Discovery of Pre-Jurassic Cannel-Boghead with Its Geological Significance in Turpan-Hami Basin,Xinjiang
摘要: 众多地质工作者十几年的系统深入工作使吐—哈油田侏罗系的煤成烃研究取得了令人瞩目的进展。然而,侏罗系煤系泥岩和煤岩成烃的潜能不足以解释目前吐—哈油田的油气藏形成规模。在吐—哈盆地西部科牙依凹陷三叠系中首次发现的厚层烛藻煤,具有类型好、品质高、生烃潜能大的特点,是该盆地最好的烃源岩类型。该类煤的发现不但对评价该地区前侏罗系生油前景具有重要意义,而且对侏罗系煤成油类型多样化也具有启示。综合分析结果表明,烛藻煤既可能是台南凹陷前侏罗系油藏生烃物质之一,又可能对侏罗系油气藏有所贡献。在中三叠世时的科牙依凹陷和台北凹陷、早侏罗世时台北凹陷中部的丘东洼陷、早二叠世晚期的台北凹陷北部等地区均为炎热半干旱、半咸水、强还原的深湖环境,均可能发育丰富的烛藻煤等腐泥煤类,它们与湖相泥岩共同对吐—哈油田的油气藏形成提供了生烃物质。吐—哈盆地与准噶尔盆地的生烃条件十分相似。除此之外,幔源物质可能对吐—哈盆地的油气藏形成具有重要贡献。Abstract: More than ten year's advanced research work has been done by numbers of outstanding geologists, so that theresearch of coal-derived hydrocarbon for Turpan-Hami Basin has developped a lot. However, gemetic potential for Jurassic coal-system mudstone and coal is not enough to explain the formatic scale of oil-gas accumulation of Turpan-Hami Basin. The cannel-boghead, discovered firstly in Triassic in Keyayi depression in western Turpan-Hami basin, is the best source rock with the characteristics of good type, high quality and great genetic-potential. The discovery of cannel-boghead has not only main significance in evaluating hydrocarbon-generated prospect of preJurassic in this area but has enlightenment in analyzing diversify of coal-derived hydrocarbon types. The results of the synthetical research demonstrate that the cannel-boghead, probably, either is one of the generating hydrocarbon materials of pre-Jurassic oil accumulation in Tainan depression, or makes contribution to oil-gas accumulation of Jurassic. Fairly abundant cannel-boghead distributed in deep lake with semiarid, bracksh, and strong reduction in Keyayi depression and Taibei depression in Middle Trassic, in Qiudong area of Taibei depression in Early Jurassic as well as in northern Taibei sag in late Early Permian. These cannel-boghead and lacustrine mudstones all provided hydrocarbon-generated matters to oil-gas accumulation of Turpan - Hami Basin. The hydrocarbon-generated condition of Turpan-Hami Basin is very similar with that of Jungger Basin. Besiders, the mantle matters probably comtribute greatly on forming oil-gas accumulation of Turpan-Hami Basin.
Key words:
- cannel-boghead /
- coal-derived /
- hydrocarbon /
- Turpan-Hami Basin
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