Progress of Sedimentological Research in Tarim Basin
摘要: 随着近年来塔里木盆地油气勘探的深化,各主要目的层的沉积学研究取得了长足的进展:对轮南—塔河亿吨级油田为代表的奥陶系碳酸盐岩非均质古岩溶储层形成机理认识的进步及其地震识别技术的建立,极大地提高了勘探成功率;近年来油气勘探新突破也展示了轮南奥陶系主风化壳区外围台地边缘区带存在广阔的勘探前景;以哈得4亿吨级油田为代表的上泥盆统—下石炭统东河砂岩滨岸穿时砂体层序地层格架及其分布模式的建立,拓宽了东河砂岩岩性圈闭及岩性—构造复合圈闭油气藏的勘探领域;以英南2气田为代表的侏罗系低孔低渗砂岩储层—含水网状粘土胶结砂岩因水锁效应成为气藏直接盖层的特殊储盖组合的发现,拓宽了天然气勘探领域;以克拉2特大型气田为代表的高压气藏储盖组合(干旱气候下形成的下白垩统巴什基奇克组辫状河三角洲及扇三角洲巨厚砂岩储层—早第三纪海湾—蒸发泻湖环境沉积的巨厚膏盐泥岩优质盖层),在库车及塔西南等地区普遍分布,具有广阔的勘探前景。Abstract: Along with deepening of oil-gas exploration in Tarim basin in recent years, many progresses have been obtained in sedimentological research of several chief target strata: ① as the recognition progress of formation mechanism to the Ordovician heterogeneous carbonate paleo-karst reservoir and establishment of its seismic identification technology in Lun'nan-Tahe oil field with more than hundred million tons reserve, the exploration success ratio has been enhanced greaty . Recent breakthrough of oil-gas exploration also indicates that there exists wider exploration foreground in platform margin belt out of main Ordovician karst region in Lun'nan area; ② due to establishment of sequence stratigraphy framework and distribution model of the Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous Donghe Fm. unsynchronous shore sandstone in Hade 4 oil field, it has broadened to prospect for reservoirs of stratigraphic traps and stratigraphy-structure compound traps in Donghe Sandstone; as the discovery of special reservoir-cap rocks combination in which low porosity permeability sandstone as reservoir rocks and reticulation clay cementated sandstone as gas cap rocks because of water-locking effect in Jurassic of Yin'nan 2 gas field, the gas prospect domain has been broadened; the high-pressure gas reservoir-cap rocks combinations as in Kela 2 large gas field, in which Lower Cretaceous Basijiqike Fm. thick sandstones formed in braided river delta alluvial fan delta under arid climate as the reservoir rocks and the Paleogene thick gypsum-salt mudstones formed in evaporite bay lagoon as good cap rocks, are widespread distributed in Kuche depression and southwestern Tarim basin. So there is a great potential for exploration.
Key words:
- Ordovician /
- Donghe sandstone /
- Jurassic /
- Cretaceous /
- reservoir /
- cap combination /
- paleo-karst /
- se- quence stratigraphy
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