Study on Anastomosed River with Comparative Sedimentology
摘要: 根据比较沉积学原理,论述了现代网状河沉积的沉积过程、沉积韵律特征、平面形态及其环境背景,进而对古代相关沉积类型进行了比较研究,对网状河的形成机制进行探讨和总结,以指导地下同类沉积砂体的油气勘探和开发。Abstract: Based on the theory of comparative sedimentology, this paper gives the detailed description of both the modern anastomosed river (Qiqihaer Nenjiang s ection) and the corresponding ancient ones(Huanghua depression and Qaidam basin ). The paper presents the depositional processes,characteristics of sedimentary rhythm,geometry and heterogeneity of the modern anastomosed river with a ref erence material home and abroad, and generalizes the depesitiomal model. The river in Qiqihaer has the following features, that is, low slope gradient, small with/depth ratio, fast aggradation rate, the channel anastomosed, and conf ined lateral migration, and soon. The river can be divided into six sub-facies s uch as anastomosed channel, natural levee, crevasse splay, river beach, inter-r iver lake, and swamp. All provide the basis for the analysis of ancient correspo nding reservoir quality sand bodies. The ancient anastomosed river, influenced by post-depositional physical or che mical reaction such as diagenesis, presents relative difference compared with th e modern one, but both have similar sedimentary characteristics in morphology, e nvironments, sand body structure, rhythm, and so on. It is this similarity that provides the basis of comparative sedimentology and its application. The authors discuss the formation mechanism on the anastomosed river so as to put forward a general discipline as a direction for further study. The river's formation is controlled by various factors, the authors explore that it is relat ed to the low slope gradient, massive vegetation, flood development, and the u niform development. Sometimes the anastomosed river can be transformed from bra ided river. With the knowledge and comparative study on both the modern and ancient anastomo sing river, we can analyse geometry, continuity, and heterogeneity of undergroun d related sand bodies, which is very important in the course of exploration and development of petroleum.
Key words:
- comparative sedimentology /
- anastomosed river /
- depo sitional model /
- heterogeneity
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