A Tide and Storm- Influenced Shoreline and Inner Shelf Sedimentary Sequence-Ruyang Group (Precambrian) of Western Henan
摘要: 豫西前寒武纪汝阳群是一套主要由潮汐和风暴所影响的滨岸和内陆棚碎屑沉积.整个沉积序列由九种主要岩相组成,即粗砂岩/砾岩相(F1),槽状交错层砂岩相(F2),复合交错层砂岩相(F3),巨型板状交错层砂岩相(F4),丘状交错层砂岩相(F5),平坦层状砂岩相(F6),低角度交错层砂岩相(F7),互层泥岩/砂岩相(F8)和水道沉积(F9).这些不同的岩相可构成三种典型的相组合,即潮汐影响的相组合(A1),风暴影响的相组合(A2),和潮汐/风暴结合影响的相组合(A3).其中A1主要发育在云梦山组和白草坪组,A2构成北大尖组的大部分,而A3则在云梦山组和北大尖组都有出现.文中详细讨论了各种相的形成过程,并且强调了由潮汐形成的沙浪沉积.Abstract: Ruyang Group, consisting of the Yunmengshan, Baicaoping, ;and Beidajian formations in an sacend-ing order. is the first sedimentary sequence overlying the Precambrian volcanic rocks in western Henan>which is geologically situated on the southern margin of North China Platform. Detailed facies and fades as-socia.tion analyses show that Ruyang Group was formed in tide- and storm-influenced coastal and innershelf environments. The group can be divided into nine main facies coarse-grained sandstone/conglomerate(F1),trough crossbedded sandstone(F2),compound crossbedded snadstone(F3),giant planarcross;bedded sandstone(F4),hummocky cross- stratified sandstone(F5),flat bedded sandstone(F6),low-angle crossbedded sandstone ( F7),interbedded sandstone/mudstone (F8) and channeldeposits facies (F9).
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