A Study on Maturity Indicatorssome of Some Aromatics in Low-Midmature Thermal Evolution Zones
摘要: 采用GC/MS配备改性的BPX-5石英毛细柱分析了临清坳陷东部禹城洼陷禹参2井生油岩剖面,胜利油区不同成熟度的原油和生油岩样品的芳烃组成。发现芳烃色谱分布特征、脱羟基维生素E的β/α异构体比值、北~苯并荧蒽/苯并(e)芘比值以及2, 6+ 2, 7/1,5二甲基萘异构体比值均是沉积物的低—中熟热演化阶段的有效成熟度指标,脱羟基维生素E是低成熟的标志。新参数2, 3, 6/2,3, 6+ 1, 2, 5三甲基萘比值与1, 3, 6, 7/1, 3, 6, 7+ 1, 2, 5, 6四甲基萘比值图,可以确定低—高熟整个热演化阶段原油和生油岩的成熟度,并不受运移过程分馏效应的影响,对成熟度的变化反映灵敏。Abstract: This paper mainly discussed the effect of some maturity indicators of aromatics prior to and withinthe oil generation zone. By using GC-M S with a modified fused silica capillary column(BPXS) to analysethe extracts of the Yucan-2 well source rock section from the Linqing sag as well as, some source rockand crude oil samples with different maturity in the Shengli oilliekl. In present study, the distribution characteristics of aromatics in chromatograms, the ratio of perylene and benzoflouranthene vs. benzo(e)py rene, β Η deydroxyto一copherol ratio, 2, 6+ 2, 7/1,5 dimethylnaphthalene ratio and dehydroxyt copherol are some reliable markers of low maturity. A combination of maturity indicators from 2, 3, 6/2,3, 6+ 1, 2, 5 trimethyl-raphthalene ratio and 1, 3, 6, 7/1, 3, 6, 7+ 1, 2, 5, 6 tetramethylnaph thalene ratio i suseful for the assessmnt of crude oils and source rocks in the whop thermal evolution zone.
Key words:
- aromatics /
- maturity indicator /
- Linqing sag /
- Yucheng depression
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