Evolution of Early Palaeozoic Carbonate Platform, South Qinling Mt.
摘要: 南秦岭早古生代碳酸岩台地属于扬子板块北部被动大陆边缘。台地经历了3个演化阶段:①下—中寒武统缓坡沉积阶段;②中寒武统—下奥陶统镶边陆棚沉积阶段;③中—上奥陶统混合陆棚沉积阶段。下志留统的进积陆源碎屑沉积淹没了全区。从台地相带的展布规律和古地理轮廓推测,早古生代时台地北侧可能存在一个已消失了的古陆。Abstract: Early Palaeozoic carbonate platform of South Qinling Mt. was developed on the north passive mar-gin of the Yangtze plate. Cambrian and Ordovician carbonate stratigraphy, more than 2000 metres inthickness, is outcropped between Shanyang-Fengzhen Fault and Ningshan-Baihe Fault(Fig. 1).Fiv a fu-ties associations are recogrrized, including anoxic /dysaerobic facies association(A1),deeper ramp /slopefacies association(A 2),Shoal facies association(A3),lagoon and tidal}lat facies association(A 4) andmixed shelf facies association(Fig. 2)·Evolution of the carbonate platform is divided into three phases(Fig.3).Middle Cambrian-Early Ordovician rimmed shelf phase is characterised by oc currence of asouth edge builtup of shoal facies association up to 500 metres in thickness and a south slope of nodularlim es tone,micritic limestone, clay shale and breccias. Inner platform deposits are composed of cyclic la-goonal massive dolostone and laminated dolostone, recording small-scale sea-level changer. Evident fallin sea level resulted from tectonic uplift led to existence of late Early Ordovician palaeokarst and karstconglomerates, which are cupped by Middle-Late Ordovician mixed shelf facies association of the thirdphase containing a transgressive and regressive cyde.Horizontal distributinn of facies zones proves lee side of platform northward and wind side sonth-w ard. It als oimpli esprobably submergedthat there was a possible ancient land on north side of platform(Fig.4),but it wasunder Shanyang-Fengzhen Fault afterwards.
Key words:
- carbonate platform /
- paleogeography /
- early paleozoic /
- Qinling mountains
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