On Implications of the Devonian Hydrothermal Sedimentary Facies in the Oinling Orogeny
摘要: 构造—热水沉积岩相与盆地的古地理环境,热水沉积岩相与热水沉积成矿,热 (水 )流体岩相与构造背景、构造古地理,它们之间有密切地内在联系.应用热水沉积岩相、沉积相及沉积体系分析方法,对凤县铅硐山—双石铺三级构造热水成矿盆地进行研究.Abstract: The Qinling orogenie belt is located in the central China and is one of the most important intraeontinental progeny in the world.Devonian sedimentary basins are the major accumulation structures for Au-Ag-Ph-Zn deposits in the area.Fengtai Devonian pull-apart hasin} one of the accumulation basins in the Qinling orogeny, hosted a series of large-superlarge Au-Ph-Zn deposits such as Qiandongshan and Dongtangzi large Ph-Zn deposits and Baguamiao superlarge Au deposits.Leadzinc orehodies hosted at a suite of hvdrothermal depositional rocks in the three-order hvdrothermal basins.Therefore research on relationship between the hvdrothermal depositional faeies and the three-order hvdrothermal basin is the best way to understand the relationship between metal deposits and the hvdrothermal depositional basin. The concept of hvdrothermal sedimentary rock faeies at the Devonian in the Qinling progeny has been initiated.Relationships between tectonic hvdrothermal sedimentary faeies and paleo-geographic framework of sedimentary hasin, between hvdrothermal sedimentary faeies and mineralization of hvdrothermal depositions and between hvdrothermal sedimentary faeies and tectonic geographic framework are very important in the analysis of sedimentary basin.On the basis of associations of the hvdrothermal sedimentary facies, sedimentary lithofacies, and sedimentary svstem, the Qiandongshan-Shuangshipu third-order hvdrothermal depositional basin has been analyzed in this paper. Three depositional systems are recognized in the Qiandongshan-Shuangshipu third-order hvdrothermal depositional basin.Carbonate rock formation was formed in a shallow water environment at the beginning of the three-order basin while fine elastic rock formation was formed in a shallow water environment at the closedown of the three-order basin.The hvdrothermal depositional system between them was developed in half-deep or deep water limited reducing environment in the three-order hvdrothermal basin.NE-trending synfault were responsible for the formation of the Qiandongshan-Shuangshipu downfaulted three-order basin.Based on analysis of paleoteetonics and basin-filling sediments the data suggests that the Qiandongshan-Shuangshipu three-order basin with hvdrothermal depositions were probably formed in tectonics field of tensile-shear stress in the Middle-Late Devonian.
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