在使用AnalySize进行非参数化端元分析时,线性相关性(R2)越高,角度偏差越小,非参数化粒度端元与粒度分布曲线的拟合程度越好[35]。拟合结果(图3)显示,当端元数为4时,R2为0.976(大于0.9),但是角度偏差远大于5;当端元数为5时,R2已经达到0.986,但角度偏差仍大于5;当端元数为6时,R2为0.994,角度偏差为3.37(小于5),此时端元相关性为0.311。本着端元最少、拟合效果最佳的原则,这里将端元数确定为6个。在进行端元分析时,不同的算法可能产生不同的结果,为了使端元分析结果更加可靠,本文同时运用基于神经网络的端元分析模型(Neural Network Based End-Member Modeling Analysis, NNEMMA)进行验证[36],发现二者的拟合结果基本一致(图4)。
图 3 Bryce峡谷Claron组非参数化粒度端元选取
Figure 3. Determination of number of non⁃parametric end members in Claron Formation in Bryce Canyon
图 4 基于AnalySize和NNEMMA两种非参数化算法的端元拟合结果比较
Figure 4. Comparison of fitted results for end members based on non⁃parametric AnalySize and NNEMMA algorithms
端元分析结果如图5所示,端元粒度参数信息见表1。端元1呈正偏态、单峰分布,众数粒径位于0.75 μm(图5a);端元2呈单峰对称分布,众数粒径位于2.38 μm(图5b);端元3呈双峰对称分布、尖峰形态,第一众数粒径位于5.33 μm,第二众数粒径位于33.63 μm,沉积物分选一般(图5c);端元4呈单峰非对称分布,众数粒径位于11.93 μm(图5d);端元5呈三峰分布,峰高从高到低分别位于21.22 μm、4.23 μm和0.85 μm,且在100~200 μm呈现粗尾(图5e);端元6呈双峰、负偏态,第一众数粒径位于42.34 μm,第二众数粒径位于8.45 μm(图5f)。
图 5 Bryce峡谷Claron组端元粒度分布
Figure 5. End member grain⁃size distribution of the Claron Formation in Bryce Canyon
表 1 Bryce峡谷Claron组端元粒度参数
端元数 端元模态/μm 平均粒径(Mz)/μm 分选系数/d 偏度/Sk 峰态/Kg 端元1 0.75 1.31 2.48 0.26 1.06 端元2 2.38 2.01 1.88 -0.06 0.95 端元3 5.33; 33.63 5.07 2.4 0.06 1.69 端元4 11.93 8.38 2.29 -0.38 1.50 端元5 21.22; 4.23; 0.85 8.79 3.69 -0.46 0.82 端元6 42.34; 8.45 17.53 3.71 -0.41 0.89 注: 端元模态/μm分别按第一众数粒径、第二众数粒径、第三众数粒径进行排列。 -
Eolian Deposition and Its Significance in the Claron Formation Indicated by Grain-size End Members in the Bryce Canyon, Utah, USA
摘要: 美国犹他州西南部广泛出露的古新世—始新世Claron组是研究该时期气候环境变化的优质材料。已有研究认为Claron组为河湖相沉积地层,但是野外考察结果显示一些层位存在显著的风尘沉积特征,因此有必要对该地层的沉积环境进行重新探讨。以Bryce峡谷国家公园的Claron组为研究对象,野外沉积特征和石英颗粒表面结构特征均指示地层红色层以风尘沉积为主。采用非参数粒度端元分析模型对其进行粒度组分分解,得到6个具有不同沉积意义的端元,分别代表成土组分、积水洼地/临时性湖泊静水沉降组分、冲—洪积组分以及风尘沉积组分。其中端元3、4、6(第一众数粒径分别为5.33 μm、11.93 μm、42.34 μm)均被识别为风尘沉积组分,在地层中的平均含量近50%,表明地层一半以上物质来自风尘沉积,且风尘沉积组分在各时期均占有较大比例,是该地层稳定的物质来源。各端元在地层中的比例变化表明地层由风尘沉积、冲—洪积和积水洼地/临时性湖泊交替沉积形成。在冲—洪积和积水洼地/临时性湖泊沉积为主的时期,气候环境湿润;而风尘沉积和成土占据主导的时期,气候相对干旱。Abstract: The Cenozoic Claron Formation spanning the Paleocene to Eocene, which is widely exposed in the western United States, is suitable for studying climatic and environmental change in this period. The Claron Formation has generally been interpreted as a fluvial-lacustrine deposit, but eolian deposit features are evident from field observations. Therefore, identifying eolian components in the strata and discussing their significance is of vital importance for interpreting the sedimentary environment of the Claron Formation. The area of the Claron Formation covered by this study was the Bryce Canyon National Park. The eolian deposits in the strata were firstly identified by field observation of the sedimentary characteristics and the surface textures of quartz grains. Then the eolian components of the rock were determined by non-parametric grain-size end-member analysis to unmix the grain-size components. It was found that most of layers are red in color, and the deep-to-light variation of the red color of the strata and the off-white color vary overall with the bedding/horizon. The sediments were found to be homogeneous, mainly composed of silt and clay and rich in carbonate, with well developed vertical joints. Aggradational deposit properties were clearly observed in the red layers, evidence that the sedimentation and weathering processes were simultaneous. These field sedimentary characteristics indicate that the red layers are mainly eolian deposits. The quartz grains in the red samples were found to have surfaces characterized by large and small mechanical saucer-shaped pits, deep troughs, round pits, upturned plates and precipitation of SiO2, all of which are indicative of an eolian environment. This provides further evidence of eolian deposition in the red layers. Six end members with different sedimentary significance were obtained from the non-parametric grain-size end-member analysis model: soil-forming components; components of hydrostatic sedimentation formed in soak/ephemeral lake; components transported by high altitude air streams over long distances; components of dust settling after storms; alluvial-diluvial components; and near-source or far-source components transported by storms. End members 3, 4 and 6 (first mode grain size 5.33, 11.93 and 42.34 μm, respectively) were identified as eolian components, with an average content of approximately 50% in the strata. This indicates that eolian deposition accounted for more than half of the sediments in the strata. Moreover, the eolian components were found to occupy a large proportion in each layer, indicating that they were a stable strata component. Obvious variation of the content of each end member in the strata indicates inconsistent sedimentary environments at different times. The strata consist of alternate layers of eolian sediments, alluvial-diluvial deposition and soak/ephemeral lake deposition. The climate was humid during the periods of alluvial-diluvial and soak/ephemeral lake sedimentation, and arid during eolian deposition and soil formation.
Key words:
- grain-size end member /
- eolian deposit /
- Claron Formation /
- grain-size distribution
图 2 采样区地层特征
Figure 2. Strata characteristics in the sampling area
(a) alternating different shades of reddish layers and off⁃white layers on a macro scale (yellow dotted line represents only the approximate boundary between the upper pink layer and the lower maroon layer, not an unconformable contact); (b) an off⁃white layer at the top of the strate, interspersed with light brown layers; (c) calcium nodules developed irregularly but generally stratified; (d) colorful porphyritic reticulation in pink layer; (e) colorful porphyritic reticulation in maroon layer; (f) off⁃white spots and pale leached zones developed in maroon layer
图 6 Bryce峡谷Claron组石英颗粒表面结构特征
Figure 6. Surface textures of quartz grains of the Claron Formation in Bryce Canyon
(a) A. mechanical saucer⁃shaped pit with grape⁃like SiO2 precipitated on the surface; B. upturned plate with SiO2 precipitated on surface; (b) C. round pit; (c) D. deep trough; (d) E. step⁃like fracture
表 1 Bryce峡谷Claron组端元粒度参数
端元数 端元模态/μm 平均粒径(Mz)/μm 分选系数/d 偏度/Sk 峰态/Kg 端元1 0.75 1.31 2.48 0.26 1.06 端元2 2.38 2.01 1.88 -0.06 0.95 端元3 5.33; 33.63 5.07 2.4 0.06 1.69 端元4 11.93 8.38 2.29 -0.38 1.50 端元5 21.22; 4.23; 0.85 8.79 3.69 -0.46 0.82 端元6 42.34; 8.45 17.53 3.71 -0.41 0.89 注: 端元模态/μm分别按第一众数粒径、第二众数粒径、第三众数粒径进行排列。 -
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