摘要: 盆地分析是著名的沉积学家P.E.波特(Potter)与F.J.裴蒂庄(Pettijohn)等在前人研究基础上将沉积盆地研究的原理和方法系统化而发展起来的一门沉积学分支学科[6]。这一学科的近代发展趋势则不局限于对盆地内沉积充填的研究,而是与构造研究愈来愈紧密地结合。其基本思想是将沉积盆地作为一个整体,全面分析盆地的地层格架和构造格架、沉积环境以及煤和石油等沉积矿产的分布规律[3][4]。在研究中注意各项地质特征的演化,并通过分析和类比建立各种类型盆地的沉积模式,为矿产资源预测和评价提供依据。盆地分析如同地质学的大多数领域一样,首先是以充分的野外地质观察为基础,并在进一步综合分析的基础上用一整套图件综合反映研究成果,如地层厚度图、岩相图、沉积断面图、沉积物分散类型和古流向图等。Abstract: Taking Huolinhe Basin as an example, this paper has discussed, according to the criteria required by basin analysis in sedimentation, tectonics and coal formation, the principles emoloyed in compiling paleoenvironmental map of coal measures of terrestrial facies, the choosing of map unit, classification of sedimentary environment, methodology of map compilation and the application and interpretation of the results. The unit for the paleoenvironmental map is equivalent to a bed deposited during a short time and can be distinguished from the overlying and underlying sedimentary beds by its composition, characteristics and genesis. Included in this paper are 18 paleoenvironmental maps of coal seams and their basal sandstone in the lower coal measures (200-600m in thickness) of Late Mesozoic Huoliuhe Group which consist of 5 coal sets and 9 main coal seams (equal to 9 coal-bearing cycles). The bases for the compilation of these maps are as follows;!) Different sedimentary environments have different macrocosmic environmental features including lithotype (lithof acies),vertical sequence,shape of the sedimentary rock bodies and lithogenetic index.2) Vertical variation of lithofacies results from horizontal shifs of neighboring sedimentary environments in accordance Walther Law. 3) Determination of the genesis of sandstone and/or conglomerate with bodies as a depositional fremework of a basin is the key to the analysis of other sedimentary environments. In compiling paleoenvironmental maps quite a few engineering control points are needed to distribute evenly in the basin. The general procedures for the compilation are: 1) Compilation of sedimentary section maps at certain intervals. 2 ) Analysis bof these maps and determination of map unit. 3) Compilation of lithotype distri-ution maps about successive beds. 4 ) Compilation of paleoenvironmental maps using the distribution maps as base maps and by comprehensive analysis of each bed's paleoenvironment. Determined in Huolinhe Basin are 8 different paleoenvironments the most important of which are shallow lacustrine, alluvial fan and swamp paleoenvironments. The others are lacustrine delta, river, fan delta and deep lacustrine paleoenvironments. The comprehensive analysis of the paleoenvironmental maps shows 1 ) Lithotype distributes and varies regularly during the formation of the lower coal measures.2) There is a distinct spacial zonation of sedimentary facies in the basin and 3 sedimentary facies zones change periodically in width as time goes by. 3) Generally speaking, the area and intensity of coal formation vary vertically from small (weak) to large (strong) and then vice versa. 4)Judging from the changing width of the alluvial fan norihwest of the basin, it can be co ncluded t hat at least 9 relatively intense periodic tectonic movements occurred in the basin in the formation of the lower coal measures.
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(4)Conybeare C.E.B.,1979:Lithostratigraphic analysis of sedimentary basins,New York.
(5)Mckee E. D.et.al.,1975:Paleotectonic in vestigations of the Pennsylvanian System in the United State, Geological Survey Profess ion al Paper 853.
(6)Potter P. E.,Petti john F.J.,1977:Paleocurrents and basin analysis, New Y-ork, Zed.
(7)W anless H.R.,Wright C.R.,1978:Paleoenvironmental maps of Pennsylvanian rocks, Illinois basin and northern midcontinent region,the geological society of America, MC-23.
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(9)Ритенберг М.И. : 1960, Фацпя н цнклность юрских Углепосных отложсций Майкюбенского бассейна. т.тр.лаб.геол. Угля Ⅷ АН СССР. -

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