The Influence of Pressure on Hydrolysis of Fatty Ac id Esters Catalysed by Immature Source Rock at Low Temperature
摘要: 选择十八烷酸甲酯为模型化合物,以 7种抽提有机质的未熟烃源岩为载体考察了压力对未熟烃源岩矿物催化脂肪酸酯水解反应的影响。结果表明,在未熟烃源岩低温催化脂肪酸酯的水解反应中,压力是重要的影响因素,压力效应不可忽视。7种未熟烃源岩产生了不同的压力效应,并因此引起了水解率的升高或降低。文中对压力效应产生的原因进行了探讨,认为观测到的压力效应是压力对反应促进和抑制作用共同作用的结果。Abstract: The evaluation of pressure effects is obtained by performing the hydrolysis of methyl octadecanonate as a model reaction catalyzed by seven different samp les of immature source rock that had first been extracted with organic solvents. The results show that p ressure plays an important role in the reaction and the pressure effects are not negligible. The pressure effects are different among the seven immature source rock. As a conquence, an enhanced or lowered ratios of hydrolysis takes place as a result of the pressure effects. The reasons that lead to such a result are discussed. It is suggested that the pressure effects observed is a complex of the promotion and restraint caused by pressure.
Key words:
- pressure effects /
- immature source rock /
- esters of fatty acid /
- hydrolysis /
- mineral catalysis
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