The Chemical Kinetic Model of Oil Cracking to Gas under High Pressure in Tarim Basin and Its Significance
摘要: 针对塔里木盆地油藏保存深度明显大于其它沉积盆地的实际情况,本文设计进行了可以模拟塔里木盆地高压条件的油裂解成气实验.不同压力条件下的实验产物特征和产率表明,压力的确对油裂解成气过程有明显影响.由带压条件下的实验数据所建立和标定的化学动力学模型显示,轻质油较正常油成气的活化能高.与由非高压条件下油裂解成气实验所得化学动力学参数相比,高压条件下油裂解成气的加权平均活化能明显偏高.从而定量证明了高压对油裂解成气进程的抑制作用及含杂原子较少的轻质油更难裂解成气的实质。Abstract: To aimdirectly at the practical situation that the oil in Tarim basin can be preserved at depth much greater than in other ones,the experiments of oil cracking in to gas under pressure as high as in Tarimbasin are designed and carried out in this paper. The characteristics and yield of products f or med by the pyrolysis experiments With different pressure indicate that the pressure do have manifest influence on the processes of oil to gas. The chemical kinetic models that are constructed and calibrated by the experimental data With high pressure suggest that the activation energy of light oil to gas is relatively higher than that of the normal oil. The Weight average activation energies of oil cracking to gas under the high- pressure experiments are much higher than that of relative low- pressure experiments. Therefore,repression of high pressure f or decomposition of oil to gas has been testified Cuantitatively and the essence that the light oil contain ed less heteroatoms is more difficult to be degraded to gas has been explained.
Key words:
- oil cracking to gas /
- chemical kinetics /
- high pressure
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