Geochemical Characteristics of Hydrogen Isotopic compositions of Natural Gas, oil and Kerogen
摘要: 本文详细讨论了天然气中甲烷、原油、轻质油及干酪根的稳定氢同位素组成,以及它们与源岩沉积时的水介质环境和源岩成熟度的关系。发现天然气中甲烷的氢同位素组成主要取决于其母质沉积时的水介质环境,同时也受母质热演化程度的影响。认为在利用甲烷氢同位素鉴别母质沉积环境时,必须考虑源岩成熟度的影响。原油和于酪根的氢同位素组成也主要与源岩沉积时的本介质环境有关,认为原油和于酪根的氢同位素组成都可作为地球化学指标来判别源岩沉积时的水介质环境。Abstract: In this paper the hydrogen isotope compositions of methane, crude as well as light oils and kerogen and their relationship with the depositional environments and the maturity of source rocks were discussed in detail. The hydrogen isotope compositions of methane are mainly related to depositional environments of source rocks. Methane of terrestrial fresh water environments has lighter hydrogen isotope compositions, and that of brackish to salt water environments has heavier hydrogen isotope compositions. Simultaneously, the hydrogen isotope compositions of methane are also related to the maturity of source rocks, i. e., with the increasing maturity of source rocks, the δD of methane becomes heavier. When using the δD of methane to differentiate depositional environments of source rocks, the effect of the maturity of source rocks on the δD of methane should be considered. The hydrogen isotope compositions of crude and light oils are mainly related to depositional environments of source rocks. Oils derived in fresh water environments have lighter δD, and those in brackish to salt water environments have heavier δD. The hydrogen isotope compositions of kerogen are also controlled by depositional environments, i. e., kerogens derived from fresh water environments have lighter δD,and those from brackish to salt water environments have heavier δD.
Key words:
- natural gas /
- oil /
- kerogen /
- hydrogen isotope
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