摘要: 一、区域地质概况 川东及邻近地区早侏罗世铁岩(即綦江式铁矿)及其赋存的綦江段地层,分布在四川东南部及黔北、鄂西一带。共分两片:重庆、永川、綦江、遵义片称西区,区内綦江段发育齐全,工业矿床多,研究程度亦高;石柱、利川片称东区,綦江段发育较差,研究程度亦低(图1)。Abstract: The ironstone is gray, dark purple micriti, intraclast siderite with an interla-yer of purple intraclast hematite of 1-5.5m thick. It is found on the quartzose sandstone and coal bed of river and lake-shore facies in lower Jurassic, it is 2-10m thick. Its roof is lacustrine sandstone and shale, being 2-15m thick.This stratigra-phic section is called Qijiang segment, it is distributed at Chongqing, Qijiang, Shizhu and Lichuan, etc. The industrial deposit is accumulated in the south and north of Qijiang ( Figure 1,3). Without exception the ironstones are all accumulated over the peat-swamp deposits that include coal-bed and carbonaceous shale ( Figures,6 ) . Terefore, there is no ironstone accumulated over the sediments of river-lake-shore and argillaceous swamp of the adjoining area. The underlying strata of Qijiang segment are late Triassic yellow medium-fine grained feldspathic quartzite sandstone with an interlayer of little claystone and coalbed, its thickness is between 200 and 600m. During ironstone deposition, the old-land of Proterozoic metamorphic rock was exposed in the southeast area, the half-deep water lake occured in the north area and between these two areas there was river-lake-shore plain on which were distributed some peat-swamps. After the peat was formed, the cover water of these swamps was slightly deepened. As the water medium was reduced by base peat,Eh of the pore water in the lower peat-bed was Omv± and it rose to 400-600mv on the upper limnetic water,thus forming the vertical-divided zone of oxidation-reduction of limnetic water. When pH ( or pH value ) of the peat-limnetic water generally 5 to 6, the oxidation-reduction boundary of the ferri-oxide-ferri-carbonate was between 150 and 280mv (figure 8 ). The ferri-rock of old-landformed Fe(HCO3)2 with greater solubility under the action of organism. Fe ( HCO3 ) 2 came into half-solid sediments of late Trias and was transported toward north in phreatic form. The ferri-ground water in fused peat limnetic. The difficultly solvable Fe(OH)3 was formed and deposited in micriinite by oxidization of oxygen and ferri-germ when Fe2+reached above the ferri oxidation-reduction boundary. Then siderite-micrite ironstone was formed by the reduct-replacement of limnetic base medium. With the thickening of accumulation of ferri sediments, the reductive ability of base medium was weakened and therefore, hematite micrite ironstone was formed. The intrusion of river water or the wave action produced intraclast-ironstone. The roof and floor of some ironstone are generally accompanied by redox-rock both at home and abroad and it seems that the mechanism of formation is the same. This paper shows the prospect direction of this kind of iron ore and presents some new ideas about the origin of ironstone.
[1] (1)韩德馨、杨起,1980,中国煤田地质学下册,煤炭工业出版社,252-2600
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(5)F.M.斯温,1979,陆相有机地球化学,科学出版社,34-39, 50-77, 85-97, 1550
(6)刘室裙主编,1980,沉积岩石学,地质出版社,68-71, 241-2460
(7)JH.r.霍洛得尼,1957,铁细菌,科学出版社,144-155, 159-1710
(8)CMUpнoa B.И.1978, Pyдннe MecTopoжденця CCCP изд《HEДPA》Mocквa,TOM 1. C 9 -17, 27-31, 79-91ИC.10-18, 23-29, 82-939. -

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