摘要: 为探讨近岸沉积物的类型、特征、物质来源和沉积历史,我们对从胶州湾口到日照县之间(119°40′—120°40′E,35°30′—36°N)170公里长岸段的沉积物(最大水深30米)进行了系统调查。100余个站位的样品都作了粒度分析,其中89个样进行了组分研究。Abstract: A systematic petrological research has been made on nearshore surficial sedi-ments(the mazimum depth is 30m)of southern Shandong Peninsula(the area is located between the mouth of liaozhou Bay- and Rizhao County).The nearshore surficial sedimentsare divided into three sedimentary regions as follows,Recent coastal sedimentary region:This is distributed within the depth of 10-15m,and presents a striped form parallel to the coastline.The sediments are mainly sand. muddy silt and sand-silt-mud.Their granulometric parameters vary within a large range because of the、一arious types of sediments.T he sediments are rich in feldspar, but owing to the difference of the characters of coastal source rock,the Q/F ratio is less than 1 in the south and 1一3 in the north.The content of nemetamorphic quartz is more in the south and less in the north.The mean round-ss of quartz of coarse sand grain is 0.29(according to Power standard),so it is subangular.almost all the sediments consist of terrigenous materials, with a little-organic and authigenic components.Common organisms are Forominifera and Pelecypoda.Recent shelf sedimentary- region:This is located at the northeast of the studied area, where the water depth is more than 15 m.The sediments are principally sand-silt-mud and muddy- silt(Mz=6.38-7.59Φ),for hydrodynamic effect is weak.Since there is not only one source, the sediments are very poorly sorted(σ1=2.70-3.-12).After CaCo3 being removed, sorting coefficient rises, but ii is still greaterthan 2 .It is positively skew and its kurtosis smooth.In> 0.063mm fraction,Q, F ratio is high(4-8).The content of metamorphic polycrystalline quartz is medium, less than 10% at bathvmetric line of about 20 m,and it increases outward to 10-20% T he roundness of coarse sand fraction(Ms=0.30) is higher than that of recent coastal sedimentary region.Basically, there is little glauconite and calca-reous concretion,but organic content is higher than that in the coastal region, com-monly 5-10% in sand fraction.Foraminifera is major organism and its principal species is Ammonia compressiuscula.residual sedimentary region:This is situated in the south of the studied area, where water depth is more than 10-15 m.The sediments(except calcareous concretion)are conglomeratic sand and san(Mz=0.98-3.51Φ).Granulometric parameters are extremely abnormal, such as very poor sorting(σ1=3.98-4.78),positive or extre-mely positive skewness(SK=0.15-0.39)and commonly abnormal kurtosis.The types of sediment compositions are conglomeratic arkose and arkose(Q, F<2).The con-tent of metamorphic polycrystalline quartz is rather high near the shore,but drops rapidly outward to less than 10%.The roundness of quartz is high, belonging to subrounded class(Mρ = 0.34),much higher than that in the other two regions.The content of iron-staining quartz of tile region is also high(> 40%).The sedimen-ts of this region are rich in calcareous concretion which belongs to terrigenous authigenic component, so the content of CaC03 is commonly higher than 12%.The content of glauconite is also much higher than that in the other two regions.Organ-ic association is characterized by the appearance of oyster-bryozoa and contains Candoniella sp.The textures of sediments in recent coastal and shelf sedimentary regions are is equilibrium with the water depth where they are.Palimpsest sediments are origin-ally of intertidal zone-coastal facies, and were formed 30,000 yrs B.P.They ex-perienced reformation in a continental envionment because of regression.Calcareous concretions were formed during this period(14C dating is 17,870±260 yr).They were not submerged until the Holocene transgression and they have received little sediments since then。
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4.Blatt, H.,1967, Original Characteristics of Clastic Quartz Grains.J.Sed.Pe-trol.37
5.Gardner, J.V.,et al., 1980, Sedimentology and Geoche-mistry of Surface Sediments, Outer Continental Shelf, Southern Bering Sea.Mar.Geol.35
6.Keith, M. L.,Weber, J.N.,1964, Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Selected Limestones and Fossils. Geoch, et Cosmoch.Acta, V.28
7.Powers, M.C.,1953, A New Roundness Scale of Sedimentary Particles.J.Sed.Petrol.23 -

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