The Experimental Studies on the Role of Organic Matter in Formation of Strata-bound Pb-Zn Deposit
摘要: 有机质在层控铅锌矿床中的作用已受到普遍重视。本文的实验研究内容和主要研究成果包括如下三个方面:1.Cu2+,Pb2+,Zn2+在共存的水相和油相中分配系数与温度和溶液成分关系的实验研究,证明在酸性条件下Cu,Pb,Zn元素95%以上趋向于在水溶液中,而在弱碱性条件下这些元素有强烈的在油相中富集的趋向,表现出典型的卟啉化合物的特征;2.矿物在油田卤水和相同盐度的Cacl-Nacl溶液中溶解度的对比实验研究,讨论了金属元素在油田卤水中的无机络合作用和有机络合作用之间的竞争能力;3.在人工组合双源层和温度压力同时作用的压力机条件下,进行了油气生成和运移过程对Pb,Zn元素活化迁移的实验研究,实验证明,新生成原油(氯仿沥青A)中获得了Zn的52-769μg/g的高丰度,其中经过初次运移的原油往往含有更高含量的金属元素。因此,有理由认为在一定的成熟度范围内原油相可能是Pb,Zn等多金属元素迁移富集的重要载体和成矿流体的重要组成部分。Abstract: The role of organic matter in the formation of strata-bound Pb-Zn deposits was discussed widely.The experimental studies in this paper included three aspects as follow:1. The partition coefficients of Pb2+ and Zn2+between、oexisting liquid oil and aqueous phase weredetermined in aqueous solutions with various pH and composition. The results suggested that Cu, Pb, andZn ahow a strong tendency to enrich liquid oil in alkaline aqueous solution, and that in acid conditionthese elements were still enriched in aqueous solution phase. 2. The solubilities of sphalerite and galena in oilfield brine and CaCl2-NaCl solution, which had thesame salinities as the brine, were determined, respectively. Furthermore, the competitive abilities of metalelements betty een o rgani c a nd ino rganic com posi do ns in oilfi eld brine w ere di scus sed. 3. Based on the hypothesis of double source rocks, the relationship between formation and primarymigration of oil and mobilization of lead and zinc were studies experimentally. The results showed thatth e concentration of Zn in chloroform extractsmetal elements were obtained in migrated oil asup to 52一691u-g/g and that higher concentrations ofTherefore, it was reasonably suggested that liquid oil is an important carrier of metal elements andimportant composition of ore-forming fluid at appropriate maturity limit of oil evolution.
Key words:
- Parti tion coefficient /
- organic complexing /
- double source /
- ore-forming fluid
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