Thermal Fluid Flow in Sedimentary Basins and Its Significance to Pool-forming Dynamics
摘要: 在分析、总结国内外一些含油气盆地的典型资料的基础上,论述了热流体活动的若干重要表现形式及主要研究方法,强调了热流体活动对有机质热演化和油气生成的强化作用。根据控制热流体活动的主要因素之一———流体活动通道,将沉积盆地内的热流体活动类型划分为岩性型、不整合型、断裂型和复合型四大类。最后,探讨了热流体活动对成藏动力学研究的重要意义,认为其可为有机质演化异常提供新的成因解释途径,扩大油气勘探领域;为油气运移的研究提供线索,优化勘探目标选择;为成岩—孔隙演化的动态研究提供依据,预测深部储层发育层段.Abstract: Based on the analysis and some typical data of petroleum basins in China and world it discusses some important exprcssion forms and major research methods of thermal fluid flow and tion and hydrocarbon generation in this paper. According to the major emphasized its enhancement to organic-matter maturacontrolling factor passage of fluid migrations,to thermal fluid flow it divides thermal fluid flow into four types:(1)lithologic-type(2) conformity-type(3 ) fault-type and (4) compound-type.Finally it also discusses the significance of thermal fluid flow to pool-forming dynamics:(1) provides a new explanation way to abnormal vitrinitc reflectance, which can enlarge the fields of hydrocarbon exploration and development: (2)provides some important evidences to and(3)providcs means to study diagnosis research of hvdrocarhon migration which support to choose exploration targets:and porosity evolution of reservoir rocks which can he used to predict the dcvclopmcnt units of deep reservoirs.
Key words:
- thermal fluid /
- convection /
- pool-forming dynamics /
- hydrocarbon generation /
- hydrocarbon migration
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