Tectonic Control of the Silurian Reef Distribution and Development on Upper Yangtze Platform
摘要: 根据上扬子板块的基底特征,及板块边缘特征等不同大地构造单元演化特征入手,分别对上扬子板块基底地貌、板块边缘构造及板内不同构造单元控制志留纪古沉积环境及生物礁发育演化进行了论述。在上扬子板块的北缘(南秦岭构造带),为被动大陆边缘,沉积环境适于生物礁发育,类型较多。而板块西缘(金沙江构造带)为主动大陆边缘,在岛弧区发育部分点礁以及生物层;板块内部受古隆起影响的地区(川西北、川东南、黔北),形成缓坡沉积环境,在浅缓坡区生物礁十分发育,类型众多;但是板内深断裂(龙门山,二郎山—攀西裂谷带)边缘生物礁不甚发育,仅见生物层—小型点礁组合。志留纪时,上扬子板块受全球海平面变化的影响明显,至Wenlock期后,大部分地区因海平面下降而无沉积。但是在板块边缘凹陷区,因区域构造的影响,全球海平面波动对其影响不大,Wenlock期后继续接受沉积且发育生物礁。Abstract: The Paleogeographic pattern, regional sea level changes and reef distribution development were obviously controlled by different kinds of tectonic units. According to the tectonic unit characteristics of Upper Yangtze Platform such as the basement features and different kinds of platform margins, the authors discuss the platform topography, platform margins topography and other inter platform units and their controling activity to Silurian sedimentary environments and the reef development evolution. At the north margin of Upper Ynagtze Platform (South Qinling tectonic zone), which is a passive continental margin, the sedimentary environment was suitable for the development of reefs and the different kinds of reefs grew there. The west margin of the Platform (Jin Shajiang tectonic zone) belonged to an active continental margin, some patch reefs and biostromes grew on the island arc area. In the Platform, some areas were influenced by uplifts (NW Sichuan, SE Sichuan and N Guizhou) and the ramp sedimentary environments were formed. Usually, in the shallow ramp environment, the reefs developed very well with high deversity. But along the inter platform deep fracture zone (Longmenshan, Erlangshan Panxi Rift), reefs did not develop, only biostrome and small-patch reef assemblage can be seen. During the Silurian, the Upper Yangtze Platform was influenced obviously by global sea level change. Because of the sea level down, most part of Yangtze Platform did not receive deposits after Wenlock. But the platform margin depression areas were not influenced by the global sea level change, and reefs still developed after Wenlock. It indicates that the regional tectonic movement also controls the sea level change.
Key words:
- Upper Yangtze Platform /
- sedimentary environment /
- feef /
- Silurian
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