A Studies on Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Records and Acuomulation Rates in Core 8KL of the South China Sea from Oxygen Isotope Stage 6
摘要: 通过对南中国海重力活塞岩芯8KL的4个浮游有孔虫种和2个底栖有孔虫的δ18O和δ13C则定,发现浮游和底栖有孔虫种的氧同位素记录可清晰地划分出186Ka以来的氧同位素的1—6期。浮游有孔虫的碳同位素记录了氧同位素1/2和5/6期界限处两个明显变轻的事件。反映了由冰期向间冰期过渡时存在着显著的中层水和底层水上涌现象。根据浮游有孔虫种的氧同位素组成判断,各浮游有孔虫种的生存深度由浅至深依次为,Globiderinoidesruber(pink),G·ruber和G.sacculifer。氧同位素地层学研究表明,南中国海冰期时的沉积速率和沉积通量要明显大于间冰期。Abstract: The data of δ18O and δ13C were measured fromplanktoric forarninifera for 4 species and benthic foraminifen for 2 species in piston core 8KL of the South China Sea(S. C. S.).The oxygen isotope records of planktoric and benthic foraminifen can be recognized stage 1~6 distinctly. A research on biostratigraphy of the planktonic forams indicated that the last appearance datum(LAD)of Globigerinoides ruber(pink) occured at oxygen isotope stage 5. 5(≈120ka). The curvres of planktonic carbon isotope composition clearly recorded two lightest events at 128ka (stage 5/6) and 12ka(stage 1/2),especially for 128ka. This phenomenon was discoverd in different cores such as SCS 15A and 15B in the southern part of S. C. S.,37KL in the northern part of S. C. S. and V 19一30 in the East Pacific Ocean as well as the cores in Mexico Gulf. Therefore,the two events might be existed in the whole ocean. Due to the lighter δ13C value was recorded in deeper planktomic furams, so it can be infered that the two lightest events refleeted on existence of welling watermasses from intermediate and bottom waters in transitional duration from glaciation interglaciation. In terms of the oxygen siotope records from planktonic forams, the dewelling water depth of planktonic foraminifera species from shallower to deeper was G. Tuber (pink ),G. Tuber and G. sacculifer in turn. Based on oxygen isotope geostratigraphic scale,the sedimentary rates and fluxes were calculated for each stage. The results show that the sedimental rates and fluxes are 2. 7cm/ka and 17. 6g/m2·yr for stage 1;1. 9cm/ka and 16. Og/m2·yr for stage 5;6. 7cm/ka and 57. 3g/m2·yr for stage 6,7. 2cm/ka and 59. Og/m2·yr for the last glaciation (stage 2,3,9).All in all,the sedimentary rates and fluxes in glacial times were much greater than that in interglacial ages.
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