Holocene Sedimentary Environments and Sea Level Change Based on Qingfeng Section, Jianhu, Jiangsu, China
摘要: 应用有孔虫、介形虫、软体动物和现代沉积环境等方面的研究成果,对江苏建湖庆丰剖面所显示的全新世沉积环境和海面变化进行讨论。认为在露头上大量原地埋藏的软体动物壳体指示环境的作用比有孔虫埋藏群更有意义。庆丰剖面所揭示的情况是 6 0 0 0~ 12 70aBP该地区一直处于潮间带—河口湾环境。 6 0 0 0aBP以前海面是上升的,6 0 0 0aBP达到了与现今海面相当的位置,其后海面是稳定的,看不出海面波动现象。Abstract: The Holocene strata at Qingfeng section, Jianhu County, Jiangsu Province are 405 cm thick. Most parts of the sediments were thought to be formed in lagoon or bay environments and the bed 6 in coastal low land (4 000~ 2 300 aBP ). A very accurate Holocene sea level change curve with many fluctuations and 2~3 m higher in 6 500~4 000 aBP and 1.5 m lower sea level in 4 000~2 300 aBP than that of the present was drawn by ZHAO Xitao et al. The author put forward different viewpoints on environments and sea levels showed by Qingfeng Section. Bed 1 and the lower part of bed 2 were formed in fresh water marsh environment; the upper part of bed 2 and beds 3, 4 and 5 were formed in intertidal zone. The sediments of bed 6 are products during river flood in estuary. The bed 7 is composed of upper estuary sediments. The sea level since 6 000 aBP should be stable. The very accurate sea level change by foraminiferal thanotocoenose drawn by ZHAO Xitao et al is without the oretical basis and the conclusions on sea level change are unbelievable.
Key words:
- Qingfeng section /
- Holocene /
- sedimentary environment /
- foraminifera /
- sea level change
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