Stratigraphic Sequence Correlation Based onWavelet Transform of Well-logging Data: Taking the coal 2 bearing strata of Permo-carboniferous system in Luxi and J iyangArea as an example
摘要: 测井数据蕴藏着非常丰富的地质信息,是迄今为止能够获得的分辨率最高、连续性最好的地质数据之一。测井信号的时频分析将一维的测井信号变换到二维的时频域,进而使其内部的能量聚集与分布得以清晰展示,利用测井信号沿时间方向上的差异性可以获取地层的旋回性等地质信息。通过连续小波变换对测井信号进行高质量的时频分析,运用小波变换的多尺度、多分辨率的特性进行层序、准层序的划分。同时通过小波时频分析寻找不同类型的体系域与小波时频特征之间的对应关系,分析层序内部的沉积特征及内部精细结构,建立了海侵体系域、高水位体系域和海退体系域的小波变换能谱地质模型,方便、快捷的实现了体系域的划分。最后在测井信号小波变换的基础上对鲁西和济阳凹陷的含煤地层进行了层序对比和分析,基本建立了山东地区晚古生代主要含煤地层的层序地层格架。Abstract: The well logging data contains plenty of geological information and is one of geological data obtained by now with the highest resolution and best continuity. The time-frequency analysis transforms the one-dimension well signals into the two-dimension domain of time-frequency, which makes the collection and distribution of its inner energy clearly revealed. Then the geological information such as the cycle of stratigraphy can be obtained utilizing the otherness of logging signals in the axis of time. According to continuouswavelet transform, the high quality time-frequency analysis is performed. With the characteristics of wavelet transform such as multi-scale, multi-resolution the sequence and parasequence are clarified. Synchronously with wavelet analysis searching the corresponding relation between various system tracts and the features of time-frequency, analyzing the sedimentary features of sequence and inner elaborate structure, the geological models of wavelet transform spectrum about TST, HST and RST are built up,which can realize the clarification of system tracts quickly and conveniently. At last, based on the wavelet transform of logging signals, the stratigraphic sequence correlation and analysis of the coalbearing strata of Permo-Carboniferous in Luxi and J iyang area have been done. The stratigraphic sequence framework of main coal-bearing strata formed in Neopaleozoic in Shandong area is established
Key words:
- logging data /
- wavelet transform /
- spectrum analysis /
- system tract /
- stratigraphic sequence correlation
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