Pollen Record and Its Palaeoclimatic Significance Between 800-150Ka. B. P. from RH-core in Zoige Basin in Qinghai-Xizang ( Tibet ) Plateau
摘要: 若尔盖RH孔孢粉记录反映的气候变化与深海氧同位素记录、黄土记录以及本孔有机碳含量、氢指数变化显示的气候变化趋势具有良好的相关性。在826~150Ka.B.P.间,本区经历了两个较大的寒冷阶段,即倒数第三次冰期(710~529Ka.B.P.)、倒数第二次冰期(298~128Ka.B.P.),和一个大温暖阶段,即大间冰期(480~298Ka.B.P.)。在这个三个大阶段中,还夹有多次冷暖干湿波动,它们反映了气候的不稳定性和本区对气候变化的敏感性。
- 若尔盖 /
- 800~150Ka.B.P /
- 孢粉记录 /
- 古气候
Abstract: The climate change between 800^-150Ka B. P. reflected by pollen record from RH-core in Zoige Basin,located in the northeastern part of Qinghai-Xizang ( Tibet)Plateau, is in close relationship with that showed by oxygen isotope record of deep sea,loess records in central China,and organic carbon content and hydrogen index records in this core. According to the concentration,amounts and types of pollen and spores, the pollen assemblage of RH-core can be divided into 19 zones, which indicates the unstability of climate and shows the sensitivity to climatic changes in the region. According to the pollen record,there were two bigger colder stages ( glaciation)and one warmer stage (interglaciation) between 800-150Ka. B. P. in this region. Earlier glaciation, i. e.,the third glaciation from the last took place about 710^-529Ka B. P. corresponding to MIS-18 to 16,later one ( i. e. the Penulitimate glaciation ) occured about 298~128Ka B. P.,corresponding to M1S-8 to 6. During the glaciations, the pollen concentration was very lower,there are fewer.4Ttemisia presented. A big warmer stage (big interglaction) took place about 480^-298Ka B. P.,and the contents of pollen were mainly Abees, PiQea,Be}la,Craminene Cyperacese and Arte>nisia,which reflects warm and little dry climate. In these stages,there were geomorphological and lithological changes stongly on the earth surface. The pollen record RH-core shows that the climatic changes since 800Ka B. P. are frequent in Zoige Basin,and the ranges are bigger,but in general,the cold are dominated. Meanwhile, the frequent fluctuation of pollen assemblage reflects that the ecosystem of the regiion is weaker,when suffering from environmental forcing it will be changed soon. -
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