Origin and AccumulationModel ofNaturalGases in the Dongfang 1-1 Gas Field of the Yinggehai Basin
摘要: 莺歌海盆地东方 1—1气田以其埋藏浅、天然气成份变化大、气藏位于底辟构造带等特征一直是研究的热点。长期以来对其气源、充注历史等问题存在不少疑问。该研究应用生烃动力学与碳同位素动力学方法通过对典型烃源岩的研究,建立起了烃源岩在地质条件下的生气模式与碳同位素分馏模式。结合天然气地质地球化学特征,研究认为:东方 1—1气田烃类气体主要来源于梅山组烃源岩,非烃气体来源于三亚组或更深部含钙地层;天然气藏形成相当晚,与底辟作用有关,烃类气体主要充注时间在 1.3Ma以后,CO2气体主要充注时间在 0.1Ma左右;天然气成份的非均一性主要受控于底辟断裂活动所控制的幕式充注。Abstract: The Dong fong 1-1 Gas Field of the Y inggehai Basin has great attract iveness because its characterist ics of a shallow burial depth, wide variations of gas composition and occurrence in the diapir fault belt. There have been still problems on gas source and gas-filling model for a long period. In th is paper, the method of hydrocarbon generation kinetics and carbon isotopic fraction kineticsw as applied to some typical source rocks from th is basin, and a geo logical model of gas generation and methane carbon isotopic fraction was suggested. With the comb ination of the geo logical and geochemical background of the Dong fong 1-1 Gas Filed, it was believed that the hydrocarbon gases were mainly from the coal measure source rocks in the Meishan Formation, but non-hydrocarbon gas the calcareous shale in the Shanya Formation. The gas pool is qu ite young, and is related to the diap irism. The hydrocarbon gas was charged after t 1.3Ma, and CO2 gas at about 0.1Ma. Thew ide variat ion compositions of the natura l gas were controlled by episode charges of gases controlled by diapir fault activities.
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