Distribution Features of Alkanes in TSP of Taiyuan City and Its Environmental Significanee
摘要: 对太原市大气颗粒物中正构烷烃进行了GC-MS和GC-C-MS分析和研究。结果表明,太原市大气颗粒物中正构烷烃的分布特征在冬夏两季有明显的差异,但是同一季节不同的功能区差异不明显,而其正构烷烃的单分子系列碳同位素组成有明显的差异性,即:太钢工业区为-22.6‰,桃园四巷商业居民区为-27.9‰,化肥厂化工区为-32.98‰。分布特征表明其主要来源于人为的化石燃料燃烧产物,夏季有极少部分是来源于细菌和高等植物等现代生物有机质。就各功能区来说,太钢工业区富集重的碳同位素,污染物主要来源于煤的不完全燃烧,而化肥厂附近主要污染物来源于化工产品的扩散,且扩散能力较强,富集了轻的碳同位素。Abstract: An analysis is made about alkanes in TSP in Taiyuan city by GC-MS and GCC-MS.The result shows the following distribution features of ulkanes in TSP:There is an app+rent difference Letween winter and summer,i. e. distribution feature in winter takes the form of single-peak-group normal distribution,from lower carbon numbers to higher carbon numbers,high peak zone in the middle and lower peak zones of two ends.The maximum carbon number is C23. Starting from C26,odd-number carbon superiority is not apparnet. During the non-heating period the feature of alkane distribution:a normal distribution peak group from lower cabron numbers to higher carbon numbers to higher carbon numbers,i.e.C24-C21;from C21-C22,another normal distribtution peak group takes the from of twin-peak group distribution,having maximum carbon number at the highest peak C29. After C26 odd-number superiority is relatively apparent. There is sharp difference between different functional zones constituted by an alkanse series carbon isutapes,i. e. industrial area of Taiyuan steel-22.6‰,commercial residential area of Taiuan No. 4 lane-27.9‰,chemical industrial area of chemical fertilizer plant-32.98‰.The above distribution feature is closely related to the source of pollutants. The pollutants in the heating period mainly come from fossil fuels,dust and the products from combustion. The situation is mainly due to coal for winter heating,coal for industrial production consumption and coal mine production. Besides, Taiyuan city's affection by winter's reverse temperature is comparatively big. The air stability is big. The air exchange between the down town and the outskirts and the boundary villages is difficult. Besides,the germs in winter are not so active and a few of the current organic matters such as high-class plants, etc. enter atmosphere. The source of organic pollutants taken from the samples in summer ; except for mainly from fossil fuels,few from germs and current organic matter,e. g. High-class plants,the main reason is that in summer reverse temperature phenomea relatively small and the air stability gets smaller. It is easy for the air in outskirts and villages to disperse towards the city to make the curret organic matters such as high-class plants,etc. Be transported to down town and to make the different functional areas of alkanes distribution have less difference. Ralatively speaking,the organic pollution in Taiyuan city on the whole is severely influenced by the residues coming from combusted fossil fuels,it is only in summer that a few natural pollution sources exist. Concretely speaking, in different functional area : The industrial area of Taiyuan steel is mainly polluted by coal. the pollution constituents in the residential area in Taiyuan No. 4 lane is complex,i. e.products from combusted coal automobile tail-gas exhaustion and flying dust drained from daily life. The pollutants in the chemical industrial area of No. 1 power plant mainly come from chemical pollution,coal combustion and current high-class organic matters in the outskirts.
Key words:
- TSP alkane /
- source of pollutant /
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