图 13 西秦岭北缘漳县地区上新统韩家沟砾岩特征图
Figure 13. Characteristics of the Pliocene Hanjiagou conglomerate in the Zhangxian area, northern margin of the West Qinling Mountains
表 1 西秦岭北缘武山县地区木梯寺砾岩与漳县地区韩家沟砾岩地质特征对比
砾岩地层地质特征 木梯寺砾岩 韩家沟砾岩 地貌特征 分布在山顶面 分布在山顶面 下伏地层与接触关系 下伏地层为上白垩统角度不整合 下伏地层为渐新统—中新统角度不整合 地层产状 近水平或倾缓 近水平或倾缓 岩石特征 岩性单调的厚层状粗砾岩,砾石大小混杂,分选差;磨圆度低,以次棱角—次圆状为主,砾石成分主要为各种石灰岩、各种砂岩,少量花岗闪长岩、花岗岩; 岩性单调的厚层状粗砾岩,砾石大小混杂,分选差;磨圆度低,以次棱角—次圆状为主,砾石成分主要为各种石灰岩、各种砂岩,少量花岗闪长岩、花岗岩; 古流向 砾石叠瓦排列仅发育扇上河道砾岩,总体指示自南向北的古流向 砾石叠瓦排列仅发育扇上河道砾岩,总体指示自南向北的古流向 沉积环境与沉积相 冲洪积扇粗砾岩,扇砾岩和扇上河道砾岩互层 冲洪积扇粗砾岩,扇砾岩和扇上河道砾岩互层 地层时代 上新世(类比确定) 上新世 -
如前所述,木梯寺砾岩具有厚度大、粒径粗且大小混杂、分选差、以次棱角—次圆状为主,颗粒支撑和基质支撑等特征,说明其具有山前快速堆积的洪积扇粗砾岩沉积的基本特征[22⁃23,25⁃26],并且古流向总体自南向北、砾石成分与其南部秦岭造山带泥盆系—石炭系—二叠系等各种砂岩、灰岩和区域出露的花岗闪长岩、花岗岩相对应。这与西秦岭北缘构造带漳县地区的上新统韩家沟砾岩沉积特征[6,20]具有惊人的相似性,指示其时代为上新世[10]。郭进京等[20]曾提出了上新统韩家沟砾岩代表了以西秦岭北缘断层为边界,西秦岭地块向北的逆冲隆升过程中类前陆盆地粗砾岩,并且认为是印度板块—欧亚板块汇聚碰撞的挤压动力学远程效应的地质记录。但木梯寺砾岩却分布在北缘断层之南,如果木梯寺砾岩与韩家沟砾岩都为上新世的类前陆粗砾岩沉积,那么,西秦岭北缘断层可能并不是西秦岭地块上新世以来向北逆冲隆升的构造边界。木梯寺砾岩和韩家沟砾岩为代表西秦岭北缘类前陆盆地的粗砾岩沉积的南边界到底在何处,从目前地质资料分析,西秦岭北缘的上新世磨拉石盆地边界就不是现在西秦岭北缘断裂系,从砾岩中砾石大小和砾石成分分析,其盆地南边界至少向南推移20~50 km,是否退至宕昌—岷县—临潭断层系是值得进一步研究的地质问题,这还有待于对西秦岭地块内类似沉积记录的寻找和对区域边界断层的追索研究。另外,无论是木梯寺砾岩还是韩家沟砾岩,都是扇根粗碎屑堆积,那么按照一般冲洪积扇应该发育扇根、扇中和扇缘三个地质单元[22⁃23,27],在西秦岭北缘以北广义的陇西盆地内是否保留了扇中和扇缘沉积记录也是值得今后进一步研究的问题。
青藏高原东北缘何时卷入印度—欧亚板块碰撞汇聚形成的青藏高原构造地貌系统,学者们一直存在不同认识。Tapponnier et al.[38]认为包括西秦岭在内的青藏高原东北缘仅是上新世高原;王成善等[39]认为青藏高原东北缘是8 Ma以后逐渐隆升成为青藏高原的组成部分;李吉均等[15,40⁃41]认为青藏高原的整体快速隆升始于3.6 Ma以来的青藏运动,而开始于1.1~1.6和0.15 Ma的昆仑—黄河运动及共和运动,则使高原最终达到现今高度,也就是说现今青藏高原东北缘隆升是上新世3.6 Ma以来的地质事件,以临夏盆地积石山砾岩出现为标志。郭进京等[20]曾讨论了西秦岭北缘漳县地区上新统韩家沟砾岩对青藏高原东北缘隆升的约束,认为青藏高原东北缘真正隆升成为现今青藏高原系统组成部分是上新世末期或第四纪以来的地质事件。西秦岭北缘漳县盆地的上新统韩家沟砾岩、临夏盆地的积石山砾岩[15,29]和循化—贵德盆地的甘家砾岩[18⁃19]代表上新世以来西秦岭一次重要的快速隆升事件,西秦岭的快速隆升以西秦岭北缘断层向北高角度逆冲和其北的具有类前陆盆地的粗砾岩出现为标志[20]。事实上,青藏高原周缘上新世以来的粗砾岩分布很广[42⁃43],如祁连山北缘河西走廊的疏勒河砾岩、玉门砾岩、酒泉砾岩[30,44⁃46]、阿尔金地区的石包城砾岩[47]、西昆仑北缘和天山南缘的西域砾岩[48]等,但关于这些粗砾岩到底是气候成因[42⁃43],还是与高原隆升有关的构造成因[15,18,44],或是构造隆升与气候的共同耦合作用[45,49⁃50],还存在不同认识。从所讨论西秦岭北缘上新世木梯寺砾岩和韩家沟砾岩具有的粗砾扇砾岩和扇上河道砾岩特征来看,粒度粗大、分选和磨圆差,砾石成分与西秦岭造山带出露的砂岩、灰岩和侵入岩相匹配,说明其为近源快速粗碎屑扇形堆积,这种砾岩形成虽然有气候因素(如干旱或寒冷气候下强烈物理风化造成丰富的碎屑来源),但粗大的砾石,特别是巨大的砾石存在,必然要有相应的高差巨大的地貌条件,而这种条件则需要构造隆升的背景,因此,我们认为木梯寺砾岩和韩家沟砾岩主要是构造成因,即西秦岭地块在印度—欧亚碰撞汇聚的动力学扩展到西秦岭,断层快速逆冲形成了高差巨大的地貌,才为砾岩堆积提供了必要条件。但木梯寺砾岩和韩家沟砾岩现今都分布在山顶之上,这就意味着砾岩堆积之后,西秦岭及北缘区域经历整体抬升和侵蚀夷平,现今地貌状态应该是第四纪以来地壳大规模不均匀隆升的结果。当然这种认识,还有待对整个青藏高原周缘上新世以来的粗砾岩进行详细对比研究来佐证。
Genesis of the Pliocene Muti Temple Conglomerates in the Northern Margin of West Qinling Mountains:Implication for the uplift of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
摘要: 青藏高原东北缘是何时卷入现今青藏高原动力学系统而隆升成为高原的组成部分一直存在争议。高原周缘上新世—第四纪广泛出现的粗砾岩多被认为是高原隆升的重要地质标志。西秦岭北缘构造带北侧出露的上新世积石山砾岩、甘家砾岩、韩家沟砾岩等都被认为是青藏高原东北缘快速隆升的地质依据,但这些砾岩由于第四纪以来隆升—侵蚀,多呈孤立块体分布在山顶。西秦岭北缘武山县新寺镇与高楼镇之间卧龙里—大坪一带山顶出露的一套粗砾岩(木梯寺砾岩)具有与漳县北出露的上新统砾岩相同或相似的特征,但却分布在西秦岭北缘断层之南,其研究对于西秦岭上新世隆升及构造边界确定具有重要的地质约束。通过对木梯寺砾岩的地貌特征、沉积旋回、岩性分段、砾石大小、分选性、磨圆度、砾石成分和古流向等较详细的研究,主要取得了如下认识:1)木梯寺砾岩是一套厚度约380 m,粒度粗且变化大、分选差、磨圆度低、旋回性清晰的洪积扇相和扇上季节性河道相互层的粗砾岩,高耸陡峭的山体地貌形态区别于下伏白垩系红色砂砾岩、砂岩的相对平坦地貌;2)扇上河道相砾岩中砾石叠瓦排列指示了自南向北的古流向,砾石成分以石灰岩、砂岩为主,含有少量花岗闪长岩、花岗岩砾石,指示了其物源区主要为西秦岭印支期造山带地层和侵入体;3)该套砾岩近水平的产状、特征性的地貌、典型的冲洪积扇组合,指示了其应该为山前近源、快速堆积体,这与漳县地区上新统韩家沟砾岩具有惊人的相似性,因此,认为这套砾岩与韩家沟砾岩是同时代、同成因的地层,即这套砾岩时代应该为上新世;4)木梯寺砾岩虽然与漳县上新统韩家沟砾岩相似,代表了西秦岭北缘上新世以来的挤压背景下的类前陆盆地沉积,指示了青藏高原东北缘(西秦岭地块)一次快速隆升,但其分布在西秦岭北缘断层之南,角度不整合在白垩系之上,那么上新世西秦岭向北逆冲和隆升的边界应该向南推移至少数十千米,但边界具体位置的确定还有待在西秦岭区域寻找类似砾岩的线索和对边界断层的识别研究。Abstract: It is controversial when the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was involved in the present dynamic system of the present Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and uplifted into a part of the plateau. Pliocene-Quaternary coarse conglomerates are widely distributed around the plateau margins, which are considered as important geological indicators for the uplift of the plateau. The Pliocene Jishishan conglomerate, Ganjia conglomerate, and Hanjiagou conglomerate, outcropped on the north side of the northern margin of the West Qinling Mountains, are considered as the geological evidence for the rapid uplift of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. However, due to the uplift erosion that has occurred since the Quaternary, these conglomerates are mostly distributed in isolated blocks on the top of the mountain. In the Wolongli-Daping area between Xinsi town and Gaolou town, Wushan county, the northern margin of the West Qinling Mountains, a set of coarse conglomerates (Muti Temple conglomerates, abbreviated as MTC) outcropped on the top of the mountain have the same or similar characteristics with the Pliocene Hanjiagou conglomerates outcropped in northern Zhangxian county, but they are distributed south of the northern margin fault of the West Qinling Mountains. Based on the detailed study of the geomorphic features, sedimentary cycles, lithologic segmentation, gravel size, sorting, roundness, gravel composition, and paleocurrent direction of the MTC, the following understandings are obtained: (1) the MTC is a set of conglomerates with coarse grain size and large variation, poor sorting, bad roundness, and clear cyclicity; interbeded coarse conglomerates with alluvial fan facies, seasonal channel facies on the fan, and its high and steep mountain landform are different from the relatively flat landforms of the underlying Cretaceous red conglomerate, glutenite, and sandstone; (2) The gravel imbricate arrangement in the channel facies on the fan conglomerate indicates a paleocurrent direction from south to north, and the gravel composition is mainly composed of limestone and sandstone, with a small amount of granodiorite and granite gravel, which indicate that its provenance area is mainly the West Qinling Indosinian orogenic belt strata and intrusions to the south; (3) The nearly horizontal occurrence, characteristic landform, and typical alluvial-fluvial fan conglomerate assemblage shows that it is a near source and rapid accumulation body, which is strikingly similar to the Pliocene Hanjiagou conglomerate in the Zhangxian area. Therefore, it is suggested that the MTC and Hanjiagou conglomerate have the same age and origin, that is, the age of the MTC should be Pliocene; (4) The MTC is similar to the Pliocene Hanjiagou conglomerate with the attribute of foreland-like molasses in Zhangxian. Both should be part of the geological records of a rapid uplift of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau (West Qinling block). However, the MTC is distributed to the south of the northern margin fault of the West Qinling and covered the Cretaceous in unconformity. The north boundary of the thrusting and uplifting of the West Qinling during the Pliocene should be pulled back a few ten kilometers to the south. The exact location of the boundary still needs similar conglomerate preservation clues and identified boundary faults in the West Qinling area.
图 2 西秦岭北缘漳县—武山县地区地貌特征和木梯寺砾岩地质剖面图
Figure 2. Geomorphologic features and geological profile of the Muti Temple conglomerate in the Zhangxian⁃Wushanxian area, northern margin of the West Qinling Mountains
(a) digital elevation map of the Zhangxian⁃Wushanxian area showing the exposed elevation of the Muti Temple and Hanjiagou conglomerate; (b) nearly horizontal Muti Temple conglomerate’s erosion topography; (c) Upper Cretaceous fluvial facies conglomerates and desert facies sandstones underlying the Muti Temple conglomerate; (d) unconformity between the Muti Temple conglomerate and Upper Cretaceous fluvial facies conglomerates and desert facies sandstones; (e) A⁃B Profile location seen in Fig.1
图 11 西秦岭北缘武山县地区木梯寺砾岩古水流方向统计图
Figure 11. Statistical chart of paleocurrents from the Muti Temple conglomerate in the Wushanxian area, northern margin of the West Qinling Mountains
(a,b) paleocurrent indicator of imbricated gravels of upper fan channel deposits in the Muti Temple conglomerate; (c) statistical chart of paleocurrent in the Muti Temple conglomerate
图 13 西秦岭北缘漳县地区上新统韩家沟砾岩特征图
(a,b)韩家沟砾岩丹霞地貌特征;(c)底部洪积砾岩层,分选、磨圆差,砂岩砾石为主;(d)河道砾岩层,砾石有一定磨圆,以灰岩砾石为主;(e)扇上河道砾岩层,含有巨大砾石,总体较细,递变层清晰;(f)典型扇上河道砾岩,含15~26 cm花岗岩砾石,砾石扁平面斜列较好,指示了自南向北的流向
Figure 13. Characteristics of the Pliocene Hanjiagou conglomerate in the Zhangxian area, northern margin of the West Qinling Mountains
(a, b) Danxia landform characteristics of the Hanjiagou conglomerate; (c) alluvial conglomerate layer with poorly sorted, lower roundness and major sandstone gravel at the bottom of the Hanjiagou conglomerate; (d) channel facies conglomerate with subround⁃rounded and major limestone gravels; (e) the upper⁃fan channel facies conglomerate layer with huge gravels, the overall finned grain size, and clear sedimentary cycle and crude normal gradded bedding; (f) typical upper⁃fan channel facies conglomerate layer with 15⁃26 cm granite gravels and well⁃imbricated gravels indicating the paleocurrent from south to north
表 1 西秦岭北缘武山县地区木梯寺砾岩与漳县地区韩家沟砾岩地质特征对比
砾岩地层地质特征 木梯寺砾岩 韩家沟砾岩 地貌特征 分布在山顶面 分布在山顶面 下伏地层与接触关系 下伏地层为上白垩统角度不整合 下伏地层为渐新统—中新统角度不整合 地层产状 近水平或倾缓 近水平或倾缓 岩石特征 岩性单调的厚层状粗砾岩,砾石大小混杂,分选差;磨圆度低,以次棱角—次圆状为主,砾石成分主要为各种石灰岩、各种砂岩,少量花岗闪长岩、花岗岩; 岩性单调的厚层状粗砾岩,砾石大小混杂,分选差;磨圆度低,以次棱角—次圆状为主,砾石成分主要为各种石灰岩、各种砂岩,少量花岗闪长岩、花岗岩; 古流向 砾石叠瓦排列仅发育扇上河道砾岩,总体指示自南向北的古流向 砾石叠瓦排列仅发育扇上河道砾岩,总体指示自南向北的古流向 沉积环境与沉积相 冲洪积扇粗砾岩,扇砾岩和扇上河道砾岩互层 冲洪积扇粗砾岩,扇砾岩和扇上河道砾岩互层 地层时代 上新世(类比确定) 上新世 -
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