Grade Division of Base-level Cycles of Terrigenous Basin and Its Implications
摘要: 高分辨率层序地层学理论及其技术方法在陆相盆地层序分析中的应用,关键技术之一是识别和划分不同成因的界面与不同级次的基准面旋回。文中以数个不同构造性质的湖盆为例,在盆地构造—沉积演化序列中识别出 6种受不同因素控制,具不同成因特征、发育规模和识别标志的界面类型;以界面的成因特征及其差异性为依据,提出基准面巨旋回、超长期旋回、长期旋回、中期旋回、短期旋回和超短期旋回 6个级次的划分方案,建立了各级次旋回的划分标准和厘定了各级次旋回的时间跨度,并认为前 3个低频长周期旋回主要受构造因素控制,后 3个高频短周期旋回主要受天文因素控制;文中分别讨论了各级次旋回在油气田勘探开发工程各阶段的研究意义.Abstract: By applying the thcorv and technology of the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy to the sequence analysis of tcrrigcnous hasin, one of the kcv techniques is to distinguish and divide the different genesis interfaces and the different grades of the base-level cycle.In this paper taking a few basins which have different tectonic characteristics as cases, the authors have recognized six types of interfaces which are controlled by different factors, and have different genetic features, developmcnt scales and identification marks.According to the genetic features and the differences among the interfaces, six-grade division schemes of base-level cycle are proposed which are huge base level cycle and super-long-time long time middle time short time super-short-time base-level cvclc, and division criterions of different base-level cycles arc established.The authors have also discussed the time interval of different base level cycle and considered that the preceding three low frcqucncc and long period cycles are mainly controlled by tectonic factors and the following three high frcqucncc and short period cycles are mainly controlled by the astronomic factor. At the same time the implications of different grade base-level cycles dcaltwith the exploration and development of oil and gas field are discussed respectively.
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