Paleoclimatic Significance of Grain-size Composition of Neogene Red Earth at Xunyi, Shaanxi Province
摘要: 陕西旬邑下墙新近系红土的粒度组成中,粗颗粒含量在剖面中的变化不大,<2 μm粘土粒含量有较大幅度的波动。结合其他因素分析推断,可能与当时青藏高原已升至有意义高度,冬、夏季风已初步形成,但都较弱,其中夏季风相对强一些,气候以暖湿为主,在暖湿的背景上,还存在凉干与暖湿的交替。在新近系距今 5.2Ma前后,可能有一次较明显的降温与变干。粒度曲线变化最显著的是由新近纪进入第四纪后,曲线上粗颗粒含量明显增加,<2 μ粘土粒含量明显减少,曲线由高频低幅突然变为低频高幅。这很可能主要与青藏高原在第四纪初发生剧烈隆升有关。Abstract: An approximately continuous section of Late Cenozoic earthy deposits, developed at Xiaqiang Village, Xunyi County, Shaanxi Province, is 230 m in thickness and consists of the complete Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence and its underlying Neogene red earth beds. The loess-paleosol deposits of Quaternary as the aolian genesis has been accepted broadly by geologists. The red earth of Neogene has also been considered to have the same origin as that of loess in recent years. Therefore, the characteristics of the grain-size analysis of the red earth, similar to that of loess, could be used as a substitute index for the paleoclimate study. The climatic evolution of Neogene is discussed in this paper by studying on the grain-size analysis. We choose four groups of grain size data: the mean, 30μm, 63μm and 2μm, which are shown in four curves. Then, we could see (Fig. 2) that these four grain-size curves are all relatively stable and show the features of high-frequency and low-amptitude. Each of these four curves of Neogene red beds can be subdivided into four parts ranging from the bottom up to the top. The first part composed of the 20th bed group has high content of mean, 30μm and 63μm, but low content of 2μm. The second part formed by the bed groups of 19~18th is between the first and third parts, whose content of the mean, 30μm and 63μm is gradually decreasing all the way till the bottom of the third part, while that of the 2μm is increasing till to the highest of the third one. The third part, composed of 17~15th bed groups, has high content of 2μm and low content of mean, 30μm and 63μm; The forth part consisting 14~13th bed groups is relatively stable without obvious undulation, although the content of the mean, 30μm and 63μm is slightly higher, while the 2μm slightly lower than those of the third one. These differences of four parts can also be seen in Fig. 3 the age/depth relations of the different sedimentary ratio of each part. Each curve of Neogene, especially that of 2μm, can further be subdivided into four million-grade cycles, each of these cycles containing many smaller cycles of ten thousand grade. The sharp changes of the curves near the top reveal the different features of grain-size composition of Quaternary from those of Neogene. The curves of coarse particle of Neogene show little changes, which probably means the small uplift of Qin-Tibet Plateau. Winter and also summer monsoon had been primarily formed though rather weak. The average content of 2μm particles is remarkably higher in Neogene red beds than that in Quaternary loess-paleosol, but with a certain fluctuation, suggesting that the Neogene climate was mainly moist and warm and that the strength of summer monsoon had a slight greater change. The grain-size curve of 2μm particles can be divided into four stages. Stage 3, consisting of 17~15th bed-groups, shows the strongest summer monsoon, being the warmest and wettest. However, stages 4, 1 and 2 indicate that the summer monsoon of these stages is relatively weaker than that of stage 3. In other words, the feature of the Late Neogene climate of lLoess Plateau was generally warm and moist. With this background climate there were alterations of warm-wet and cool-dry climate. A distinct change in the curve can be seen since Quaternary, which is indicated by the increase of coarse particles and decrease of 2μm particles. And the curve changed from high-frequency, low-amptitude pattern of Neogene to that of low-frequency, high-amptitude. This obvious change is mainly related to the strong uplift of Qin-Tibet Plateau since Quaternary and also to the formation and expansion of Antarctic ice sheet. The grain-size curves are in agreement with susceptibility curve and strata analysis.
Key words:
- Shaanxi Xunyi /
- grain-size composition /
- paleoclimate
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