Geochemistry of Rare - Earth Elements of Coal in Huainan Mining Area
摘要: 采用INAA测试了淮南矿区 13个煤层煤样的稀土元素含量,研究了稀土元素地球化学特征,得出以下认识 :各煤层样品的稀土元素含量、分布模式变化都很大。煤中稀土元素主要来源于陆源碎屑,来源于海水和植物的不多;稀土元素在粘土矿物中含量高,主要以高岭石的形式赋存。稀土元素具有指相意义,随着成煤沼泽中海水影响的减弱,陆源影响的增强,煤中稀土元素的含量增加;煤的稀土元素分布模式也作有规律的变化,从类似于海相生物的分布模式到类似于陆源碎屑岩的分布模式。Eu异常是由源岩继承下来的,Eu负异常的减弱,估计是由于陆源控制减弱、海水影响增强引起的。在成煤沼泽环境中,海水的影响并未造成Ce严重亏损。Abstract: An INAA (Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis)method is used to determine the contents of rare-earth elements of 13 coal samples in Huainan Mining Area, and the geochemistry of REE is discussed.Some conclusions are drawn as follows:The REE contents and REE distribution patterns vary significantly among different coal samples.The REE in coals is mainly continental origin,while seawater origin and plant origin are few.The REE in coals is concentrated in clay minerals,and the main occurrence is in kaolinite.The characteristics of REE have significance to indicate sedimentary environments.With the decreasing influence of seawater and the enhanced influenc of continental origin to swamps,the contents of REE in coal increase,and the REE distribution patterns change regularly.Eu anomaly is inherited by the source rock.The decrease of negative Eu anomaly is probably caused by the weakenss of continental origin and the enhancement of seawater's influence.In peat swamp environment,no effective influence is found to lose Ce by the invasion of seawater.
Key words:
- Rare-Earth Elements(REE) /
- geochemistry /
- coal /
- Huainan Mining Area
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