Geostatistical Analysis of the Abundance and Grade of the Polymetallic Nodule Enriched Area of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific
摘要: 本文对太平洋CC区(Clarion-ChppetonZone)多金属结核富集区的结核丰度、品位(Mn、Cu、Co、Ni)进行了详细的地质统计学分析、获得了较好的实验变差图。分析结果表明光滑型结核富集区的丰度变程为50~60km,结核水平分布连续性好,丰度稳定而变化小,结核中Mn、Cu、Co、Ni四种金属元素变程为80~100km,各向异性和空穴效应现象不明显;粗糙型结核富集区丰度变程为40~50km,结核中Co、Ni、Mn变差图拟合较困难,它们的变程约100km,大多数变差图形表现出有漂移、穴穴效应和各向异性现象,结合其它实际调查资料分析,影响变差函数稳健性的主要因素是粗糙型结核贫富分布不均且变化大。克立格法和算术平均法两种方法计算得出的结核资源量误差一般为1%~2%。最大误差不超过7%,这与以往的分析结果基本一致。研究结果表明,结核丰度采样间距为28km×28km,结核资源估计误差:光滑型结核区为29.45%的资源估计误差下降到14.59%,粗糙型结核区为36.07%;采样间距缩小到13km×13km,光滑型结核区的资源估计误差下降到14.59%,而粗造型结核区资源估计误差仍有23.01%。Abstract: Geostatistics was applied to the analysis of the abundance and grade ( such as manganese, copper,cobalt and nickel) of the polymetallic nodules collected from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacificand the excellent experimental variograms were obtained. The analytical results showed that the abun-dance range of the smooth nodule enriched area is about 50 ~ 60 km, the continuation of the surface nod-ule distribution is better than that of the rough nodule enriched area. The abundance variation is small inthe area. The four metal ranges or Cu, Co, Ni and Mn in the nodules are approximately 80 ~ 100 km, andthe phenomena of the anisotropy and the hole effects are not apparent; moreover, the abundance range ofthe area dominated by the rough noduies is about 40 ~ 50 km, and it is difficult to fit a smooth curvebased on the points on the experimental variograms of Co, Ni and Mn in the nodules. These metal rangesare nearly 100 km, and and the nost of the experimental variograms showed the phenomena of the shifts,the hole effects and the anisotropy, Considering other practical surver data and information, the majorfactors of affecting the stability of the variogram coule be atteributed to the inhomogeneous distributionof the surface nodules and the abundance variation from place to place. The resource( including the nod-ule and the metal amount) estimation errors calculated in the Kriging and arithmetic average method are1 ~ 2 % in general. The biggest error is less than 7 %. These results were similar to those of the prviouspractice. Research results also showed that the sampling distance of abundance is 28 km× 28 km, thenodule resource estimation error is 29. 45 % for the smooth nodule deposit and 36. 07 % for the rough nodule one, when the distance is reduced to the level of 13 km× 13 km, and the resource estimation erroris 23. 01 % for the rohgh nodule enriched area.
Key words:
- Pacific /
- polymetallic nodules /
- geostatistics /
- resources /
- evaluation
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