Variations in Fluorescence and the Reason of Different Type Vitrinites
摘要: 对我国不同时代和地区125块煤样中镜质体荧光性进行了详细的荧光光度术分析,表明镜质组的荧光性不仅取决于煤阶,而且也与镜质体类型紧密相关。不同类型镜质体显示了不同的荧光强度,在石油窗阶段,富氢镜质体荧光强度明显高于正常镜质体,差值可达1-3倍,特别是富氢镜质体在0.5%-0.85% Ro阶段荧光强度一直较强,且荧光强度值的变化与煤阶没有较好的相关性,显示了明显的特殊性。镜质组相对荧光强度与超微类脂体含量、可溶有机质数量呈正相关关系。富氢镜质体较强的荧光性和Ro在0.50%-0.90%之间荧光强度特殊的演化规律与其中含有较丰富的超微类脂体以及富氢镜质体中流动相含量较高二方面因素有关。Abstract: Study of a series of 125 coal and source rock samples ranging in rank from the brown coal to lowvolatile bi tomono us coal in different regions and ages of China revealed that vitrinite fluorescence is con-trolled not only by rank, but also by vitrinite type. The fluorescence intensity of huminites dereases dras-tically to the Ro stage of 0. 40y 0. 5070,thereafter the secondary fluorescence of the orthohydrous vit-rinites begins to develop, fluorescence intensity of the orthohydrous vitrinite increases with coal rank,reaching the maximum at the Ro stage of 0. 85-1.0%.There is significant difference of fluorescenceproperties in different types of vitrinites in the stage of oil window,the fluorescence intensity of the per-hydrous vitrinite is obviously higher than that of the orthohydrous vitrinite. The fluorescence intensity ofthe pethydrous vitrinite remains relatively high in the Ro stage of 0. 40%一0. 85%,independent of coalrank. There is no minimum of fluorescence intensity at the stage about 0.45% R for the perhydrous vit-rinite,which is different from the orthohydrous vitrinite. The peculiar fluorescence properties of the per-hydrous vitrinite were interpreted by relatively abundant submicroliptinites and high amounts of mobilephase in vitrinites according to the positive correlation omong fluorescence intensity of vitriites,amounts of suhmicroliptinite in vitrinites and chloroform extracted yields.
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