Theory and Method of Polymetallic Nodule Resources Evaluation
摘要: 根据大量工作实践和研究,系统扼要地介绍了大洋多金属结核资源评价的基本概念、理论基础、评价方法及国内外概况;论述了多元统计分析 (聚类分析、因子分析、趋势面分析 )、地质统计学 (克立格法 )、神经元网络分析进行多金属结核资源评价的方法原理;以及实现矿区边界指标—资源量—面积动态分析的《大洋多金属结核资源动态评价系统》软件开发简介.Abstract: The polymetallic nodule deposit is a kind of submarine mineral resources.Except for its two dimension distrihution, heing covered by the thick overlying waters, basic theory and method of submarine mineral resources evaluation, as well as its procedure of exploration and exploitation are similar to those of the land mineral resources.However it should be thought to select mathematical function and to construct theoretical model based on plymetallic nodule deposit. The foundational theory and method of polymetallic nodule resources evaluation has been briefly introduced.The principle and the advantage of the resources evaluation methods such as multivariate statistical method(including cluster analysis,factor analysis and trend surface analysis),geostatistics(Kriging)and neural network analysis(back-propogation method) are respectively described in detail.The application examples and calculation results are given out in the forms of tables or figures according to the theory and method.The software of"Evaluation System of Polvmetallic Nodule Resources"has been developed by authors for realizing the computerized mobile analysis of cutoff indexes( grade and abundance)-resource amounts-deposit area and its program structure is shown in the paper.
Key words:
- Pacific /
- polymetallic nodules /
- resources evaluation /
- theory and methodP
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