Geological Conditions on Forming Oil-gas Field from Jurassic Coals in Tuha Basin
摘要: 吐哈盆地是典型的煤成油气盆地。通过对该盆地煤成油形成的地质条件分析,认为煤成油藏的形成是特定地质条件下的产物。(1)盆地构造演化控制了煤系生储油岩系发育;(2)存在低成熟成烃母质以利于烃类排出;(3)成煤沼泽氧化还原环境与成煤植物差异造成了煤原始富氢程度的不同。下三角洲平原沼泽及分流间湾沼泽是煤成烃发育的有利场所,流水沼泽相是煤成烃最有利的相带;(4)适合古地温梯度及后续盆地继承发展以保持源岩熟化,上覆湖相沉积发育以利于烃类的保存;(5)适合的构造挤压条件以利于煤成油的排驱与运移。Abstract: The Tuha basin is a typical coal-derived oil-gas basin. Through analyzing the geological and geochemical conditions formingcoal-derived oil in this basin, the coal-derived oil pool is rnnsidered to be formed under a specially designated geological condition.(1) The development of source rocks and reservoir of coal measures is controlled by the tectonic evolution of basin. (2) Low-ma-lure source materials are favorable for the expulsion of h州rocarbons. ( 3 ) Redox environments of coal-forming swamp and coal-forming plants result in the difference of hydrogen-rich degree in coal. Lower delta plain and interdistributary bay swamps are fa-vorable for the development of coal-derived hydrocarbon, and running water swamp facies is the most favorable facies zone for hy-drocarbon generation from coal. (4) Appropriate paleogeothermal gradient and inherited development of basin is advantageous tomaturation of source rock, and the development of overlying lake deposit is beneficial to the preservation of the expulsive hydrocar-boas from coalbed. (5) Suitable tectonic compressing is favorable for the expulsion and migration of coal-derived oil.
Key words:
- Tuha basin /
- Coal-derived oil /
- formation crondition /
- oil-gas pool
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