Diagenesis and Diagenetic Facies of Submarine Fan in Zhujiang Formation, Pearl River Mouth Basin
摘要: 根据铸体薄片、扫描电镜、镜质体反射率等分析资料,对珠江口盆地白云凹陷荔湾地区珠江组深水扇砂岩储层成岩作用及成岩相进行了系统研究。确定对储层起破坏作用的成岩作用主要有压实、胶结和自生矿物充填作用,起建设性成岩作用的主要有溶蚀作用。综合成岩方式的组合类型和演化序列,认为深水扇砂岩储层成岩演化主体仅进入中成岩阶段A—B期。在建立成岩演化模式的基础上,对成岩相组合特征进行了分析,划分出胶结—弱压实—弱溶蚀相、弱压实—弱胶结—强溶蚀相和中等压实—弱胶结—中等溶蚀相等3种主要成岩相类型,其中以弱压实—弱胶结—强溶蚀相砂体的物性为最好。Abstract: The Liwan area is located in the east edge of the deep waters of the Baiyun sag,belonging to the most development block of the Zhujiang Formation submarine fan sedimentary system in Pearl River Mouth Basin, which has very superior petroleum geological conditions. The research of diagenesis and diagenetic phase is one of the most important basic researches about the reservoir of the submarine fan and accumulation characteristics. But there is no systematic research about the relationship of diagenesis and high quality sandstone reservoir development in submarine fan. According to the results of analysis from thinsection, scanning electron microscope and stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition. This paper comprehensively analyzes the diagenesis and evolutionary sequences in Zhujiang Formation of submarine fan in Pearl River Mouth Basin, sum up the diagenetic phase characteristics to play the role of predicting and evaluating the high quality of sandstone reservoir in deepwater fan. Firstly, based on the materials of the drilling cores, outcrop, rock slice identification and grain size analysis, etc, the author has made a study on the pearl river groups about the type of sandstone, the maturity of composition and the pore types.Then, the author concludes that the sandstone in pearl river groups consists of detrital feldspathic sandstone primarily and feldspathic litharenite secondly, and in which the sandstone is mainly dominated by primary intergranular pores and the intergranular pores after compaction and cementation, with few solution pores and organism cavity pores. Secondly, according to the core description, scanning electron microscope and casting thin sections, the author concludes that the diagenesis of deepwater fan sandstone reservoirs in Pearl River group is relatively weak, of which the compaction, cementation, filling of authigenic mineral and metasomatism is not conducive to formation and evolution of reservoir space, but the compression effect comes from early silica cementation and later dissolution are beneficial to the formation and evolution of the reservoir space. In addition, based on the analysis of the Xray diffraction, vitrinite reflectance, the illitemontmorillonite mixedlayer, smectite content, the author divides the diagenesis of pearl river group into three evolutionary stages and five substages in accordance with the national standard of diagenetic stage. The three evolutionary stages are penecontemporaneous stage, early diagentic stage, and middle diagenetic stage. The diagenesis of Pearl River group were mainly in middle diagenetic stage A, and some of them in burial part entered the middle diagenetic stage B. Finally, on the basis of analysis of diagenesis and diagenetic series and according to the rule of combination and distribution for the diagenesis of deepwater fan sedimentary system in Pearl River group, the author concludes that the lithofacies assemblages may be divided into four phases : weak compactionweakly cementedstrong dissolution diagenetic phase, medium compactionweakly cementedmedium dissolution phase, weak compactionweak solutionstrong carbonate cementation diagenetic phase and compactioncementation diagenetic phase. Especially, the sandbody physical property in the middle weak compactionweakly cementedstrong dissolution phase is the best, and the sandbody of deepwater fan channel in Pearl River group is dominated by this kind.
Key words:
- submarine fan /
- sandstone reservoir /
- diagenesis /
- diagenetic facies /
- Zhujiang Formation /
- Baiyun sag /
- Pearl River Mouth Basin
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