The .Study of Diagenetic Carbonate in Siliciclastic Rock and It's Control on the Reservoir
摘要: 次生孔隙形成的机制是地球化学家和岩石学家感兴趣的问题之一。硅质碎屑岩中的成岩碳酸盐胶结是世界各大油田极普遍的现象。这是因为这种碳酸盐与碎属矿物的水化作用和有机质将进入成熟期的脱羧基作用有关。脱水化作用所放出的Ca2+、Mg2+和Fe2+离子与脱羧基作用产生的CO2水溶液结合形成的碳酸盐胶结破坏储层。它与压实、压溶作用破坏储层是不同的。由于它充填于孔隙中,而整个岩石体积未减少,这为后来有机质转变为有机酸离析H+和继续脱羧作用放出CO2水溶液进行溶解产生次生溶孔提供了物质基础。总的来说,成岩碳酸盐对研究油气的生成、运移和富集都有着实际的意义。Abstract: Siace the diagenetic carbonate is siliciclastic rocks was rather common in world range. The relationship between the diagenetic carbonate and organic matter decarboxy group is very closely,Since the relationship between formation of its secondary pore and organic resolve H+ also is very closely. Its s important that diagenetic carbonate controled the reservoirs of oil and gas.The cemention of carbonate make primary pore completely filled up. The cemention of carbonate is not the same as compaction,press一solution. As the cempaction,press一solution as well as cemention of carbonate is the damage factors of the reservoir,but it's volume is reduced snout 1/2,however cemention of carbonate is also the damage of the reservoir under volcum is not changed. Therefore underwent solution later. It' s possible that formation of many secondary pore, it is improved character. Therefore, cemention of carbonate prived matters basis formated secondary pore later. At a time,organic matter can formated organic acid,with,underwent resolved into H+,with not only can made carbonate of cemention to formated secondary soluton pore, but it also can made clastic feldspar,and lithoclast of deposition to formated seconddary soluted pore,largely changed character of the reservoir. As large decarboxylation and resolved forated priori to organic mature.Therefore the corrlation of migration,accumulation of the oil and gas later and formated prior to cemention of carbonate,secondary pore. On the one hand it can provides good thoroughfare after migration of oil and gas. On the other hand,it also can provides condition of seal (cemenion of carbonate ) in terms of worked for FS Depression,Auther good proved that some researched above bear fruit. Finally,author provided that if decarboxylation is leading, after organic matter tranfered into organic acid. Then Ca 2+, Mg2+ and Fe2+ ion in clastic rock pore flow was more than liquid with,CO2, which underwent decarboxylation of }ganic acid,or qual. Then it can formated cemention of carbonaze,primary pore was choked up. If above assume is quite the, contrary. First of allformated the,cemention of carbonate,then surplus liquid with CO2 can nnis solution of the carbonte to formated many secondary pore(formated diagjnetic trap) If resole H+of organic acid is leading.Then it can make carbonate and cemention of carbonate soluton and solution of clastic minerals to formated many secondary pore.
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