Depositional Environment of the Tertiary Fenghuoshan Group in the Hoh Xil Basin, Northern Tibetan Plateau
摘要: 青藏高原北部的可可西里盆地是高原腹地最大的第三纪沉积盆地,分布着沉积厚度达 4 782.8m的早始新世—早渐新世风火山群灰紫色砂岩、泥岩和砾岩,其沉积环境演化经历了四个阶段,从早期 56.0~ 52.2Ma河流为主的环境,到中期 52.2~ 4 3.1Ma的湖泊环境和 4 3.1~ 3 8.3Ma的河流与扇三角洲环境,演变到晚期 3 8.3~ 3 2.0Ma河流为主的环境。古水流方向也由北东向变为南东向,到晚期又转变为北向为主,反映盆地沉积中心逐渐向东向北迁移。这种沉积环境演化和盆地沉积中心迁移可能受青藏高原早期隆升的影响.Abstract: Fcnghuoshan Group, with total thickness up to 4 782.8 m and geologic age from Earlv Eoccnc to Earlv oligocene, is widclv distributed in the Hoh Xil hasin, which is the largest Tcrtiarv scdimcntarv basin in the hinterland of the Tibetan plateau.The pile of sediments consists of gray-violet sandstone mudstonc and conglomerate.The evolution of dcpositional environment has undergone four periods: mainly fluvial environment during 56.0-52.2 Ma, lacustrinc environment during 52.2-43.1 Ma, fluvial and fan-delta environments during 43.1-38.3 Ma}~and mainly fluvial environment during 38.3 -32.0 Ma.Palcocurrcnt directions were changed to castsouthward from castnorthward in the early period then to north-ward in the late period.Thcsc changes indicate the dcpoccntcr of the Hoh Xil basin migrated eastward and northward. The evolution of the dcpositional environment and migration of the dcpoccntcr could he affected by early uplift of the Tibetan plateau
Key words:
- depositional environment /
- Fenghuoshan Group /
- Tertiary /
- Hoh Xil basin /
- Tibetan plateau
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