摘要: 南岭地区是中国有色金属矿产资源重要基地之一。据不完全统计,位于泥盆系地层中的层控铅锌、黄铁矿、钨、锡、汞、重晶石等矿床,已有大、中型矿床达数十个,小型矿床更是星罗棋布。按成因类型分为成岩矿床、成岩-后生矿床、火山喷气-沉积矿床、岩浆热液叠加矿床和混合热液矿床。相应地建立了四种成矿模式,即与火山作用有关的海底渗流循环喷气-沉积成矿,成岩压实水成矿,热卤水成矿,混合热液成矿。虽然泥盆系层控矿床种类多、成因类型复杂,其控矿因素和分布主要受层、相、位控制,本区绝大多数层控矿床赋存于区域不整合面之上,中、上泥盆统海侵旋回的碎屑岩建造向碳酸盐建造的过渡部位;控矿的主要岩相古地理类型是被台盆分割的台地边缘生物礁和泻湖、潮坪,或古陆边缘的生物礁和局限台地;本区绝大多数层控矿床集中分布于北西向丹池断裂带、北北东向冷水江-龙胜断裂带的交汇处,位于前泥盆系构造隆起边缘或泥盆系构造盆地边缘。混合热液矿床还与燕山期的岩浆活动有关。空间分布上成矿带、构造带和岩相带之间有明显的一致性。Abstract: The Nanling of South China is one of the most important areas of nonferrous metal mineral resources. Based on incomplete statistical figures, strata-bound lead-zinc, pyrite, tungsten,tin, mercury, antimony and barite ore deposits have been found in Devonian of this area. There are ten's medium to large scale deposits ezplorated and numbers of small deposits spread far and wide. According to genetic types, these deposits can be classified into diagenetic, diagenetic-epigenetic, volcanic exhalation-sedimentary, superimposed and mixed hydrothrmal ore deposits. Four metallogentic models have been established: 1. submarine vadose circulating volcanic exhalation-deposition; 2. basinal diagenetic compactive fluids; 3. basinal thermal brine; 4. mixed hydrothermal metallogenic model. Although these strata-bound deposits are different in types and genesis, many similarities in their ore-controlling factors and distributon may be found. The main controlling factors are stratigraphy (formation), lithofacies and tectonic setting. Thereby, it is considered that any geologic factor controlling the ore formation could not be treated in isolation. The formation of any large scale ore deposit should be considered as the result of the coaction of various geological factors in certain geological settings, and those factors affect and interact commonly each other. The stratigraphic horizon, lithofacies and tectonic setting are thought as main factors for controlling the diagenetic-epigenetic strata-bound ore deposits, and three factors are concordant spatially. When the formation of ttrata-bound ore deposits are related to magmatism, the regional large fault, lithofacies zone, magmatic activity and metallogenesis often show the consistency. That is, the fault controlled early the lithofacies (or volcanic activity), and subsequently controlled the emplacement of magmatic rocks and the migration, circulation and final enrichment of the metallogenetic solutions.
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