Oil-Gas Inclusions and Reservoir Formation in Bozhong Depression of the Bohaiwan Basin
摘要: 含油气盆地中油气包裹体对油气运移、聚集成藏具有示踪作用。应用油气包裹体统计分析表明渤中坳陷油气运移聚集的主要层位为浅部第三系。其中下第三系砂岩中普遍含有两类油气包裹体,即原生油气包裹体和次生油气包裹体,它们分别记录了研究区两次油气运移、聚集成藏过程。次生油气包裹体个体大、分布广、含量明显高于原生油气包裹体,其主要充填分布在次生溶蚀孔隙和裂隙中。均一温度测量、包裹体成分和生物标志化合物分析结果综合表明,次生油气包裹体记录的第二次油气运移是本区最主要的一次油气聚集成藏过程,其油气来源于下第三系湖相泥质烃源岩。结合地质演化特征分析认为,渤中坳陷目前油气勘探的重点应是浅部下第三系地层,而不是深部其它地层。早第三纪晚期构造运动、沉积间断和次生溶蚀孔隙特征研究,以及与之相关储层预测是本区油气勘探获得突破的关键所在。Abstract: Two types of oii-gas inciusions, the primary and the secondary, were recognized in the Tertiary ciastic rocks in Bozhong Depression of the Bohaiwan Basin in Northeastern coastai area of China. These two types of oii-gas inciusions recorded two stages of oii migration and accumuiation in the region. The secondary porosity and fractures, fiiied with abundant secondary oii-gas inciusions, are the kind of dissoiution pore formed by the eiuviation due to the upiift of the region at the end of the eariy Tertiary. Data from temperature measurements and anaiysis to compositions together with biomarkers of the oii-gas inciusions indicate that the oii trapped in secondary porosity and fractures originated from the iower Tertiary iacustrine source rocks and the oii accumuiations were controiied by the Tertiary tectonics and diagenesis. It is proposed that targets for oii expioration in the region shouid focus on the Tertiary sediments rather than the Pre-Teriary depositions. Tectonics, sedimentary discontinuity between iower and upper Tertiary and reservoir prediction are the key subjects for oii prospecting in the region.
Key words:
- oii-gas inciusion /
- migration accumuiation /
- Bozhong depression /
- Bohaiwan Basin
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