一期流体超压成因方解石经离子交换及重结晶作用后的产物[28]。方解石C5、C6、C7具较高的MnO、FeO含量以及较低的SrO含量,应为成岩中晚期阶段产物,属第四期胶结物。此外,区内FeO含量与岩石中泥质含量成反比(泥质含量越高,FeO含量越低),表明方解石中铁离子主要来自泥质组分中黏土矿物的脱水转化[27](图4)。综上,结合方解石主量元素特征及上述形态、染色、赋存状态特征,最终将七种不同类型方解石进行了归纳总结(表2)。
图 5 背散射图像下不同期次方解石分布及孔隙发育特征
Figure 5. Occurrence and micropores of various calcites observed with a backscattered field emission scanning electron microscope
表 2 川北东岳庙段薄层介壳灰岩中不同类型方解石特征
Table 2. Characteristics of various types of calcite in the Dongyuemiao member in the northern Sichuan Basin
分类 形态 染色 赋存状态 主量元素 方解石类型 期次 形成时间 成因 C1 细—中粒 浅粉—黄色 组成介壳方解石 低Fe-Mn、高Sr 无铁方解石 第一期 早成岩A 沉积+重结晶 C2 纤维状 亮粉色 垂直介壳边缘及部分裂缝边缘分布 低Fe-Mn、高Sr 微含铁方解石 第二期 早成岩B 流体超压 C3 微—亮晶 紫色为主 沿部分介壳及纤维状方解石边缘分布 低Fe-Mn、高Sr 微含铁方解石 第三期 中成岩A C1+C2溶解—再沉淀 C4 纤维状 淡蓝色 含介壳泥岩中,沿生屑边缘分布 高Mn-低Fe、低Sr 铁Ⅰ方解石 第二期 早成岩B C1+C2离子交换及重结晶 C5 微晶粒状 深蓝色 泥质介壳灰岩 高Mn-中Fe、低Sr 铁Ⅰ方解石 第四期 中成岩B 晚期胶结 C6 微晶粒状 深蓝色 含泥介壳灰岩 高Mn-Fe、低Sr 铁Ⅱ方解石 第四期 中成岩B 晚期胶结 C7 亮晶 蓝色 介壳灰岩裂缝及孔隙中 高Mn-Fe、低Sr 铁Ⅲ方解石 第四期 中成岩B 晚期胶结 -
(1) 川北地区侏罗系东岳庙段页岩介壳灰岩夹层中发育七种类型方解石:介壳重结晶方解石;发育于介壳灰岩中,由超压形成、沿破裂缝及介壳边缘生长的纤维状方解石;溶蚀—再沉淀方解石;发育于含介壳泥岩中、沿介壳边缘生长—后期发生重结晶及离子交换作用的纤维状方解石;与黄铁矿/黏土矿物/石英等共生充填于泥质介壳灰岩、含泥介壳灰岩粒间的粒状方解石以及充填介壳灰岩构造缝及溶蚀孔隙的亮晶方解石,七类方解石分别对应于四期成岩改造作用。
(2) 多期方解石胶结是导致东岳庙段灰岩储层致密化的主要原因,成岩早期超压形成的纤维状方解石为后期的溶蚀作用奠定了一定基础,但方解石的溶蚀—再沉淀以及成岩中期铁方解石的胶结进一步降低了孔隙度。东岳庙段薄层介壳灰岩总体具“致密—调整—再致密—成藏”的复杂演化过程,进而约束了油气运聚路径及富集。
Model of Calcite Precipitation in a Shell Limestone Interlayer and Densification of the Dongyuemiao Reservoir (Lower Jurassic) in the Northern Sichuan Basin
摘要: 目的 川北地区侏罗系自流井组东岳庙段为典型湖相致密页岩油储层,富有机质页岩中发育多套薄层介壳灰岩夹层,其间发育多期裂缝、方解石胶结以及溶蚀作用,储层致密化过程及富集规律不清。亟需进一步揭示介壳灰岩夹层历经的埋藏—成岩序列,探讨方解石形成与页岩油气关系。 方法 结合详细岩心观察、铸体薄片、电子探针成分分析及埋藏史—热演化史等,针对方解石矿物产状、主/微量元素及共生矿物特征开展深入分析。 结果 川北地区东岳庙段介壳灰岩夹层中发育细—中粒介壳重结晶方解石、脉状—透镜状纤维方解石、交代—溶蚀状微—亮晶方解石、含介壳泥岩中纤维状方解石、泥质介壳灰岩及含泥介壳灰岩中微晶粒状方解石、介壳灰岩孔缝中充填亮晶方解石等六种类型方解石,并对应于(1)早成岩A期沉积物重结晶成因、(2)早成岩B期与富有机质页岩生排烃有关的纤维状方解石、(3)中成岩A期溶蚀—再沉淀方解石及(4)中成岩B期方解石共四期胶结作用,方解石中Fe、Mn、Sr等元素含量与其形成时间及期次关系密切。 结论 多期方解石胶结是导致东岳庙段介壳灰岩储层致密化的主要原因,流体超压形成的纤维状方解石既引起储层致密化亦为后期溶蚀作用奠定一定基础,成岩中期的方解石沉淀则进一步降低孔隙度。方解石沉淀导致的储层致密化约束了页岩油时空分布。Abstract: Objective Thin-layered shale and shell limestone are beneficial for determining the properties of the shale-oil reservoir of the Dongyuemiao member of the Ziliujing Formation (Lower Jurassic) in the northern Sichuan Basin. It is found that the shale and shell limestone have developed various types of fractures, calcite veins, and dissolution. Our aim is to decipher the burial and diagenetic sequence of the shell limestone interlayers, and discuss the relationship between hydrocarbon accumulation and the formation of calcite and reservoir densification. Methods In our study we use detailed core observations, microscopic section observations, and the electron probe composition, trace elements, and paragenetic minerals are determined. Results The results show that seven types of calcite occur in the organic-rich shale of the Dongyuemiao member according to their morphology, staining, and occurrence condition, such as: (1) recrystallized fine-medium crystalline calcite (C1) in the shell limestone; (2) noddle-lenticular fibrous calcite along the edge of the shell limestone (C2); (3) micro-sparry calcite, which occurs along the edge of shell limestone (C3); (4) fibrous calcite in the shell mudstone (C4); (5) microcrystalline granular calcite in the argillaceous shell limestone (C5); (6) microcrystalline granular calcite in the muddy shell limestone (C6); and sparry calcite in pores and/ or fractures (C7). Besides, the microfractures in the shell-limestone are deve-loped, which can be obviously divided into F1 (with low opening degree and reluctantly cut through the shell), F2 (with curved fracture surface and occurred associated with fibrous calcite), and F3 (obviously break the shell). The formation sequence of minerals such as fractures and calcite is: C1+pyrite → F1 → F2→ C2/C4 → C3→ quartz+ kaolinite → F3→ C5/C6+ asphalt → C7. The major elements in the calcite and the division of phases indicate that C1 to C3 calcite, which has a low content of FeO and a high content of SrO, may have formed during an early diagenetic stage. The contact relationship between C2 and interlayer fracture (F2) caused by fluid overpressure indicates that calcite C2 belongs to the first phase of fluid overpressure cement. Calcite C3 is mainly derived from the dissolution and reprecipitation of C1 and C2, and is formed during second phase cementation. Calcite C4 has mainly developed at the edge of the shell mudstone, and the incomplete fibrous crystal morphology and obvious dissolution at the edges imply that C4 should be the product of ion exchange and recrystallization of calcite from the first phase of fluid overpressure. Furthermore, Calcite C5, C6, and C7 have high contents of MnO and FeO and a low content of SrO, which we infer to be the products of middle and late stage diagenesis and belong to fourth stage cementation. Precipitation models of various types of calcite are elucidated by the integration of the regional burial history, diagenetic evolution sequence, and tectonic-thermal evolution history, and four models are pointed out: (1) recrystallization of shell sediments; (2) fibrous calcite formed during stage B of early diagenesis by hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from organic rich shale; (3) calcite formed during stage A of middle diagenesis by dissolution and reprecipitation; and (4) block-sparry calcite formed during stage B of middle diagenesis. The element contents of Fe, Mn, and Sr in the calcite are closely related to the formation time and stage. Conclusions Multi-cementation of calcite is crucial to the densification of limestone reservoirs. Fibrous calcite veins triggered by fluid overpressure led to densification as well as providing a foundation for late dissolution. However, the precipitation of calcite during middle diagenesis eventually decreased the amount of pores. Overall, the precipitation of various types of calcite constrained the distribution of shale-oil in the densified reservoir.
Key words:
- northern Sichuan Basin /
- Jurassic /
- Dongyuemiao member /
- shale-oil /
- calcite precipitation
表 1 不同产状类型方解石电子探针分析主量元素质量分数(平均值wt.%)
Table 1. Average mass fraction of trace elements (wt.%) in calcite of difference types
产状 类型 MgO SrO CaO BaO SiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO CO2 分类 介壳方解石 C1 0.007 0.266 55.755 0.035 0 0.004 0.013 0.013 43.907 无铁 介壳边缘纤维状方解石 C2 0.017 0.259 55.706 0.055 0 0.012 0.046 0 43.905 无铁 介壳边缘交代溶蚀方解石 C3 0.002 0.259 55.710 0.072 0 0.008 0.042 0.012 43.895 无铁 含介壳泥岩中纤维状方解石 C4 0.223 0.048 55.112 0.052 0 0.003 0.561 0.077 43.924 铁Ⅰ 泥质介壳灰岩中粒状方解石 C5 0.162 0.024 54.783 0.077 0 0.006 0.924 0.154 43.870 铁Ⅰ 含泥介壳灰岩中粒状方解石 C6 0.555 0.067 49.969 0.029 1.330 0.799 2.584 0.151 44.516 铁Ⅱ 晚期胶结亮晶方解石 C7 0.740 0.061 52.018 0.037 0 0.017 3.214 0.157 43.756 铁Ⅲ 表 2 川北东岳庙段薄层介壳灰岩中不同类型方解石特征
Table 2. Characteristics of various types of calcite in the Dongyuemiao member in the northern Sichuan Basin
分类 形态 染色 赋存状态 主量元素 方解石类型 期次 形成时间 成因 C1 细—中粒 浅粉—黄色 组成介壳方解石 低Fe-Mn、高Sr 无铁方解石 第一期 早成岩A 沉积+重结晶 C2 纤维状 亮粉色 垂直介壳边缘及部分裂缝边缘分布 低Fe-Mn、高Sr 微含铁方解石 第二期 早成岩B 流体超压 C3 微—亮晶 紫色为主 沿部分介壳及纤维状方解石边缘分布 低Fe-Mn、高Sr 微含铁方解石 第三期 中成岩A C1+C2溶解—再沉淀 C4 纤维状 淡蓝色 含介壳泥岩中,沿生屑边缘分布 高Mn-低Fe、低Sr 铁Ⅰ方解石 第二期 早成岩B C1+C2离子交换及重结晶 C5 微晶粒状 深蓝色 泥质介壳灰岩 高Mn-中Fe、低Sr 铁Ⅰ方解石 第四期 中成岩B 晚期胶结 C6 微晶粒状 深蓝色 含泥介壳灰岩 高Mn-Fe、低Sr 铁Ⅱ方解石 第四期 中成岩B 晚期胶结 C7 亮晶 蓝色 介壳灰岩裂缝及孔隙中 高Mn-Fe、低Sr 铁Ⅲ方解石 第四期 中成岩B 晚期胶结 -
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