Study of Some Abnormal Geological Processes and Abnormal Sedimentary Structures down from Jinan in Yellow River
摘要: 黄河自 1972年发生首次断流以来,以后 2 6年间,发生断流年数就有 19年,近年则愈演愈裂。由此引发了一系列特殊的地质作用,我们称之为异常地质作用,如汛期高含沙河水骤涨骤落,致使下游河床淤积严重,且不断抬高、展宽,并向二级悬河发育;床底不稳、河道迁移频繁,心滩、边滩上水道发育;而断流期则风的作用明显,风蚀地貌发育。水风地质作用混合,相克相伴,构成了黄河三角洲极为复杂的地质景观。又因黄河以沉积细粒物质为主,在多种因素的综合控制下,其沉积物层面或层内发育的沉积构造具有独特性,如变形层理、泥沙钟乳、液化 (泄水 )构造、气胀构造、植物划痕构造、特殊波痕及特殊流痕等,是典型的沉积构造。正确识别和分析黄河断流后的异常地质作用及由其形成的沉积构造对古河流相分析有重要参考意义.Abstract: Non-mincrlizcd animal tissues may he fossilized in cxccptionallv taphonomic conditions.Anoxia and rapid burial do not prevent information loss through decav, but thcv do promote the preservation of non-mineralized tissues.Sterile environments inhibit dccay, but thcv are ephemeral on a geological time scale.Stable non-mineralized tissue fossils may he preserved either as organic remains}carhonaccous comprcssions) or by replication in authigcnic minerals.The most commonly occurring diagenetic minerals associated with exceptional preservation are pyrite conhonatcs and phosphates among which phosphates precipitate rapidly enough to replicate suhccllular details.Non-mineralized tissues, both volatilcs and rcfractorics, can he permineralized, coated/pscudomorphcd and castcd/molded by these authigcnic minerals.Activities of microbes destroy non-min-cralizcd tissues on the other hand some are necessary to drive the precipitation of authigcnic minerals.Burgess Shale-type preservation involves non-mineralized tissues preserved as organic remains but the dominants are replicated by hydrous aluminosilicatcs.Therefore the authigcnic mincralization is fundamental to preserving these fossils even though some organic rcamains are also present.
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