Preliminary Study on Stable Carbon Isotope Compositions of Individual Hydrocarbons of Crude Oils and Source Rocks and Oil /Source Corelation in the TurparrHami Basin
摘要: 本文测定了吐哈盆地原油和部分烃源岩的单烃碳同位素组成,利用单烃碳同位素组成及其分布模式和样品生物标志物的分布和组合特征研究沉积环境和母质输入特征,进行原油成因类型划分和油源对比探索。吐哈盆地原油可划分为三类:一类是典型沼泽相—湖沼相煤成油,如台北凹陷各油田侏罗系原油;二类是湖相原油,如托参1井三叠系原油;三类是浅湖相原油,如胜金口油田中侏罗统原油。油源对比认为目前吐哈盆地侏罗系产出的原油由中下侏罗统煤系地层有机质生成,而托克逊凹陷三叠系原油由上二叠统湖相泥岩生成。
- 吐哈盆地 /
- 煤成油 /
- 气相色谱-同位素比值质谱 /
- 单烃碳同位素组成 /
- 生产标志物
Abstract: The genetic classification of crude oils and oil/source correlation were studied based on the deposi-tional environment and the input of parent materials of crude oils and source rocks from the Turpan-Ha-mi Basin by the research of the distribution and assemblage characteristics of biomarkers and stable car-bon isotope compositions and distribution model of individual hydrocarbons, which were detectedthrough the gas chromatographzsotope ratio in mass spectrometer the following three aspects 1)thetypical lacustrine-wamp or swamp fades coal-derived oil, such as crude oils gencrated from the Jurassicof Taibei Depression; 2) the lacustrine oils, like the Triassic oil from the Tuocan 1 well; 3) the shallowlylacustrine oil, such as the Middle Jurassic oil in the Shengjingkou oilfield. Theensups of oil /source corenlation showed that the Jurassic oils in Taibei Depression is originated from the Middle-Lower Jurassic coal measure organic matter,and the Triassic oil in the Tuokexun Depression is from Upper Permian la-custrine fades mud stones in the Turpan-HamiBasin. -
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