The Study on High-Pressure-High-Temperature Aqueous PyrolysisⅠ. Influence of temperature and pressure on maturation of organic matter
摘要: 对不成熟泥炭样品进行了高压(0.1~2GPa)、高温(200℃~400℃)模拟实验,并对实验后样品的成熟度指标——镜质体反射率(Ro)进行了测定。结果显示,同一压力条件下,温度与镜质体反射率呈正相关;相同温度条件下,样品Ro值与压力呈负相关,说明压力同温度一样,是影响有机质成熟作用的一个重要因素,其存在会抑制有机质向高成熟演化。压力的这种作用有其内在的化学动力学机理。实验结果及实际地质现象都说明,压力作用在有机质演化过程中不可忽视。用模拟实验手段探讨压力的作用和影响,具有重要的理论及实际意义。
- 高温 /
- 高压 /
- 成熟作用 /
- 镜质体反射率(Ro) /
- 抑制作用
Abstract: Immature organic matter(peat) were pyrolysized at temperatures ranging from 200℃ to 400℃ under high pressure ranging from 0.1 to 2 GPa in a closed system. As the index of maturation, vitrinite reflectance (Ro) of samples was measured. The results display that Ro value of samples tends to rise when temperature increases under constant pressure and the Ro value decreases when pressure increases under constant pressure. These results indicate that pressure is one of factors that influence the maturation of organic matter as important as temperature do, and the pressure can retard the thermal evolution of organic matter. The function of pressure has its interior kinetic principle. The role of pressure in organic maturation process of organic matter can't benig nored as suggested by results of experiment and fact of Geology. It has important theoretical and practical significance on studying the function and influence of pressure by means of pyrolysis-
Key words:
- high temperature /
- high pressure /
- pyrolysis /
- vitrinite reflectance /
- retardation
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