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The Isotope Geochemistry of N2 in Natural Gas Pools

The Isotope Geochemistry of N2 in Natural Gas Pools[J]. 沉积学报, 1999, 17(2): 318-324.
引用本文: The Isotope Geochemistry of N2 in Natural Gas Pools[J]. 沉积学报, 1999, 17(2): 318-324.

The Isotope Geochemistry of N2 in Natural Gas Pools

  • 中图分类号: P597.2

  • 摘要: The isotopic compositions of N2 (δ 15N,‰,ATM) imply the geochemical origins of molecular nitrogen in gas pools . N2 with -19‰≤δ15NN2≤-10‰ may be from immature sedimentar y organic matter.-10‰<δ15NN2≤-2‰ may indicate the N2 origina tes from mature (including high mature) sedimentary organic matter.-2‰<δ15 NN2<+1‰ implies the N2 may be from the deep crust or mantle. N2 with δ15NN2=0‰ and N2/Ar=38~84 suggests to come from the atm osphere.-1‰≤δ15NN2<+4‰ characterizes N2 from ammonium clay m inerals in shale and mudrock during metamorphism.δ15NN2=+4‰ is t he typical feature of N2 from saltpeter in evaporite.+4‰<δ15NN2 ≤+18‰ indicates N2 may derive from post-mature sedimentary organic matter, which is the main source of N2-high gas (N2>60%) pools.N2-high gas pools,which occurs in a large scale in peroliferous basin, suggests that it is mainly the post-mature gas trapped in the reservoir. N2 with δ15NN2 varying from -10‰ to -2‰ is the main source of N2-rich gas (N2>15%) pool s,and with δ15NN2 varying from +1‰ to +4‰ may form either the N 2-high or the N2-rich gas pools.
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  • 收稿日期:  1999-03-09
  • 刊出日期:  1999-06-10


    The Isotope Geochemistry of N2 in Natural Gas Pools

    • 中图分类号: P597.2

    摘要: The isotopic compositions of N2 (δ 15N,‰,ATM) imply the geochemical origins of molecular nitrogen in gas pools . N2 with -19‰≤δ15NN2≤-10‰ may be from immature sedimentar y organic matter.-10‰<δ15NN2≤-2‰ may indicate the N2 origina tes from mature (including high mature) sedimentary organic matter.-2‰<δ15 NN2<+1‰ implies the N2 may be from the deep crust or mantle. N2 with δ15NN2=0‰ and N2/Ar=38~84 suggests to come from the atm osphere.-1‰≤δ15NN2<+4‰ characterizes N2 from ammonium clay m inerals in shale and mudrock during metamorphism.δ15NN2=+4‰ is t he typical feature of N2 from saltpeter in evaporite.+4‰<δ15NN2 ≤+18‰ indicates N2 may derive from post-mature sedimentary organic matter, which is the main source of N2-high gas (N2>60%) pools.N2-high gas pools,which occurs in a large scale in peroliferous basin, suggests that it is mainly the post-mature gas trapped in the reservoir. N2 with δ15NN2 varying from -10‰ to -2‰ is the main source of N2-rich gas (N2>15%) pool s,and with δ15NN2 varying from +1‰ to +4‰ may form either the N 2-high or the N2-rich gas pools.

    English Abstract

    The Isotope Geochemistry of N2 in Natural Gas Pools[J]. 沉积学报, 1999, 17(2): 318-324.
    引用本文: The Isotope Geochemistry of N2 in Natural Gas Pools[J]. 沉积学报, 1999, 17(2): 318-324.
    参考文献 (32)


