Study on Comparison Sedimentary Geochemistry of Mud Area on East China Sea Continental Shelf
摘要: 利用东海陆架泥质沉积区和周围砂质沉积区的表层沉积物元素含量和海水悬浮沉积物总量分析资料,对泥质区的沉积地球化学进行了比较研究。结果表明东海不同泥质区的沉积地球化学过程很不相同。浙江近岸泥质区沉积物元素以Fe、Mn、Zn的含量高,Na、Sr、Al、Ca的含量低为特征,其地球化学特征与长江沉积物非常一致。近岸泥质区的沉积物基本来源于长江输入海的沉积物,在台湾暖流的作用下沉积在浙江沿岸。远岸济州岛西南泥质区沉积物以Na、Sr的高含量,较高的Al、Ca含量和低的Fe、Mn、Zn含量为特征,其地球化学特征与黄河源沉积物有好的相关性,但有一定的混合源性质,该泥质区的沉积物主要来源于黄河源的细颗粒沉积物,由黄海沿岸流搬运到该区并沉积下来。沉积物在搬运沉积过程中,元素粒度分异作用明显。东海陆架泥质区沉积地球化学过程的控制性影响因子是东海环流系统和物源,其中台湾暖流对东海陆架远岸和近岸泥质区的沉积地球化学分区具有关键作用。Abstract: The comparison of sedimentary geochemistry for mud areas on the East China Sea continental shelf (ECSCS) was carried out based on the contents of elements of surface sediments and concentrations of total suspended sediments (TSS) in the seawater from mud areas and their ambient sand areas. The results show that the processes of sedimentary geochemistry of different mud areas on ECSCS are very different. The surface sediments from the Zhejiang Coastal Mud Area (ZCMA) occupy high contents of Fe, Mn, Zn and low contents of Na, Sr, Al and Ca. The geoch emical characters of surface sediments from ZCMA have a very close correspondence to those of Changjiang (Yangtze River) sediments, indicating that almost all s ources of sediments in ZCMA are from modern Changjiang discharge sediments in ad dition to alittle bit biogenic sediments. The modern Changjiang sediments to th e sea are deposited in the Zhejiang Coast because of the obstruction of Taiwan W arm Current. Whereas, the surface sediments from the Southwestern Cheju Island M ud Area (SCIMA) are characterized with high contents of Na, Sr, relative highco ntents of Al, Ca and low contents of Fe, Mn, Zn. The geochemical characters of s urface sediments from SCIMA have a good relation to those of Huanghe (Yell ow River) source. But there are somewhat mixed characters including biogenic and other source sediments in SCIMA. It is indicated that the main source of sedime nts in SCIMA is from fine-grained sediments of Huanghe source. The Huanghe sourc e sediments are chiefly from the resuspended sediments in the old Huanghe estuar y located in the Northern Jiangsu province. Then, the Huanghai (Yellow Sea) Coas tal Current transports the fine-grained sediments from old Huanghe estuary to the SCIMA. Therefore, the controlling factors for the sedimentary geochemistry of different mud areas on ECSCS are the current system in the East China Sea and the source of sediments. Especially, the Taiwan Warm Current plays a key role to the sedimentary geochemistry division between ZCMA and SCIMA in the study area.
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